WWE NXT Results 2/21/2023

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up live on the USA Network as Vic Joseph welcomes us to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opener and out comes Trick Williams. Trick says he came to prove that he can do more than talk, he can back-up every word he says. He calls his opponent out but the crowd is giving him the “What?!” treatment. Trick talks some more trash and out next comes Ilja Dragunov as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.

Trick drops Ilja during his entrance with a cheap shot. The bell hits and an angry Ilja attacks, taking Trick down. Ilja with a stiff kick. Trick takes it to the corner but the referee warns him. Ilja rocks Trick with stiff strikes, then applies a headlock.

Ilja takes Trick down to the mat now. Trick resists but Ilja keeps taking him down with the headlock. Trick fights up and out but Ilja rocks him with a shoulder, then delivers another big takedown for a pop. Trick rolls it into a 2 count. Trick drops Ilja with a big right hand. Trick slams Ilja and shows off some now. Ilja rocks him and fights to his feet. Ilja with a running knee in the corner for a 2 count.

Ilja with more offense. Trick clubs him more but Ilja nails another high knee in the corner. Ilja goes to the middle rope but he’s knocked off. Ilja with an elbow and more strikes. Ilja clubs Trick down with an elbow to the back of the head, then talks some more trash. Ilja continues punishing Trick on the mat with strikes. Ilja with a corner clothesline. He goes to the ropes but Trick rocks him. They fight and Trick knocks Ilja out to the floor, and he lands hard.

JD McDonagh comes walking down the entrance-way now to boos. Trick brings Ilja back in for a 2 count. JD looks on as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Back from the break and Trick has been dominating. Trick grounds Ilja as fans try to rally for him. Ilja fights up and out but Trick elbows away. Ilja with back elbows to fight free again, then a huge clothesline. Ilja gets up first and chops Trick, then again while yelling at him.

Trick runs into a big boot. They trade strikes now. Ilja drops Trick but Trick kicks his leg. Trick rocks Ilja again but Dragunov drops him with an enziguri. JD is on commentary now. Fans chant “this is awesome!” as Ilja nails a high knee in the corner. Ilja goes to the middle rope and nails the flying knee drop, then screams out for a pop. Ilja tries for the German suplex but it’s blocked. Trick fights back and drops Ilja for a 2 count.

Fans chant “fight forever!” now. Trick misses a knockout blow as Ilja drops him on his head for a 2 count. Ilja then follows-up with a stiff forearm shot to keep Trick down. They tangle and Ilja slams Trick. Ilja is fired up now as he waits in the corner. Trick gets up and Ilja nails the Torpedo Moscow for the pin to win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

– After the match, Dragunov stands tall as the music hits. JD stands up at the announce table and stares Dragunov down as they have words.

– We go to a promo from Jinder Mahal. He says he could’ve confronted NXT Champion Bron Breakker on his first night back like everyone else but he waited because timing is everything in this business. Jinder says the title on Bron’s waist is getting heavier, the boos are getting louder, and his energy is getting weaker. Jinder goes on and says tonight there will be a lot of shocked faces in the crowd. He’s made a career out of shocking victories and tonight he will have another as he becomes NXT Champion.

– NXT Women’s Tag Team Champion Fallon Henley is backstage leaving a voicemail for Brooks Jensen, apologizing for Valentine’s Day. Josh Briggs walks in and tells her Jensen needs time. She just wants to apologize and Briggs says Jensen can tell by all the texts and calls she’s made to him. Henley says if that was Kiana James’ brother, why didn’t she say so? Why did she drag it on? Isn’t that weird? Briggs agrees it is weird but Fallon was wrong, that was the big night for her tag team partner and for Jensen. Fallon says she should apologize to James in person and Briggs agrees. She walks off as we go to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see footage from earlier today with Meiko Satomura training with some of the women’s recruits at the WWE Performance Center. She asks if they can survive and they say yes. NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez asks to join and Satomura says yes. They begin training and we see some of the recruits start dropping out as the day goes on. Perez is the only one to make it through, and they bow to each other. Perez goes to leave but Satomura asks where she’s going, that was just a warm-up, now we really begin. Perez is out of breath but she says OK.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Tyler Bate to a pop.

