ROH TV Delivers Exciting Action: Highlights From May 18, 2023

That’s broken up and the springboard cutter gets two for Loco. Fenix is right back up with the springboard DDT and a standing Spanish Fly sets up the package piledriver to finish him off.

This week on Ring of Honor (ROH): Willie Mack and Ninja Mack prepare to team together; Gringo Loco and Rey Fenix face off in the opening match; Fenix defeats Loco with a package piledriver. ROH, Universal Studios. Back up and Nightingale scores with a pump kick but misses a dropkick. Madi pops up with a neckbreaker and a senton gets two. Madi slaps on a leg submission but Nightingale small packages her for two. Nightingale scores with a backstabber and a suplex into a neckbreaker finishes Madi at 5:05.

Result: Willow Nightingale b. Madi Wrenkowski – Suplex into a neckbreaker (5:05)

Gringo Loco and Rey Fenix competed in a high-paced match, with Fenix ultimately winning via a rolling cutter at 8:49. Willow Nightingale defeated Madi Wrenkowski with a suplex into a neckbreaker at 5:05. Gringo Loco and Rey Fenix were the competitors in the first match with Willow Nightingale and Madi Wrenkowski in the second. Peter Avalon/Ryan Nemeth – Electric chair splash (5:14)

Willow Nightingale defeated Madi Wrenkowski with the Babe with the Powerbomb in 3 minutes and 46 seconds. The Iron Savages defeated Peter Avalon and Ryan Nemeth with an Electric Chair Splash after 5 minutes and 14 seconds. [Hyperlink 1]( “facebuster”) [Hyperlink 2]( “powerbomb”) Cole Karter/Zack Clayton – Best Moonsault Ever (6:30)

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal defeated Cole Karter and Zack Clayton in a tag team match at 5:14. Daniels and Karter started with wristlocks and Daniels later hit a leg lariat. Sydal then followed with a standing legdrop and an assisted moonsault, leading Clayton into a basement dropkick and Sydal firing off some kicks. Clayton responded with a powerslam and Karter with a frog splash, but this was followed by Sydal with a DDT which allowed for the hot tag. Daniels then cleaned house and ended the match with the Best Moonsault Ever for the pin at 6:30. [2 hyperlinks]

Professional wrestling fans can find more results and up-to-date news on [anchor text: Professional Wrestling News], while those looking to learn more about the sport can visit [anchor text: Professional Wrestling Encyclopedia]. Everything breaks down and it’s a big dive from Isom onto Serpentico, followed by a double dropkick. Luther takes the count out loss at 2:05.

Lady Frost defeated Miranda Alize with a Corkscrew Moonsault at 3:21 and Angelico/Serpentico lost to Eli Isom/Cheeseburger by count out at 2:05. These matches were part of a Fight Without Honor between Kingdom and Darius Martin/Action Andretti who have been feuding for a few weeks. [Link 1]( and [Link 2]( provide more information about professional wrestling. Fox goes up but Sabre is ready for a European uppercut. The Yoshi Tonic is countered into a half crab but Fox rolls out and snaps off a cutter back inside. Both guys go up and Sabre gets two off a super European uppercut. Fox gets the same off a reverse hurricanrana, followed by a 450 for the clean pin and the title at 8:35.

Result: AR Fox b. Zack Sabre Jr. – 450 splash (8:35) to win the NJPW TV Title. AR Fox earned the NJPW TV Title by defeating Zack Sabre Jr. with a 450 splash after 8:35 of intense action. Read more about the match. View results from the event. Dalton obliges but then takes a beatdown while Nana keeps shouting about the Boyz being tired of waiting. Khan and Nana head out and Brandon and Dalton hit their finishers to pick up the win.

Zack Sabre Jr. defeats AR Fox in a five-minute match using a Stretch Muffler. Samoa Joe interrupts and suggests a match between Zack Sabre Jr. and Christopher Daniels or Matt Sydal, with the winner receiving a title shot. Dalton Castle and The Boy defeat Gates Of Agony in a tag match. Prince Nana and Khan exit the ring after Castle and The Boy gain the upper hand. Schaff/Ricky Gibson/Eddie Pearl – Package Piledriver to Schaff (2:43)

