Opener, Title Match Main Event and More Set for Tonight’s Impact Episode

Tonight’s Impact Wrestling episode will open up at 8pm ET on AXS with Masha Slamovich vs. Jordynne Grace.

The main event of tonight’s episode will see Impact Knockouts World Champion Deonna Purrazzo make her first title defense against Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde.

Tonight’s Impact matches were taped on April 17 in Toronto, and spoilers can be found here. Below is the announced line-up for the show:

* Jordynne Grace vs. Masha Slamovich

* Impact World Tag Team Champions Ace Austin and Chris Bey vs. Angels and Kon in a non-title match

* Impact World Champion Steve Maclin will appear

* Impact Knockouts World Champion Deonna Purrazzo defends against Impact Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde

Tonight’s Before The Impact episode will feature Kenny King vs. Channing Decker. BTI airs at 7:15pm ET via YouTube, Facebook and Impact Plus.

Stay tuned to for more from tonight’s Impact.

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The post Opener, Title Match Main Event and More Set for Tonight’s Impact Episode appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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