Seth Rollins and Ricochet Tease Epic Showdown in the Ring

Two of WWE’s top stars, Seth Rollins and Ricochet, have expressed their desire to face each other in the future. During their appearance on The Bump, both wrestlers campaigned for a matchup with each other, highlighting their growth and development since their early days in the industry.

Ricochet kicked off the discussion by acknowledging the transformation they have undergone as performers and athletes. He emphasized that a showdown between them in 2023 would be intense and captivating:

“Definitely a lot more hard-hitting than in 2006. Definitely a lot more strategic than in 2006. I think both of us have matured obviously a lot since then, not only as men but as performers, as wrestlers. So I think, especially everything that he’s capable of doing, alongside everything that I’m capable of doing, and everything we’re willing to put our bodies through to get to where we need to go, it would be pretty wild, that’s for sure.”

Rollins echoed Ricochet’s sentiments and highlighted the physical transformation they have undergone over the years. He acknowledged that a matchup between them now would be drastically different from their previous encounters:

“Well, 17 years later, it looks like probably 50 more pounds of muscle between the two of us, at least, if not more. We were just two skinny kids back then. Yeah, it’s gonna look night and day compared to what it was two decades ago. Like you said, we’ve both grown so much as human beings and performers, everything’s gonna be different. You wouldn’t even be able to put the two matches up against each other. Here’s the thing, I would love to do it, though. We’ve gotta get it done at some point. I’d love to get it done one of these times while I still got the title on my shoulder. I think Ricochet has been long overdue for a World Heavyweight Championship match, so we gotta get it done. I’m gonna put in a word with Adam Pearce, see if we can’t get that thing done. Ricochet, he’s been working. I’d love to do it. I think the WWE Universe would be keen to it. I think it would be a great time. I know it would look a lot different, but I don’t know exactly what it would look like. So I would be very excited to see.”

The prospect of a matchup between Seth Rollins and Ricochet has generated considerable excitement among fans. Both wrestlers have evolved significantly since their early days in the industry, and their current abilities and styles would undoubtedly create a captivating and dynamic encounter.

While no official announcement has been made regarding a potential match between Rollins and Ricochet, their campaign on The Bump shows their eagerness to make it happen. Rollins even mentioned reaching out to Adam Pearce, WWE’s Director of Talent Relations, to explore the possibility further.

On a recent episode of The Bump, Academy Award-winning actor Matthew McConaughey also shared his thoughts on the latest storylines in WWE. To read McConaughey’s insights on the Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar feud, click here.

Stay tuned to for updates on the potential matchup between Seth Rollins and Ricochet, as well as the latest news and developments in the world of professional wrestling.

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