WWE NXT Level Up Results and Videos 3/17/2023

– This week’s WWE NXT Level Up was taped on Tuesday at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. Byron Saxton and newcomer Blake Howard were on commentary.

– Lyra Valkyria defeated Dani Palmer in the opener. Valkyria continues to shine as one of the top women in NXT. She controlled most of the match and won with her heel kick finisher.

– Kelly Kincaid interviewed Eddy Thorpe backstage. He talked about traveling the world and needing to start strong in NXT as he has so far. He said Xyon Quinn isn’t a challenge, but if he can get another win tonight, he can do more for his Native American people. Thorpe will continue to manifest his destiny while conquering this territory.

– Eddy Thorpe defeated Xyon Quinn. One of the better NXT Level Up matches in recent months, both Superstars looked great but Thorpe is exceptional. Thorpe hit the German suplex and swinging neckbreaker for the pin to win.

– Charlie Dempsey defeated Oro Mensah in the main event. Drew Gulak was at ringside with Dempsey. Good back and forth match here with Dempsey focusing on the ankle, which led to a Bow & Arrow submission for the win.

Below are clips from this week’s NXT Level Up episode:

Stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for more.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Level Up Results and Videos 3/17/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– This week’s WWE NXT Level Up was taped on Tuesday at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. Byron Saxton and newcomer Blake Howard were on commentary.

– Lyra Valkyria defeated Dani Palmer in the opener. Valkyria continues to shine as one of the top women in NXT. She controlled most of the match and won with her heel kick finisher.

– Kelly Kincaid interviewed Eddy Thorpe backstage. He talked about traveling the world and needing to start strong in NXT as he has so far. He said Xyon Quinn isn’t a challenge, but if he can get another win tonight, he can do more for his Native American people. Thorpe will continue to manifest his destiny while conquering this territory.

– Eddy Thorpe defeated Xyon Quinn. One of the better NXT Level Up matches in recent months, both Superstars looked great but Thorpe is exceptional. Thorpe hit the German suplex and swinging neckbreaker for the pin to win.

– Charlie Dempsey defeated Oro Mensah in the main event. Drew Gulak was at ringside with Dempsey. Good back and forth match here with Dempsey focusing on the ankle, which led to a Bow & Arrow submission for the win.

Below are clips from this week’s NXT Level Up episode:

Stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for more.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Level Up Results and Videos 3/17/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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