History Made On NWA Powerrr As Women’s Tag Team Titles Change Hands Twice

History has been made in the National Wrestling Alliance.

The Renegades (Robyn & Charlette) became NWA women’s tag team champions at last week’s Nuff Said pay-per-view, but their reign did not last long. The duo lost the titles on today’s episode of NWA Empowerrr to Pretty Empowerrred 2.0 (Ella Envy & Roxy).

However, Envy & Roxy wouldn’t hold onto the titles long either. Madi Wrenkowski, along with Missa Kate, would emerge and immediately challenge the new champs. The match was sanctioned due to Wrenkowski having a championship series title opportunity that she was able to “cash-in.” She and Kate would defeat Empowerrred 2.0 moments later to become the new champions.


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