NWA USA Results 1/28/23

NWA USA Results 1/28/23
Skyway Studios
Nashville, Tennessee

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team: (Joe Galli & Velvet Sky)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Rip Rogers:Rip Rogers, in my opinion, one of the greatest wrestling trainers ever, who knows his stuff, pays attention to detail. And if you can’t learn under Rip, he’s very unorthodox in his methods. He’s frank, he’s stern, he’s direct which can throw some people off. They’re not used to coaching, where good players want to be coached, great players want to be told the truth. Rip will tell you the truth, he has no problem with that. But his approach, he’ll explain and have analogies and remedies, all at the same time, explaining how to do it and how to grab the chin and how to throw a punch, when you should bring it back, the little things, the details that not a lot of people know about, much less can teach. Really good teacher. Really good coach.”

Chief Jay Strongbow: “Chief Jay Strongbow was an interesting character to a lot of people. I got along great with Chief Jay, but I think that went back to, when I came in, I was just gonna do my thing. And when the chief was an agent for that night, he was another direct guy that would tell you and then let you go do your thing. But I always got along with Chief Jay.”

Bruiser Brody: As a person, he could be your best friend and a gentle giant. If you made him mad, he would bite your head off and he didn’t care how big or small you were. Nice guy. Never had any problems. One of my first matches in Dallas, Mark Loon and I flew Southwest from Houston to Dallas and Brody picked up us along with some friends. And we got in the car and went to the arena and I got to listen to the chatter and the talk in between Mark and Brody who were two big stars at the time. But he was a very smart man about business. Some people say he was a bully. Some people say he was a hard to do business with. I think it would all depend on how you treated him. You give respect, you earn respect, you get respect. He fit in the business, but he was smarter than most and sometimes he was too smart for his own good. As a worker, believable, believable and authentic. He was that guy.”

Dusty Rhodes: “I don’t know that enough can be said about the dream. Not only from what he did in the ring, but especially what he did outside the ring and just the creativity he gave to other people, the way he could see somebody and name them and point them and say this is what you’re going to do, I got this great idea. He was open for ideas.

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