Bate takes the mic and thanks everyone for their support on his journey, no matter who it’s been against. He says some things are meant to be, some happen for a reason, but he believes in timing and the natural unfolding of things… but he and the fans of NXT are about to embark on a mystical journey together, and let me tell you this… the music interrupts and out comes The Schism – Joe Gacy, Ava, Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid.

Gacy says they were preparing for The Dyad’s match when they heard Bate and they believe in someway they are kindred spirits. The Schism are also forward thinkers. Bate appreciates the input but he will pass on drinking whatever concoction Gacy has given his mates. Ava says they may be kindred spirits in some ways but certainly not all ways. Gacy says Bate is funny and he’s right, the journey a man takes does matter, you just have to be careful who you surround yourself with.

Gacy says these people won’t help Bate. The Schism is a true family while Bate left his across the ocean, groups like Chase U speak togetherness in the face of division. The Schism gave Thea Hail a glimpse of what life could be like with them, and maybe Bate would like to feel their power right now as well. Heed our message, Gacy says. Ava says Bate is all alone, he has no one, but we are four roots, one tree. The Schism surrounds Bate in the ring but here comes Duke Hudson, Andre Chase and Thea Hail to a big pop. The Schism retreats as we go to a commercial.

Chase University vs. The Dyad

Back form the break and Duke Hudson is dominating Rip Fowler as Thea Hail scrams from ringside. Andre Chase tags in and takes over for a 2 count. Fowler drops Chase and in comes Jagger Reid to take over, working Chase over to keep him down as fans boo.

Reid with a clothesline for 2. Reid mounts Chase with punches, then grounds him in a headlock as fans chant for Chase University and the Chase U Student Section is fired up. Fowler tags back in to deck Chase as Joe Gacy and Ava look on. Fowler with a shoulder-breaker for a 2 count. Reid tags back in and levels Chase with another stiff forearm.

Reid grounds Chase as fans rally. Chase fights up but Reid nails another stiff strike. Hudson reaches for a tag but can’t gt it. Chase finally breaks free and in comes Duke. Duke runs wild on Reid and Fowler, then hits a big side-slam on Reid. Duke unloads on Fowler now, running over him with the forearms, then hitting the senton.

Duke rams Reid into the corner, then launches him into Fowler as Hail loses her mind screaming at ringside. Reid decks Duke and in comes Chase. They double team Reid and Chase nails a superkick for a close 2 count. Fowler distracts Chase from ringside, which gets Chase sent to the floor.

Duke sends Fowler to the floor. Duke and Reid trade offense now. Fowler pulls Duke to the floor but Duke drops him. Reid flies out and collapses Duke at the announce table. Gacy and Ava laugh while Hail looks concerned as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Fowler has Duke grounded in the middle of the ring. Duke fights free and back-drops Fowler. Chas and Reid tag in at the same time now, and they go at it. Chas fights off both opponents with inverted Atomic Drops. Chase beats Reid down in the corner as the referee warns him. Chase with a double DDT to The Dyad. Fowler is sent to the floor but Reid comes from behind. Chase still drops him.

Chase goes to the middle rope and hits a moonsault to the floor on Fowler. Chase runs back to the top and hits a big crossbody to Reid in the ring for a close 2 count as Fowler rushes back in just in time. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Chase and Reid trade shots from their knees to their feet now. Chase stops and decks Fowler off the apron, then goes back to work on Reid. Chase with the side-Russian leg sweep for a pop.

Chase stomps as the fans spell C-H-A-S-E-U now. Chase tags out to back Ava away from Hail at ringside. Duke launches Reid but Fowler nails Duke in the throat to save Reid. The Dyad hits the double team on Duke in the middle of the ring and Chase can’t make it back to the ring in time.

Winners: The Dyad

– After the match, The Dyad regroups at the entrance-way as the music hits. We go to replays. Chase U is in the ring now. Duke yells at Chase to let Hail grow up. Duke asks if this is a university or a charity. Duke walks out as Hail whines about this being her fault.

