Kylie Rae Discusses Her Departure From Impact Wrestling

Kylie Rae was a recent guest on the “Going Broadway” podcast, where the independent wrestling standout discussed different aspects of her career, including her WWE tryout and her exit from Impact Wrestling. She said,

“The whole Impact thing… I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot of the people who I’ve worked with there and take time with each of them and apologize. And every single one has been so nice and understanding about it, in a sense of ‘Why are you even apologizing? You need to take care of yourself first! Real-life first, your mental health, your health in general, you need to take care of you.’ And I’m like ‘No, I appreciate you saying this, but I still wish I would have handled it differently.’ Hindsight is 20/20, but just being able to have those opportunities to actually talk in person with them, maybe that was the reason why [my WWE tryout] happened. Again, I’m a believer in God, I believe he puts things in your path. I was the type of person that would run from my problems, but you’re just gonna’ run into them at some point down the road!”

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