WWE Shocks Fans with Unexpected Monday Night RAW Results – 5/22/2023

Heyman introduces “his client, the one, the only, the Beast Incarnate” Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar attacked Cody Rhodes at the WWE Night of Champions go-home edition of RAW. Paul Heyman introduced Lesnar at the ring and claimed he had nothing to do with the attack. Lesnar beat Rhodes around the backstage and smashed his arm, leaving him in pain. The two will face off at WWE Night of Champions. WWE Night of Champions will be a fight to remember and Brock Lesnar is sure to bring a fight. Paul Heyman interrupts and announces a three-way tag team match involving Imperium and The Usos for the RAW Tag Team Titles at Saturday’s Night of Champions. Paul Heyman announced a three-way tag match at Night of Champions for the RAW Tag Team Titles between Imperium, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn and The Usos. Paul Heyman Announces Night of Champions Tag Title Match, Night of Champions 2020 Match Card Saxton wonders if this could be the end of AEW and Cody. Pearce says no, they will press forward.

Matt Riddle and the WWE Tag Team Champions stand off against Imperium, Ricochet defeats Bronson Reed, and Cody Rhodes is potentially injured. Smackdown results from August 7th show Cody’s injury rumours, while Smackdown results from August 14th report Ricochet’s victory. Reed with a Uranage for a close 2 count. Ricochet fights back and avoids the Big Bang Theory. Ricochet nails the 630 for the pin to win.

Ricochet and Bronson Reed have an intense match, with Ricochet ultimately getting the win with a 630. Ricochet used his speed to evade and land strikes early on, while Reed retaliated with a huge splash and a cannonball to send Ricochet out to regroup. Ricochet managed to fight off Reed and land his 630 for the win. [Hyperlink 1: Professional Wrestling] [Hyperlink 2: Ricochet] Rhea says she’s tired of hearing about the Mysterio family, but she knows Dominik won’t back down. She says he can get his own match next week and they can settle this. Apollo says he was just leaving and walks off with Cathy. Rhea and Dominik stand tall as we go back to the ring.

Bronson Reed defeated Ricochet in the ring with a Tsunami Splash pin. After the match, Reed stood tall and taunted Ricochet while he recovered. Apollo Crews was then interrupted by Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley who announced they will settle their differences next week in a match. [Hyperlink 1: Bronson Reed, Hyperlink 2: Tsunami Splash] Rhea Ripley will take on Natalya at WWE Night of Champions this Saturday. Rhea Ripley thanks Dominik, then says Natalya has had a legendary career, but she got in her way, so this Saturday, she will make an example of Natalya and end her legendary career. [Hyperlink1]Apollo Crews and Dominik have a few words and Apollo can’t wait to see them try. Seth Rollins’ sitdown interview with Corey Graves continues, and Rollins says he loves Roman Reigns, but does not respect him. [Hyperlink2] Balor says they will take him out easily.

Seth Rollins says Reigns is too selfish with the title and he will become champion to make everyone forget about him. Rollins feels confident going into Night of Champions and explains why the event is different. Shinsuke Nakamura is confronted by Damian Priest and Finn Balor for disrespecting Priest.
The article discusses Seth Rollins’ thoughts about Roman Reigns’ title reign, and his confidence going into Night of Champions. It also shows footage of Shinsuke Nakamura being confronted by Damian Priest and Finn Balor for disrespecting Priest. Read the full article to find out more about Seth Rollins’ thoughts and what the confrontation between Shinsuke Nakamura, Damian Priest and Finn Balor was about. Learn more about Seth Rollins. Stark looks to finish LeRae off but she counters and rolls her up for the pin to win.