– We see footage of Mr. Stone and Von Wagner backstage earlier today. Stone asked Von if he’s ready to get this going, if he’s made a decision yet. Von asks if Stone wants his deep, dark secrets because he came here to kick ass and take names. Stone says that’s real original. Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo walk in, and they’re not happy with Von costing them the NXT North American Title last week. They have words and Stacks mentions The Don beating Von down tonight. Von asks if Tony D wants a match. Stone tells him no. Von respectfully declines the challenge. Stone tries to talk Von down while Tony and Stacks taunt him. Von gives them a match and they leave. Stone says Von played right into their hands. Von tells Stone to shut up.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak. She asks Gulak why he turned on his friend Hank Walker last week. Gulak says they were never friends, Walker was just a guy who asked for his help. He says Walker is the kind of guy who says he wants it but just because you say you want something, doesn’t mean you get it. He didn’t come to NXT to hand out participation trophies, he came to find the best of the best and that’s not Walker. He’s a nice guy but to be successful in NXT you can’t be afraid to rip limbs, step on people’s throat, and tear at ligaments until they snap. Gulak says that doesn’t describe Hank but it does describe Dempsey. They walk off together.

Jacy Jayne vs. Indi Hartwell

We go back to the ring and out comes Jacy Jayne. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a new Sol Ruca vignette. She likes how different the ocean is and NXT is the same way, new opponents and some new challenge every day. She goes on about how she tries something new, fails at first, but keeps trying and then she gets it, she’s pumped and feels like she’s conquered the world. She chases that same feeling in the ring and that’s why she wants another match with Zoey Stark because eventually she will hit her move and one day beat Stark. We go back to the ring and Jayne looks on as Indi Hartwell makes her way out.

The bell rings and they go at it. Indi with a clothesline to take control. Jayne comes right back with a neckbreaker, then a senton, and another senton for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Jayne grounds Indi and talks some trash to boos.

Indi fights to her feet and sends Jayne to the apron. Jayne snaps her over the top rope. Jayne keeps the offense going, then nails two back kicks to the face. Indi kicks out at 2 and Jayne screams out in frustration. Fans chant for Indi now as Jayne grounds her, telling the crowd to shut up. Indi tries to fight up and out as fans rally but Jayne easily takes her back down. Jayne ends up on Indi’s back but Indi smashes her into the turnbuckles.

Indi with a big right hands, kicks and more strikes to a pop now. Indi with a Spinebuster for 2. Indi with a boot to the chin. Jayne sends her into the turnbuckles shoulder-first. Jayne drops Indi in the corner, then delivers a cannonball. Jayne stomps away in the corner as the referee warns her. Jayne uses the hair as the referee continues to warn her. Jayne with another stiff kick.

Indi is laid out in the corner now as Jayne screams in her face. Jayne is preparing for another big kick to the face but Gigi Dolin attacks her from behind for a big pop. The referee calls the match.

Winner by DQ: Jacy Jayne

– After the bell, Dolin unloads on Jayne and beats her out of the ring. Fans cheer as Dolin fights Jayne into the backstage area.

– We go back to today’s training session with Roxanne Perez and Meiko Satomura. Perez asks why they’re doing this when they wrestle in two weeks. Satomura says no talking, just training. Perez hangs in there and Satomura gives her a thumbs up. They bow. Satomura says they needed to train because to win it has to come from your heart, not your muscle. Satomura says she will see Perez in two weeks.

– We see Gallus walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and McKenzie Mitchell is with Zoey Stark in the back, asking about the earlier comments from Sol Ruca about wanting another match. Stark doesn’t give a damn what Ruca wants, if she loves the ocean so much she can stay there. Stark has already defeated Ruca and she’s done with her. Stark wonders why Meiko Satomura is getting another NXT Women’s Title shot, is it because Roxanne Perez is fan-girling and paid for her flight here? McKenzie says it’s because she’s a living legend. Stark goes on about how everyone in the locker room is sucking up to Satomura when it should be her. Stark says if Satomura steps in the ring with her, she will learn who the real Final Boss is. Stark walks off.

NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus vs. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade

We go back to the ring for this non-title match as NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus are out – Mark Coffey and Wolfgang. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade are already waiting in the ring.

The bell rings and Blade locks up with Coffey to start. They go to the ropes and Blade backs off, but Coffey rocks him. They tangle and Coffey side-steps a dropkick, then easily launches Blade. Wolfgang tags in and unloads on Blade now. Wolfgang goes on and in comes Coffey for the double team. Coffey pounds on Blade in the corner as fans begin to rally. Blade fights up and out but Coffey spikes him into the mat, then poses over him while smirking at Enofe.

Two guys dressed like Pretty Deadly come walking out now, and apparently they’ve brought a cake for Gallus. Enofe finally tags in and drops Coffey, then dropkicks Wolfgang off the apron. Enofe runs wild on Coffey, then flies off the top to deck Wolfgang at ringside.

