WATCH: Hulk Hogan Endorses Surprise Names For WWE Hall Of Fame

That’s an endorsement. We are rapidly approaching WrestleMania 39 weekend and as usual, it will be the biggest and busiest few days of the wrestling year. Fans from all over the world will be coming out to see what WWE is doing that weekend, but there is also a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with what happens in the ring. One legend has put in a request for what he would like to see.

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On March 31, WWE will induct the Class of 2023 into the WWE Hall Of Fame. In a new YouTube video, Hulk Hogan has endorsed the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, Jacques and Raymond, to be inducted this year. The Rougeaus teamed together in the WWE from 1986-1990. WWE normally inducts one tag team a year and has not announced this year’s team. The only inductee announced thus far is Rey Mysterio.

The team was rather awesome. Check out the Rougeaus in action:

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[This post contains video, click to play]

[This post contains video, click to play]

Opinion: I could go for this as the team was quite good in their day and their matches still hold up to this day. It is interesting to see Hogan endorse a team like this but if it brings some more attention to a team like the Rougeaus, it is certainly a positive. The team has been forgotten over the years, but they could more than hang in the company’s golden era of tag team wrestling.

What do you think of the idea? Who would you like to see inducted this year? Let us know in the comments below.

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