Multiple promotions cut ties with Davey Richards

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Companies and organizations are distancing themselves from the wrestler best known for his time in Ring of Honor for ‘ violating their policies and code of conducts, due to allegations of domestic abuse.’

Photo via Steve Wright Jr. of Flickr via Wikimedia Commons.

Davey Richards has been a staple on the independent scene for most of this century. Probably most famous for his cross-promotional tag team with Eddie Edwards as the American Wolves, and a Ring of Honor run that included a World title run, Richards’ career hasn’t been without controversy. But up to this point, that controversy has largely been about not appearing for bookings or retiring multiple times.

Those issues seemed to be in his rearview the past couple years, as the 40 year old from Washington state wrestled for MLW and smaller promotions all over the world. But it’s beginning to seem he’s accused of something much worse than no showing events.

Yesterday (Mar. 16), Anarchy Wrestling announced he was off their April show:

Then today, the St. Louis-based school Richards was associated with tweeted that they were no longer working with him:

Shortly thereafter, Prestige Wrestling followed suit:

Richards has disabled his Twitter account, and speculation was rampant about what was causing these companies to abruptly stop doing business with the wrestler. Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp was the first to go on the record with more information, tweeting:

Many companies have terminated their association with Davey Richards due to violating their policies and code of conducts, due to allegations of domestic abuse.

I’ve spoken with St. Louis Anarchy, who confirmed they’ve fired Davey Richards for a violation of their code of conduct.

Richards had privately denied any allegations to several who he’d been in contact with.

Richards worked last month’s MLW tapings, but his status with Court Bauer’s promotion beyond that is unclear. As of publication time, Richards is still advertised for this weekend’s OTT Scrappermania 7 event in Ireland, and multiple WrestleMania week shows in the Los Angeles area.


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