Rampage St. Patrick’s Day Slam live results, open thread: TNT title

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Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Rampage, airing tonight at a special start time of around 11:30 pm ET on TNT, right after coverage of the NCAA tournament is over.

This St. Patrick’s Day Slam edition of AEW’s Friday night show comes our way on tape from Canada Life Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba (spoilers are here, if you’re interested – and if you are and choose to discuss them in the comments, please use the spoiler tag).

Tonight’s main event is Brody King vs. Daniel Garcia.

Also advertised for tonight: Powerhouse Hobbs defends the TNT title against Rey Fenix, Taya Valkyrie has her in-ring debut, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker vs. The Bollywood Boyz and more!

Come right back here at around 11:30 pm ET when Rampage kicks off on TNT. We’ll update the post with everything that happens on the show below the line.

Enjoy the show!


It’s 11:48 pm ET time and we’re still waiting for NCAA coverage to wrap up before Rampage begins on TNT.
The basketball game just ended at midnight, now it’s a matter of waiting out whatever post-game coverage there is in the studio.
It’s 12:06 am ET and Rampage is finally beginning on TNT! Paul Wight is on commentary in place of Jim Ross.
The show kicks off with Powerhouse Hobbs defending the TNT title against Rey Fenix, with both men already in the ring ready to go. QT Marshall and Aaron Solo are ringside.

Powerhouse Hobbs defeats Rey Fenix to retain the TNT championship. Hobbs dominated the first half of the match with his power advantage, grounding Fenix for the most part. Hobbs works over Rey’s lower back coming out of the commercial break. Rey gets back in it with a corkscrew kick to the face, but Powerhouse stays on his feet. Hobbs yanks Rey off the top rope into a slam. Hobbs elbows his way out an attempted German suplex, but Fenix nails it on the next try for a big pop. Fenix hits the rolling cutter for a near fall. Fenix walks the tightrope and kicks Powerhouse in the face. Hobbs charges into Fenix, smashing his spine into the buckle. Hobbs hits a spinebuster, but Fenix kicks out right before three. Rey hits the back heel kick, both men are down and wiped out. Rey hits the frog splash but there is a delay before the pin attempt, and Hobbs kicks out. Rey hits three kicks to the face and Hobbs is wobbly. Fenix goes for another rolling cutter, but Hobbs catches him in another spinebuster. Hobbs gets him up in the torture rack and slams him down for the three count.
Alex Abrahantes checks on Fenix after the match. Hobbs grabs him. QT Marshall turns Alex around and puts him down with a Diamond Cutter.
Excalibur throws to a video where Adam Cole hypes his in-ring return on March 29. He is looking for a fighter, a technician to remind him who the hell he is, but we still don’t know who that opponent will be.
Stu Grayson cuts a promo. Jon Moxley gave Evil Uno a concussion and put him in the hospital, so now Stu is back in AEW for good and he’s going to break Moxley next week in a singles match on Dynamite.

Taya Valkyrie defeats Eva Lawless. Taya gets her down in the corner and hits double running knees on her. Taya lands an overhead chop and then nails a spear. She gets her up for Jaded and the very quick win. Jade Cargill and Mark Sterling are watching from the ramp.
Now we have a Stokely Hathaway training montage with Matt Hardy, Ethan Page, and Private Party, to get him ready for next week’s match with HOOK.

Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ang defeat The Bollywood Boyz. Excalibur promotes Shazam after the opening bell. Bollywood work together to get Cool Hand up for a spinning elbow from the top rope. Magic gets in there and takes over with a clothesline. Cool Hand performs a suplex as we go to commercial break. Shortly after we return from the break, JAS hits a double elevated DDT for the win. Daddy Magic and Cool Hand Ang scissor each other after the match is over.
We get a video of Don Callis trying to impress Takeshita with fancy music and flowers in Winnipeg.
AEW hypes up Kenny Omega vs El Hijo del Vikingo next week on Dynamite.
The Gunns mistook Top Flight for valet staff at the hotel after Dynamite. They will fight next week in a tag title match on Dynamite.
Mark Henry says it’s time for the main event match between Daniel Garcia and Brody King.
Chris Jericho accompanies Garcia to the ring, with his face all busted up. Julia Hart is in Brody’s corner.

Daniel Garcia defeats Brody King. Late in the match, Brody King hits a delayed piledriver for a near fall. Brody hits the running cannonball in the corner, but Garcia gets his boot on the ropes to break the pin. Garcia fights out of the next piledriver attempt. He chops away at Brody’s lower leg and locks in a sleeper. Brody stands up and carries Daniel on his back, backing him into the corner repeatedly. He finally just grabs Garcia and flips him over his head to break the hold. Brody hits a powerful lariat. Garcia evades a powerbomb and goes for a roll up, but King kicks out. Garcia locks in the Walls of Jericho to pop the Winnipeg crowd. Brody army crawls towards the ropes, but Garcis sits down on his lower back. King finally makes the rope to break the hold. With the ref backing Garcia up, Jericho smashes Brody in the face with the bat. Garcia locks in a submission and Brody cannot respond to the referee, bringing an end to the match.
Chris Jericho celebrates with Garcia as Rampage goes off the air.


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