Zoey Stark and Candice LeRae faced off in the ring, with Stark attacking as soon as the bell hit. Stark dominated the match until Nikki Cross ran down to rally for LeRae. LeRae then mounted her offense and eventually rolled up Stark for the pin and the win. [hyperlink1](https://www.wwe.com/article/zoey-stark-candice-lerae-raw-results-feb-22)[hyperlink2](https://www.wwe.com/superstars/zoey-stark) Zoey Stark defeated Candice LeRae with the Z360 at Night of Champions. After the match, Stark stood tall as her music hit and Byron Saxton interviewed Mustafa Ali about his Intercontinental Championship match against GUNTHER. During the interview, Brock Lesnar appeared and told Ali to ‘get a life, kid.’ Zoey Stark and Mustafa Ali are featured in this report. Lesnar stands tall.

Brock Lesnar issued an Open Challenge for Night of Champions and was ready to fight Cody Rhodes until Adam Pearce and referees intervened. Cody Rhodes attempted to fight Lesnar, but Lesnar ended the altercation by applying a Kimura Lock. Brock Lesnar Cody Rhodes. Gable with a big moonsault off the top. Maxxine Dupri also takes out Valhalla at ringside. Erik moves and Otis accidentally splashes Gable in mid-air. The Viking Raiders take advantage and hit the Viking Experience for the pin to win.

Brock Lesnar attacked Cody Rhodes in the ring, before Alpha Academy – Otis and Chad Gable with Maxxine Dupri took on The Viking Raiders – Erik and Ivar with Valhalla. The Viking Raiders eventually won the match, with The Viking Experience pinning Otis. Brock Lesnar, Alpha Academy and The Viking Raiders were all involved. Alpha Academy (Otis Dozovic & Chad Gable) were victorious in their tag team match against Erik and Ivar of the Viking Raiders, and Valhalla. The match ended when Gable pinned Erik after a O’Connor Roll while Valhalla was distracted by Maxxine. Shinsuke Nakamura then entered the ring for his match against Finn Balor.

Alpha Academy (Otis Dozovic & Chad Gable) defeated Erik and Ivar of the Viking Raiders, and Valhalla in a tag team match, with Gable pinning Erik after a O’Connor Roll due to a distraction caused by Maxxine. Shinsuke Nakamura then entered the ring for his match against Finn Balor. After the match, Otis and Gable celebrated on the ramp while Erik, Ivar and Valhalla remained in the ring. We also saw a video of Indus Sher’s Veer and Sanga narrated by Jinder Mahal and heard Adam Pearce arguing with Cody Rhodes backstage. Watch Alpha Academy’s win, Watch Indus Sher’s video Nakamura with the reverse Exploder suplex. Nakamura with a running knee to the face. Priest gets on the apron and distracts Nakamura. Balor takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Nakamura up for the pin to win.

Finn Balor and Damian Priest faced off against Shinsuke Nakamura in the ring. After a few back and forth exchanges, Nakamura caught Balor with a running high knee in the corner, followed by a sliding dropkick. Balor then distracted the referee, allowing Priest to attack Nakamura with a cheap shot from the floor. After the break, Nakamura fought out of a hold and hit Balor with a sliding German suplex and a reverse Exploder suplex. Priest distracted Nakamura, allowing Balor to roll him up for the pin and win the match. Professional wrestling is a form of sports entertainment where athletic performers portray heroes and villains in staged combat matches. WWE is the largest professional wrestling promotion worldwide. Raquel with a hip toss. Raquel drops Deville with a right hand. Raquel with a big shot in the corner. Raquel with a back body drop. Deville avoids a kick and floors Raquel with a forearm. Deville with a big knee for a 2 count. Deville follows up with a kick to the face for another pin attempt.

Finn Balor wins the match against Shinsuke Nakamura with a Coup de Grace, followed by Raquel Rodriguez vs. Sonya Deville where Deville gets a 2 count before Raquel drops her with a right hand. [hyperlink 1](website1) [hyperlink 2](website2) Raquel Rodriguez defeated Deville with a corkscrew elbow drop and Texana Bomb to win the match. Afterwards, Rodriguez was double teamed until Shotzi Blackheart made the save and hit a suicide dive. Adam Pearce was approached by Trish Stratus to put a no-touch rule in place for the upcoming contract signing between Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch. Two hyperlinks: Raquel Rodriguez, Trish Stratus. Stratus says Lynch walked in her footsteps and now she has the biggest stage to prove it.

