Samoa Joe reclaims TNT title just in time for Wardlow’s return

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For his No Holds Barred TNT title defense against Samoa Joe on the Feb. 1 Dynamite, Darby Allin showed up wearing a jacket covered in thumbtacks. And he didn’t wait long before launching himself into the challenger while wearing it, so in case you had any doubts about what we were getting…

If you’ve seen either of the two previous matches between these guys, you knew what was coming… a whole lot of Joe delivering devastating offense, and Allin selling it in a way that made you not entirely sure how it didn’t actually kill him.

Darby fought back, as he always does. It even looked like he had it won when he put the thumbtack jacket back on for a Coffin Drop. But Joe kicked out, so Allin dismantled the ring to expose the boards beneath the mat. Unfortunately, the person who connected the final move on that surface was the challenger. Joe bounced the referee off the ropes to thwart another Coffin Drop attempt, then dropped Allin with a Muscle Buster.

The King of Television didn’t have long to celebrate. We hadn’t seen the man he beat for the TNT belt the first time since Joe gave him a haircut after their rematch back on Dec. 28. But as our guy Cain predicted, Wardlow made his return to close the show. He didn’t manage to powerbomb Joe, but that just meant some poor security guard-type was in for a bad night.

Looks like it’s time for another rematch! Joe/Wardlow at Revolution, anyone?

Get complete results and coverage of everything from tonight’s episode of Dynamite here.


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