Enofe runs back in and nails the top rope flying elbow to Coffey for 2. Enofe and Blade double team Coffey for 2 now. Wolfgang levels Enofe on the apron with a clothesline. Blade grabs Wolfgang but Coffey drops him. Wolfgang tags in and they hit the big double team powerslam to Blade for the pin to win.

Winners: Gallus

– After the match, Gallus stands tall as we go to replays. Pretty Deadly’s lackies bring the cake in the ring to present it to Gallus now, saying it’s to celebrate the two year anniversary of Pretty Deadly defeating Gallus in NXT UK. Coffey and Wolfgang destroy the two lackies, launching them out of the ring. Gallus pose now but Pretty Deadly attacks from behind with steel chair shots. They beat the champs to the floor, then launch Coffey into the steel ring steps, then Wolfgang goes into the steps. They send Coffey into the steel again, then Wolfgang into Coffey. Pretty Deadly talks some trash and keep Gallus down. They then double team slam Wolfgang on top of the steps. Pretty Deadly takes the title belts and raise them in the air over Gallus now.

– We go to a vignette from Dabba-Kato. He says he can feel Apollo Crews’ anger because for 8 months Apollo was too busy with his own future, so busy that he forgot about his past. Kato reminds Apollo how he helped Crews win the WWE Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania, and how he was there for every big moment Apollo had. He says Apollo came back to NXT but where was his call? Kato says at Vengeance Day it felt good, like old times, but he came to hurt, not help. He goes on and says Apollo can’t stand on his own without Kato. Apollo may have brought him into this world, but he will be the one who takes Apollo out of it.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Von Wagner

We go back to the ring and out comes Tony D’Angelo with Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers plug Stand & Deliver. Stevie Turner interrupts and she’s also excited about Stand & Deliver. She introduces her randomizer and it lands on Lyra Valkyria. She tells fans to get their questions ready on Lyra. She says Lyra is a mystery but no match for Stevie’s fast fingers. She takes “Stevie-Chats” from fans and gives some background on Lyra’s character. One fan asks Stevie how far she sees Lyra going in NXT. She says Lyra is talented but no match for Stevie’s forward-thinking. Vic says this is cool and he has a question but Stevie says she’s sorry, the stream is over. We go back to the ring and out comes Von Wagner with Mr. Stone.

The bell rings and they go at it. Tony knocks Von back and stays on him but Von rams him back into the turnbuckles. Tony turns it around and runs the ropes but Von nails a high knee to take him down.

Von with a corner clothesline. Tony ducks a clothesline and tackles Von in the corner. Tony unloads with right hands. Von rocks him and nails a big running boot. Von asks Stone why he’s sitting down at ringside. Stone says he’s working on Von and planning. Tony attacks off the distraction but Von clotheslines him.

Von mounts Tony on the mat and pounds on him with rights. Von scoops Tony and slams him, then drops an elbow. Tony kicks out at 2 as Stone and Stacks look on. Von with corner clotheslines and some trash talking. Tony avoids a third corner clothesline and Von gets his leg taken out.

Tony mounts offense and hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a pop. Tony with a big Spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Tony stalks Von and hits his Uranage finisher for the pin to win.

Winner: Tony D’Angelo

– After the match, Tony stands tall as Stacks joins him in the ring. The music hits as we go to commercial. Von argues with Stone now. Kelly Kincaid interviews Tony in the ring now, asking him about Dijak. Tony wants to talk about Stacks and loyalty first. He says Stacks had the chance to take the NXT North American Title shot last week or have Tony’s back and he chose family. Stack says it’s family over everything. Tony appreciates that. Tony says Stacks gets it but Dijak doesn’t. Tony says they’ve been at this for months now and it’s time to put it to an end. Kincaid asks how. Tony says he and Stacks thought of a few ideas to make Dijak disappear but he’s decided to end it in the ring. Tony proposes a Jailhouse Street Fight for NXT Roadblock. Fans pop. Tony says when it’s done, he will put Dijak in solitary confinement. Tony gives Dijak 7 days to respond and says don’t make me come find you.