Matt Riddle is ready for adversity and laughs in its face. Corey Graves is in the ring for a contract signing between Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus. Lynch and Stratus exchange words as Stratus discusses how she changed the game and Lynch walked in her footsteps. Matt Riddle, Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus are all involved. He wonders why the doctor isn’t here yet and wonders who’s going to handle the situation.

Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch face off at the contract signing for their match at Night of Champions. Trish says she has figured out Becky’s weaknesses and is confident she will be victorious. Becky responds by thanking Trish for being everything she never wants to become and barks a taunt, leading to Trish tipping over the announce table in anger. Adam Pearce is then seen backstage, wondering why the doctor hasn’t arrived yet. [Hyperlink 1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_Champions_(2015)) [Hyperlink 2](https://www.wwe.com/shows/nightofchampions) Crews powers up and drops Dominik with a suplex for a close two count. Crews with more strikes in the corner. Dominik counters and hits another suplex for a close two count. Cody Rhodes is refusing medical help and won’t talk to anyone.

Cody Rhodes is refusing medical help and won’t talk to anyone while Apollo Crews and Dominik Mysterio battled in the ring. Crews and Mysterio exchanged shoulders and suplexes until Mysterio landed a cheap shot, however Crews managed to fight back and nearly got the win. Apollo Crews vs. Dominik Mysterio Results and Cody Rhodes Refusing Medical Help Rollins talks about how he was always the one that wasn’t supposed to make it. He says it’s time to start a new movement, a new era, a new era of Seth Rollins. Rollins says it starts on Sunday.

Dominik Mysterio pins Apollo Crews to win after a big Frogsplash. After the match, Seth Rollins discusses his desire to start a new era of professional wrestling in a sitdown interview. AJ Styles is featured in a video for the finals of the WWE World Heavyweight Title tournament Seth Rollins and Corey Graves sitdown interview. Owens and Kaiser tag in and Owens unloads. Owens and Zayn double team Kaiser for a 2 count.

Seth Rollins is determined to be the change in professional wrestling by putting all his chips in for the match. In the main event, Imperium (GUNTHER, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci) goes up against Matt Riddle and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Kaiser and Zayn start off and Kaiser gets the upperhand. Owens and Zayn double team Kaiser for a 2 count. WWE Pro wrestling Vinci runs into a big kick. Riddle with a gutwrench slam. Riddle pins GUNTHER for the win.

Riddle pins GUNTHER for the win after delivering a gutwrench slam following a big kick from Owens. Owens had to kick Kaiser away on the apron before delivering his own big kick to Vinci. Imperium was in control of the match before Riddle came back with offense, culminating with the victory. Professional Wrestling, WWE Owens follows up with a Pop-up Powerbomb and Sami follows up with a Helluva Kick for the win. Owens and Riddle stand tall to close the show.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens team up to defeat The Vinci Brothers and GUNTHER in a tag team match. Sami and Owens are victorious with a Helluva Kick and Pop-up Powerbomb. [Hyperlink 1: Helluva Kick] [Hyperlink 2: Pop-up Powerbomb] Triple H tells him he’s making a mistake and leaves.

Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens and Matt Riddle defeated Gunther, Vinci and Kaiser when Owens hit a Swanton Bomb on Vinci for the pin. After the match, the teams stared each other down. A post-match scene showed Triple H talking to Cody Rhodes in his locker room. Triple H urged Cody to get medical attention, but Cody refused. Matt Riddle, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens won the match. Triple H says Cody’s arm is broken and despite the look on his face, no one is questioning how tough he is. Triple H doesn’t want Cody to wrestle Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions, referencing a year Cody was on the shelf. Cody insists he can still fight and wonders what Triple H would have done in his situation. Cody decides to go to Night of Champions and fight Brock Lesnar to the cheers of fans. [Hyperlink 1](www.example.com) [Hyperlink 2](www.example2.com) Triple H intervenes and breaks up the fight. Cody is seen getting up, and Triple H joins him. Cody and Triple H then walk off together. Triple H and Cody Rhodes are shown backstage discussing potential plans before the night is over. Brock Lesnar taunted Cody Rhodes and injured his arm backstage while Paul Heyman hyped the upcoming Night of Champions PPV. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn then made their way to the ring to hype their titles defense. Zayn and Owens

This article covers an altercation between Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and the members of Imperium prior to their six-man tag-team match. Ricochet is also mentioned as an upcoming opponent for Zayn and Owens. The article ends with the two teams facing off. Two links to relevant content can be found here: [WWE Hall of Famers The Wild Samoans](https://www.wwe.com/superstars/afa-sika), and [WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER](https://www.wwe.com/superstars/gunther). Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens discussed dedicating their upcoming win to The Usos and were interrupted by Imperium. They were then supported by Matt Riddle, resulting in a face-off between the two teams. Reed follows and slams Ricochet back into the barrier. Reed follows up with a bodyslam and a big senton off the barrier. Reed brings it back in and covers for a close 2 count.

Ricochet and Bronson Reed face off in the ring, exchanging strikes. Ricochet stuns Reed but runs into a huge splash followed by a senton off the barrier. Reed covers for a close 2 count. [Link 1](https://www.cbssports.com/wwe/news/ricochet-takes-on-bronson-reed-on-raw-what-to-know-about-the-former-nxt-north-american-champion/) [Link 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y16Y9Z4JTzQ) Ricochet stares at Reed from the corner while Reed stands tall in the middle of the ring.

Bronson Reed defeats Ricochet in the ring with a Tsunami Splash for the pin. After the match Reed stands tall while Ricochet stares from the corner. [hyperlink 1](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNTLzXNvH5mUgN4UNsJW_fHtjK2HXQ%3A1584559169272&source=hp&ei=FQgtXru4DYyVgweA-I7IDQ&q=Bronson+Reed&btnK=Google+Search&oq=Bronson+Reed&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39j0j0i131i67j0l5j0i67j0l2.46856.50443..51206…2.0..……0….1..gws-wiz…..0.XwQ4vhNSVnE&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNqfe6ia_nAhVJlVwKHXOcDfAQp4wCMAB6BAgJEAE#fpstate= Seth Rollins’ sitdown interview continues later, while Apollo Crews is interrupted by Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley, who issue a warning to Natalya ahead of their match at WWE Night of Champions. [Hyperlink 1: WWE Night of Champions][Hyperlink 2: Natalya] Seth Rollins expresses his love for Roman Reigns while accusing him of being selfish and having an ego. Rollins states his goal is to become champion in order to move the industry forward and make Raw a land of opportunity. He believes he is at the top of his game and Night of Champions is his chance to prove it. RAW and Night of Champions are the two main events of this interview. LeRae fights back but Stark sends her out of the ring. We see footage of Shinsuke Nakamura having words with Damian Priest and Finn Balor on RAW Talk. This article summarizes the events that took place between Zoey Stark and Candice LeRae on the latest episode of RAW. In the beginning, Stark attacked as soon as the bell hit, dominating the match and sending LeRae out of the ring. We also got a vignette on Stark, who said the era of heroes is over and the Zoey Stark era is here. RAW and Zoey Stark are the two subjects discussed in this article. Ali says he’s going to do something he’s never done before tonight.

