Tony Schiavone Talks About Working For Tony Khan

On a recent edition of Tony Schiavone’s What Happened When podcast, the AEW commentator discussed his feelings on having Tony Khan as a boss.

Tony Schiavone

Highlights, courtesy of Wrestling Inc. follow:

On Khan’s demeanor as a boss: “Tony is very demanding as a boss. It makes, at times, the week very difficult. But, listen, wrestling has always been difficult behind the scenes. It’s never been easy, so Tony can be as demanding as a boss can be. But, because he’s such a great person, such a genuine person, and loves the wrestling business, and takes care of his people, it’s worth it working for him. It’s worth the stress that we go to getting the show on because of the person that he is.”

On his view of those who criticize Khan without knowing him personally: “I know a lot of people give Tony a hard time, but the people who give Tony a hard time — basically online — are as human beings not worth a fuck.”

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