That’s Harsh: Ronda Rousey BLASTS WWE Creative Over Her Feud With Liv Morgan

She’s not a fan. There are all kinds of different ways to present a wrestling story in WWE and some of them are received a bit better than others. What matters is making the fans care about what they are seeing in front of them and get the biggest reactions possible. Now one of the bigger names in WWE is not thrilled with how one of her recent storylines was presented.

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Last year, Liv Morgan won the women’s Money In The Bank briefcase and cashed in on Ronda Rousey later that night to win the SmackDown Women’s Title. The two went on to feud, with Rousey winning the title back at Extreme Rules. In the comments of her latest Ronda On The Road video on Instagram which focused on her feud with Liv Morgan, Rousey posted the following:

Imagine what our @yaonlylivvonce feud could have been if we weren’t hamstrung by a bunch of octogenarians who still think they know how to be hip while putting less than 5 minutes of thought a week into each women’s storyline…

The feud began on July 2 at Money In The Bank. WWE’s new regime took over on July 22 when Vince McMahon retired, with the rematch coming at Summerslam on July 30, though it is not clear who Rousey is talking about.

Rousey and Morgan had a lengthy feud. Check out how some of it went:

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Opinion: Rousey may very well have a point here, as the feud with Morgan was not exactly great. It was basically a cash-in, Morgan winning a rematch while tapping out anyway, and then losing the rematch. There isn’t much that can be done with that as Morgan spent her time trying to be as extreme as possible. Morgan did win the title and it boosted her up, but it could have been that much better. At the same time, it is interesting to see that Rousey can get away with bashing WWE creative, even the older version, in public like this.

What do you think of Rousey’s comments? How did you like the feud? Let us know in the comments below.

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