– McKenzie is backstage with the injured Nikkita Lyons. Her surgery was a success but the doctor said she could be out for 11-2 months. Her goal is to be back before one year. Lyons still can’t tell us anything about who attacked her in the parking lot because it came from behind. Tiffany Stratton interrupts and wonders why anyone is still talking about Lyons and wasting TV time that could be used on her, the Center of the Universe. They have words and Stratton would like to see Lyons out of NXT permanently. Stratton taunts Lyons and leaves.

– Ivy Nile approaches Tatum Paxley backstage and asks if there’s an update on Nikkita Lyons. Paxley says they still don’t know who attacked her. Ivy says well we know who didn’t attack her. Ivy finds out Paxley isn’t going out with her for her match. Nile asks if Isla Dawn is getting to her. Nile tells Paxley to not let Dawn and Alba Fyre get to her because they’re a team. Nile heads out and Paxley looks up at the Diamond Mine banner, nodding her head. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and Trick Williams is recovering from his earlier match when Carmelo Hayes enters and gives him props for holding his own against Ilja Dragunov. Carmelo needs to watch tonight’s main event and see… Tyler Bate interrupts. He also gives Trick some props for the match. Bates also gives some advice to Trick, something about “good timber does not grow with ease” and “the stronger the storm, the stronger the tree.” Trick jokes that Bate is 25 and 75 at the same time. Bate takes that as a compliment. Hayes respects Bate for his strong mind and for knowing exactly who he is, but Hayes also knows who he is because he is… him. Hayes is happy Bate’s journey has nothing to do with the NXT Title because that’s all Hayes, respectfully. Trick and Hayes leave.

Alba Fyre vs. Ivy Nile

We go back to the ring and out comes Alba Fyre with Isla Dawn. Ivy Nile is already waiting in the ring with Tatum Paxley.

The bell rings and Fyre strikes first. They go at it and Fyre slides out of a hold, then chops Nile. Nile slams Fyre in the corner an unloads with strikes.

Nile covers for 2. Fyre turns it around and knocks Nile down into the ropes. Fyre stomps as Dawn looks on. Fyre with a running punt kick for 2. More back and forth now. Nile rolls Fyre for a close 2 count.

Paxley accidentally gets hit by Nile from the apron, which allows Fyre to nail a superkick off the distraction. Fyre then hits the Gory Bomb for the pin to win.

Winner: Alba Fyre

– After the match, Fyre and Dawn stand tall together as the music hits. They watch as Nile tends to Paxley at ringside.

– We get a quick promo to hype up NXT Champion Bron Breakker. Back to commercial.

– Fallon Henley shows up to Kiana James’ office and her assistant shows her in. They talk about the whole brother stuff and Kiana didn’t tell Henley what was going on because she wanted her to trust her. James accepts Henley’s apology so they can defend the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles. James insinuates Henley is just jealous because she and Brooks Jensen are happy. Fallon insists she’s happy for them. The tension is still there but they shake on everything as partners.

– McKenzie is with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee in the back. He gives it up to Von Wagner for bringing it to him last week. She asks what’s next for Roadblock and Stand & Deliver. Lee knows fans love these Open Challenges, so he will issue another next week. She asks why he keeps doing this when it puts him at a disadvantage. Lee says that’s just who he is.

NXT Title Match: Jinder Mahal vs. Bron Breakker

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event and out first comes Jinder Mahal with Veer Mahaan and Sanga. NXT Champion Bron Breakker is out next to a pop. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor.

The bell rings and they lock up. Jinder slams Bron then levels him with a shoulder. Jinder poses with his finger in the air, then taunts Bron. They lock up again and Bron blocks a slam. Jinder fights Bron of and levels him with another big shoulder. Jinder talks some more trash in Bron’s face.

Jinder unloads with strikes now. Bron leaps over Jinder and drops him with a shoulder as fans bark. Bron drops Jinder again. Jinder goes to leap over Bron but Bron snatches him out of the air for a big slam. Bron looks for the Recliner but Sanga pulls Jinder to the floor to safety. Bron runs the ropes and leaps out, taking down Jinder and Indus Sher for a big pop.

Bron brings Jinder back in and fights in from the apron. They both go down after colliding with clothesline attempts. Sanga and Veer hit the apron but The Creed Brothers rush out and pull them down. The two tag teams start brawling as officials rush down to try and restore order. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Bron keeps control during the break after The Creeds and Indus Sher were ordered to the back. Bron has Jinder by his arm as we come back from the break. Jinder fights up but Bron catches him with a big slam. Jinder kicks out at 2. Jinder takes it to the ropes, then backs away and kicks Bron to the floor.

