WWE and Endeavor Stock Prices Drop Following News Of Merger

As noted, Endeavor announced this morning that they will be forming a new publicly listed company consisting of WWE and UFC, one that hopes to “create a global live sports and entertainment pureplay built for where the industry is headed.” You can read our initial report about that here.

However, WWE and Endeavor’s stock prices both dropped today on the market. Bloomberg reports that this was due to investors possibly being disappointed with the merger, but this is considered a normal reaction to something of this caliber.

WWE closed on the market at 91.26 per share and opened today at 85.60, its largest drop in two years. It currently stands at 87.72. Meanwhile, Endeavor closed at 23.93 per share over the weekend, then opened at 24.49 today. It currently stands at 22.18

WWE closed on Friday at 91.26, and opened today at 85.60, and currently is at 87.72.

Endeavor closed at 23.93, and opened at 24.49 and are currently at 22.18.

The post WWE and Endeavor Stock Prices Drop Following News Of Merger appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

As noted, Endeavor announced this morning that they will be forming a new publicly listed company consisting of WWE and UFC, one that hopes to “create a global live sports and entertainment pureplay built for where the industry is headed.” You can read our initial report about that here.

However, WWE and Endeavor’s stock prices both dropped today on the market. Bloomberg reports that this was due to investors possibly being disappointed with the merger, but this is considered a normal reaction to something of this caliber.

WWE closed on the market at 91.26 per share and opened today at 85.60, its largest drop in two years. It currently stands at 87.72. Meanwhile, Endeavor closed at 23.93 per share over the weekend, then opened at 24.49 today. It currently stands at 22.18

WWE closed on Friday at 91.26, and opened today at 85.60, and currently is at 87.72.

Endeavor closed at 23.93, and opened at 24.49 and are currently at 22.18.


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