Pat McAfee Named Among Stone Colds Greatest Stunner Sellers of All Time

Steve Austin stunned Vince McMahon, Pat McAfee and Austin Theory during his two-night appearance at WrestleMania 38 last year. Pat McAfee earned his way onto many people’s “best” lists for his Stunner sell, while McMahon earned his way onto the “all-time worst” list. Stone Cold Stunner has been done by many wrestlers throughout history, but none like Steve Austin. Check out the Stunner and find out the best and worst Stunner sells. That’s the freaking icing on the cake right there. That was awesome. That was awesome.”

Steve Austin praised Pat McAfee’s Stunner sell at ‘Mania in North Texas, ranking it in his top three of all time. He praised McAfee’s natural feel for the business, his athleticism and the fact that he managed to still be selling the Stunner while guzzling a beer. Watch the interview here to see Austin’s full reaction. Stone Cold Steve Austin praised Pat McAfee for his ability to ad lib and improvise in professional wrestling. Austin shared his admiration for McAfee as a performer and a human being. He has previously praised the newest member of Team ESPN for his professional wrestling abilities.

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