Triple H explains why he changed Austin Theory’s ring name

A very long list can be written that spells out all the ways Vince McMahon’s poor creative vision for WWE actively hurt the product more often than not over the last decade. One of his more baffling go-to moves was to abbreviate or eliminate wrestler names, seemingly just for the hell of it. That’s how we actually ended up with one-named wrestlers like Matt Riddle and Austin Theory.

There’s an article over at ESPN that examines Austin Theory’s rise up the card in WWE. As part of that discussion, here’s an interesting excerpt about why one of the first things Triple H wanted to do when he took over the creative reins from Vince last summer was to reverse Vince’s bad habit of dropping first names:

One of Triple H’s first orders of business was restoring some first names to his on-screen characters.

“It’s a little bit hard to just refer to him as Theory,” Triple H said. “And even to me, it was a little awkward when he was announced, like ‘Theory!’ It’s weird.”

“Is that Stone Cold Steve Austin coming in? Is it confusing for fans? I’m of the opinion that if you don’t know the difference between Austin Theory and Stone Cold Steve Austin, there’s already a problem, right? So, we’re fixing the wrong end of the problem.”

Many wrestling fans agree with Triple H that Vince McMahon’s logic is weird and created lots of problems that needed to be fixed.

But now that McMahon is back as Executive Chairman of WWE, many fans are worried it’s only a matter of time until the out-of-touch old man takes his former position as head booker away from Triple H.

If that’s what happens, then I guess Austin Theory will lose his first name again? Let’s hope not.

What do you think Austin Theory’s WWE ring name will be one year from now, Cagesiders?

A very long list can be written that spells out all the ways Vince McMahon’s poor creative vision for WWE actively hurt the product more often than not over the last decade. One of his more baffling go-to moves was to abbreviate or eliminate wrestler names, seemingly just for the hell of it. That’s how we actually ended up with one-named wrestlers like Matt Riddle and Austin Theory.

There’s an article over at ESPN that examines Austin Theory’s rise up the card in WWE. As part of that discussion, here’s an interesting excerpt about why one of the first things Triple H wanted to do when he took over the creative reins from Vince last summer was to reverse Vince’s bad habit of dropping first names:

One of Triple H’s first orders of business was restoring some first names to his on-screen characters.

“It’s a little bit hard to just refer to him as Theory,” Triple H said. “And even to me, it was a little awkward when he was announced, like ‘Theory!’ It’s weird.”

“Is that Stone Cold Steve Austin coming in? Is it confusing for fans? I’m of the opinion that if you don’t know the difference between Austin Theory and Stone Cold Steve Austin, there’s already a problem, right? So, we’re fixing the wrong end of the problem.”

Many wrestling fans agree with Triple H that Vince McMahon’s logic is weird and created lots of problems that needed to be fixed.

But now that McMahon is back as Executive Chairman of WWE, many fans are worried it’s only a matter of time until the out-of-touch old man takes his former position as head booker away from Triple H.

If that’s what happens, then I guess Austin Theory will lose his first name again? Let’s hope not.

What do you think Austin Theory’s WWE ring name will be one year from now, Cagesiders?


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