Jinder slams Bron face-first into the announce table a few times as the referee counts and warns him. Jinder sends Bron into the steel ring steps, then breaks the count. Jinder launches Bron into the steps one more time, then brings him back in for a close 2 count. Jinder mounts Bron with right hands. Bron blocks a suplex but Jinder beats him back down with strikes.

Bron blocks a suplex and nails one of his own in the middle of the ring. They trade big strikes on their feet now. Bron asks if that’s all Jinder has. They keep brawling and Bron nails two German suplexes. Bron catches Jinder with a big Spinebuster. Bron drops the straps now as fans bark for him. Jinder retreats to the floor but Bron follows and slams him onto the announce table. Bron brings it back in but Jinder drops him with a high knee. Jinder with a suplex for a close 2 count. Jinder with a Gutbuster for another close 2 count.

Jinder shows some frustration now. Jinder slaps Bron around and talks more trash. Bron rams Jinder into the corner. Bron walks into a big boot. Jinder goes to the top but Bron runs up with a big Frankensteiner that doesn’t fully connect. Bron with a suplex slam for 2. Bron goes to the top for the Bulldog but Jinder kicks him on the way down.

Bron blocks The Khallas and comes right back with the Spear for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Bron Breakker

– After the match, Bron stands tall with the NXT Title in the air as the music hits. We go to replays. Bron continues his celebration when Carmelo Hayes appears on the platform above the crowd. They lock eyes but the screen is suddenly interrupted by what looks like someone changing the channel on the Peacock user display. Whoever is changing the channel clicks on the NXT Stand & Deliver event. We cut to Grayson Waller in the production truck, and he has a remote in his hand. He addresses WWE Hall of Famer & Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative, who is nowhere to be seen. Waller says he took a play out of the DX playbook and took over the production truck because he is the new Main Event, the new Showstopper. He says if Michaels is Mr. WrestleMania, then he is Mr. Stand & Deliver. Waller says this is his show, no one is holding him back, not even Michaels, because he will try. Waller says how about they talk about it in two weeks at NXT Roadblock, on a special episode of The Grayson Waller Effect, featuring The Heartbreak Kid. What do you say, you and me, face-to-face? Waller bullies a production worker and knocks over the camera, then tells them to get out of his way because he runs this show, don’t tell him what to do. NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Results 2/21/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up live on the USA Network as Vic Joseph welcomes us to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams

We go right to the ring for tonight’s opener and out comes Trick Williams. Trick says he came to prove that he can do more than talk, he can back-up every word he says. He calls his opponent out but the crowd is giving him the “What?!” treatment. Trick talks some more trash and out next comes Ilja Dragunov as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.

Trick drops Ilja during his entrance with a cheap shot. The bell hits and an angry Ilja attacks, taking Trick down. Ilja with a stiff kick. Trick takes it to the corner but the referee warns him. Ilja rocks Trick with stiff strikes, then applies a headlock.

Ilja takes Trick down to the mat now. Trick resists but Ilja keeps taking him down with the headlock. Trick fights up and out but Ilja rocks him with a shoulder, then delivers another big takedown for a pop. Trick rolls it into a 2 count. Trick drops Ilja with a big right hand. Trick slams Ilja and shows off some now. Ilja rocks him and fights to his feet. Ilja with a running knee in the corner for a 2 count.

Ilja with more offense. Trick clubs him more but Ilja nails another high knee in the corner. Ilja goes to the middle rope but he’s knocked off. Ilja with an elbow and more strikes. Ilja clubs Trick down with an elbow to the back of the head, then talks some more trash. Ilja continues punishing Trick on the mat with strikes. Ilja with a corner clothesline. He goes to the ropes but Trick rocks him. They fight and Trick knocks Ilja out to the floor, and he lands hard.

JD McDonagh comes walking down the entrance-way now to boos. Trick brings Ilja back in for a 2 count. JD looks on as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.


* Ivy Nile vs. Alba Fyre

* Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson) vs. The Dyad (Jagger Reid, Rip Fowler)

* Jacy Jayne vs. Indi Hartwell

* NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus (Mark Coffey, Wolfgang) vs. Edris Enofe and Malik Blade in a non-title match

* NXT Champion Bron Breakker defends against Jinder Mahal

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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