The Workhorsemen (Khan and Toa) and Shane Taylor faced off against Schaff, Ricky Gibson, and Eddie Pearl. The Workhorsemen were able to gain advantage and eventually pin Schaff with a Package Piledriver at 2:43. Dalton Castle and The Boy (Brandon) faced Gates Of Agony and The Boy was pinned at 9:30 with Open The Gates. Schaff/Ricky Gibson/Eddie Pearl

The match between Mercedes Martinez and Ashley D’Amboise ended with Martinez winning via a Surfboard Dragon Sleeper at 6:24. The Kingdom then took on Schaff, Ricky Gibson and Eddie Pearl, which resulted in a Package Piledriver to Schaff at 2:43. [Hyperlink 1: Mercedes Martinez, Hyperlink 2: The Kingdom] The Kingdom is knocked to the floor and a tower of doom with chairs gets two on Bennett. Martin takes Bennett to the top and they fight on the ladder, but a Super RKO off the top gets two more.

Darius Martin (Action Andretti) and Maria Kanellis take on The Kingdom in a Fight Without Honor match. Martin and Andretti employ various weapons such as chairs, ladders, and trash cans while The Kingdom attempt a Doomsday Flight Of The Conqueror. Martin and Andretti eventually hit a Hail Mary onto open chairs and a Super RKO off the top, but it’s not enough for victory. Hyperlinks: Fight Without Honor: | Tower of Doom: Los Ben Dejos – Cannonball/rana combinationThe Kingdom lost to Action Andretti/Darius Martin – Powerbomb/clothesline off a ladder combination to Bennett (15:09).

Action Andretti and Darius Martin defeat The Kingdom when Martin delivers a powerbomb/clothesline combo off a ladder to Bennett (15:09). Willow Nightingale defeats Madi Wrenkowski with the Babe with the Powerbomb, Rey Fenix defeats Gringo Loco with a rolling cutter, and Iron Savages win a tag match against Los Ben Dejos with a cannonball/rana combination. [Action Andretti] and [Darius Martin] defeat The Kingdom in a match featuring a powerbomb/clothesline off a ladder combination. com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag=kbwrestlingrev-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=8b20a66f84d7f6c4c9b59e2efc3568d7&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=books&keywords=wrestling” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> for all your wrestling book needs!
Thomas Hall reported the results of the latest events featuring Peter Avalon/Ryan Nemeth, Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal, Lady Frost, Miranda Alize, Angelico/Serpentico, Eli Isom/Cheeseburger, Zack Sabre Jr., AR Fox, Gates of Agony, Dalton Castle/The Boy, Workhorsemen/Shane Taylor, Eddie Pearl/Schaff/Ricky Gibson, Mercedes Martinez, Ashley D’Amboise, Action Andretti/Darius Martin and The Kingdom. Share this story on Facebook to help spread the word! net/tommyhall/alexa-bliss-bodyslams-twitter-hater-chokeslams-her-trending-topic/”>

Alexa Bliss Bodyslams Twitter Hater, Chokeslams Her Into A Trending Topic

This article discusses the push for a new WWE SmackDown star who has reportedly been wanted to be pushed for months. It also features two other wrestling related stories about a reigning champion breaking a title record and Alexa Bliss bodyslamming a Twitter hater. Sign up for the Wrestling Rumors daily newsletter to get the latest rumors. Thomas Hall is an expert on wrestling and has written 30 books on the topic, which can be found on his Amazon author page. net/tommyhall/aew-rampage-results-may-19-2023/”>

WWE accidentally advertised Roman Reigns and sold a bunch of tickets as a result. Steve Austin commented that Pat McAfee has a natural feel for the business. Mick Foley revealed he turned down a spot on Jimmy Kimmel Live. There are spoilers for AEW Rampage Results and WWE Smackdown TV Taping Results for 5/26/23. Hyperlinks: Roman Reigns Advertised and Steve Austin on Pat McAfee. net/tag/backlash/”>Backlash, Triple H, Retirement, WWE Star, Ring Of Honor

This article covers three recent news stories in professional wrestling. The first story reviews Backlash 2008 as a hidden gem. The second story discusses a WWE star that Triple H is said to be high on and potentially pushing. The third story reported on the retirement of a 38 year old former WWE personality. Additionally, the article includes hyperlinks to related stories in Ring of Honor, Backlash, Triple H, retirement, and WWE Star. This article covers the professional wrestling Ring of Honor TV results from May 18th, 2023 featuring Action Andretti, Darius Martin, Kingdom, News, Results and ROH. To read more, click here:

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