Road Dogg Claims Young Bucks’ Success Surpasses His as a ‘Sports Entertainer’

Road Dogg Claims to be a Better ‘Sports Entertainer’ Than The Young Bucks, But Admits They Are More Successful

In a recent episode of his podcast, “Oh You Didn’t Know,” WWE Hall of Famer Road Dogg made some interesting remarks about The Young Bucks, the popular tag team in All Elite Wrestling (AEW). While Road Dogg believes he is a better “sports entertainer” than the brotherly duo, he also acknowledges that they have achieved far more success in the wrestling industry.

Road Dogg’s comments came during a discussion on his podcast, where he expressed his admiration for The Young Bucks’ accomplishments. He stated, “I have to say no… you know what, I’m going to say ‘yes, I am better’ than both of them. What I’m not going to say is that they are bad human beings and that they are bad at business. What they have done is far more successful than what I’ve ever done in this industry and kudos to you bros, for that.”

Despite asserting his superiority as a “sports entertainer,” Road Dogg also acknowledged that The Young Bucks have achieved tremendous success in their careers. He compared their journey to his own, reminiscing about a time when he was at the top of his game. He said, “There once was a time where the D-O-Double G wasn’t bad at what he did. I was very humble I felt (in that answer) while being braggadocious.”

Road Dogg’s comments highlight the respect he has for The Young Bucks as talented individuals and good people. Although he admits he hasn’t spent enough time around them to know them personally, he has always heard positive things about them.

This statement from Road Dogg is likely to spark discussions among wrestling fans about the criteria for being a better “sports entertainer” and the importance of success in the industry. It also sheds light on the mutual respect and admiration between wrestlers, even across different promotions.

In addition to his comments on The Young Bucks, Road Dogg also discussed Paul Heyman and why he believes Heyman deserves a place on the Mount Rushmore of pro-wrestling managers. You can read more about Road Dogg’s thoughts on Heyman by clicking here.

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(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)

The post Road Dogg Says He Is A Better ‘Sports Entertainer’ Than The Young Bucks But They Are Far More Successful Than He Ever Was appeared first on Pro Wrestling Wars.

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