So Close: Former WWE Star Opens Up On Nearly Winning World Title, Moving Forward

It was a change. Titles are the most important part of any wrestling promotion. They are often the focal point of anything the company is doing as well as showcasing the top stars. Fans understand the idea of a wrestler holding the title being one of the top names around so a title change means a great deal. Occasionally plans change though and now a former WWE star is opening up about what could have been.IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Almost Time: Samoa Joe Opens Up About Possible Retirement From Wrestling

Former WWE and current NWA star Aron Stevens, formerly known as Damien Sandow, was a guest on the Ten Count podcast and discussed his failed Money In The Bank cash-in attempt against John Cena in 2013. Stevens talked about how close he was to being World Champion in WWE, saying that there were discussions of a title change but no promises. Here are some of Stevens’ comments, with transcription courtesy of

On How He Felt About The Change Of Plans

“How would you want me to feel? It’s one of those things where it is what it is. And you know what? You can dwell on the past, which, you know, that got to me a little bit. Or you can go forward.”

And On How He Moved Forward

Behind the scenes? Yeah, it can get to me. But as a performer, I go out there; I don’t care what I did. I may not like the script I’m handed, but I can weave that straw into gold.

Stevens was pretty awesome in WWE. Check out some of his time there, including his match against Cena:

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Opinion: I don’t know how far Sandow could have gone in WWE or how successful his title reign would have been, but there did come a point where he seemed ready to be given the ball. That might not have meant making him the World Champion, but doing something on his own would have made sense. If nothing else, the talent is certainly there and Sandow has had a very nice career for himself.

What did you think of Sandow’s time in WWE? Could he have been World Champion? Let us know in the comments below.

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HomeNewsSo Close: Former WWE Star Opens Up On Nearly Winning World Title, Moving Forward

Tags: Damien Sandow, News, NWA, WWE


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