Zoey Stark defeated Candice LeRae in a professional wrestling match after hitting her with a Z360. After the match, John Cena and Batista were tributed for their movie projects. Backstage, Mustafa Ali was interviewed and expressed that he would do something he has never done before in his upcoming match with GUNTHER at Night of Champions. [Hyperlinked anchor text: WWE](https://www.wwe.com/), [Hyperlinked anchor text: Night of Champions](https://www.wwe.com/shows/night-of-champions). Ali is confronted by Brock Lesnar after expressing his doubts about becoming a champion. Lesnar tells him to get a life and marches to the ring as the fans chant “Cody”. He takes a mic and challenges Hershey to talk about Cody. Night of Champions, Brock Lesnar issued an open challenge to anyone in the back after Cody Rhodes came out with an injured arm, but Lesnar ultimately broke the Kimura Lock and left the ring. Lesnar’s open challenge for Night of Champions is still on the table, with any wrestler willing to take on the challenge. Night of Champions is set to take place on September 15th, while Alpha Academy is a professional wrestling school. The Viking Raiders (Erik and Ivar) faced off against Alpha Academy (Otis and Chad Gable with Maxxine Dupri) in the ring. Erik and Ivar dominated the match, but Maxxine Dupri provided a distraction that allowed Chad Gable to hit an O’Connor Roll and bridge for the pin to win the match. [Hyperlink1] [Hyperlink2] Alpha Academy won the match after Otis and Gable celebrated on the ramp while Erik, Ivar and Valhalla seethed in the ring. Shinsuke Nakamura faced Finn Balor and after several minutes of back and forth, Balor emerged victorious. Jinder Mahal narrated a video of Indus Sher’s Veer and Sanga and Adam Pearce and Cody Rhodes were seen arguing backstage. [WWE RAW](anchor text) [Shinsuke Nakamura](anchor text) Nakamura ends up hitting a big Kinshasa on Balor for the pin to win.

Nakamura and Balor battle in the ring, with Nakamura eventually emerging the victor after connecting with a Kinshasa for the pin. In the match, Nakamura uses a sliding dropkick, slides German suplex, facebuster and knee strikes to gain advantage over Balor. [Link1](https://www.wwe.com/superstars)[Link2](https://www.wwe.com/matches) Raquel with a big dropkick out of the corner and a running back elbow.

Finn Balor defeated Priest in a match after attacking Priest with a running dropkick and finishing with a Coup de Grace. After the match, Balor and Priest stood tall. Raquel Rodriguez was attacked by Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler last week and she faced Sonya Deville this week, but eventually won after hitting a big boot and a running back elbow. WWE Wrestling News He talks about having a chip on his shoulder and continuing to prove himself. He says he will no longer be underestimated and he will take over NXT.

Raquel Rodriguez defeats her opponent with the corkscrew elbow drop and the Texana bomb. After the match, Rodriguez is double teamed until Shotzi Blackheart makes the save and performs a suicide dive. Adam Pearce is informed Cody Rhodes is preventing people from entering his locker room and Trish Stratus stops him to suggest a no-touch rule for the upcoming contract signing with Becky Lynch. A Matt Riddle vignette is shown, with Riddle talking about proving himself and taking over NXT. [Link 1][Link 2] Stratus says she will take back what is rightfully hers.

Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus have signed a contract to face off in the ring. Lynch praised Stratus for changing the game and Stratus accused Lynch of going back to her old ways. Both vowed to take what is rightfully theirs when they face off. [Link 1: Trish Stratus – Wikipedia ] [Link 2: Becky Lynch – WWE.com] Randy Orton

Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch had a contract signing, during which Trish revealed she had figured out Lynch’s weaknesses and that this will be her last contract signing. Lynch responded by thanking Trish for being everything she never wants to become, and then taunted Stratus, who walked off in fury. Meanwhile, Adam Pearce was on the phone discussing how Cody Rhodes is refusing medical help and won’t talk to anyone. The segment ended with a match between Apollo Crews and Randy Orton. [Hyperlink 1: Trish Stratus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trish_Stratus), [Hyperlink 2: Becky Lynch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Becky_Lynch). Dominik kicks out and Apollo keeps control.

Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley make their way to the ring. Shotzi Blackheart and Raquel Gonzalez then agree to team up for SmackDown and a Fatal 4 Way on RAW. Apollo Crews and Dominik Mysterio engage in a back and forth match which sees Apollo press Dominik high in the air and catch a crossbody in mid-air. Ultimately, Apollo Crews keeps control until the end. [Hyperlink 1: https://www.smackdown.com/wwe-smackdown-results/ Hyperlink 2: https://www.wwe.com/shows/raw] Rollins says his passion to compete and be the best is what will drive him to where he wants to be.

Dominik Mysterio defeats Apollo Crews after a Frogsplash to win the match. Afterward, AJ Styles is featured in a video for the WWE World Heavyweight Title tournament and Seth Rollins gives an interview with Corey Graves discussing his passion to compete and be the best. [Link 1](www.example.com) [Link 2](www.example.com) GUNTHER rocks Riddle and decks Owens on the apron. GUNTHER with more offense to Riddle in the corner. Riddle and Owens turn it around now. Riddle drops GUNTHER with a kick. Owens with a senton. Riddle covers for a 2 count.

In tonight’s six-man main event, Imperium (GUNTHER, Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci) faced off against Matt Riddle and Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. Matt Riddle started off the match, but Imperium got the upper hand. Despite being rocked and having the odds against them, Riddle, Owens, and Zayn managed to turn the match around. GUNTHER, however, managed to put up a fight against Riddle. In the end, the match concluded in a draw. [Hyperlink 1](https://www.wwe.com) [Hyperlink 2](https://www.wrestlingnews.co) Gunther and Riddle have a back and forth exchange. GUNTHER smothers a takedown and unloads with big kicks, then chops Riddle down. Riddle comes back with a knee strike and GUNTHER slams him down. Owens and Vinci have a double team exchange, Owens unloads on Vinci and lands a corner cannonball. Kaiser and Vinci then hit a double team move on Owens on the apron.

GUNTHER and Riddle have an intense exchange in which GUNTHER smothers a takedown, unloads with big kicks, and chops Riddle down. Riddle counters with a knee strike and GUNTHER slams him down. Owens and Vinci also have an exchange, with Owens unloading on Vinci and landing a corner cannonball before Kaiser and Vinci hit a double team move on Owens on the apron. [hyperlink 1]GUNTHER[hyperlink 1] and [hyperlink 2]Riddle[hyperlink 2] battle it out in a high-stakes match, while Owens and Vinci also have an intense exchange. Sami then hits a Helluva Kick for the win.

Sami Zayn and Matt Riddle team up to defeat GUNTHER, Vinci and Kaiser in a tag-team match. Owens hits a Frogsplash, Sami with a Michinoku Driver, Blue Thunderbomb and Helluva Kick. Riddle with a Floating Bro and Owens with a Superkick. Sami gets the win with a Helluva Kick. [Sami Zayn, Matt Riddle]

Matt Riddle, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens win the match after Riddle sends GUNTHER over the announce table, Sami launches Kaiser back to the floor with a back-drop, and Owens hits his Swanton Bomb for the pin. After the match, Cody Rhodes is confronted by WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H, who encourages him to get medical attention for his arm. [Hyperlink 1: Matt Riddle, Hyperlink 2: Sami Zayn] Triple H warns Cody Rhodes against going to WWE Night of Champions to fight Brock Lesnar, citing Cody’s injuries and history of being on the shelf. Cody reassures Triple H by proudly stating that he will go to Night of Champions and fight Lesnar. Triple H eventually hesitantly agrees, patting Cody on the back as he leaves. [link 1](https://www.wwe.com/shows/nightofchampions) [link 2](https://www.wwe.com/superstars/codyrhodes) Marc can be found on Twitter at @this_is_marc and news, tips or corrections can be sent to us by clicking here.

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