Ted Dibiase Reveals the Creative Secrets of Territory Days, Applauds Jake Roberts’ Masterful Promo Abilities

Ted Dibiase, the WWE Hall of Famer, recently appeared on the podcast Everybody’s Got a Pod where he discussed various topics, including his creative input during the early days of his career and his admiration for Jake Roberts’ promo skills. Here are the highlights from the interview:

Did Ted Dibiase have input into creative when first joining a promotion?

Dibiase revealed that during his early days in the wrestling industry, he did not have much input into his character’s development. While there might have been some discussions, particularly when he took on the persona of the Million Dollar Man, he never had conversations about what he would do or how he would do it. Dibiase emphasized that decisions regarding wins and losses were never in the hands of the wrestlers themselves. However, he did mention that wrestlers could provide input on the match itself, such as suggesting different finishers.

Ted Dibiase’s thoughts on Jake Roberts’ potential:

When discussing his time working in Georgia, Dibiase expressed his belief in Jake Roberts’ potential. Dibiase recognized Roberts’ exceptional microphone skills, describing him as one of the best in the business. He praised Roberts’ ability to captivate audiences with his explanations and make them believe in the stories he told.

Ted Dibiase’s relationship with Jim Duggan:

Dibiase also shared his close friendship with Jim Duggan, which developed during their time together in Mid-South Wrestling. Dibiase mentioned that he was present when Duggan first started in the wrestling industry, fresh from his football career. He fondly recalled how Duggan’s transition from the NFL to wrestling required occasional reminders that their actions in the ring were part of their work and not real fights.

If you would like to hear more from Ted Dibiase, check out the full interview on Everybody’s Got a Pod.

Please credit Everybody’s Got a Pod for the interview and Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.

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