Melina Reflects On Working With Mercedes Moné In The 2022 WWE Royal Rumble

The legendary Melina recently participated in a virtual signing with the Asylum Wrestling Store to discuss her time in the 2022 WWE Royal Rumble, a big spot where she shared the ring with top industry superstar Mercedes Moné, who was still going as Sasha Banks at the time.

Melina and Moné would enter the Rumble at number one and two, with The CEO getting the elimination shortly after the match began. Melina called the opportunity to return to WWE huge, but revealed that her time got cut at the very last minute. You can check out her full reflection on the spot in the highlights below.

Says her spot with Mercedes was always supposed to be short:

No matter what I say, I love her (Mercedes Moné) but, I feel like everything I say, people will tear apart. But she knows me. I told her exactly what I’m gonna say right now to you guys. She knows I can say anything to her. I know her, I love her. But I told her an hour before when they changed everything so what happens (referencing 2022 women’s Royal Rumble) — and I’m gonna say it here now because everybody keeps saying, ‘Oh, she f*cked up her spot.’ That’s the way the spot went and if anything — on the Rumble — I did not accidentally fall… But, I did the spot as it was planned. It was supposed to be short and if anything, I went longer than expected.

How Mercedes told her she couldn’t do the split, then immediately did the split after she eliminated her:

Two, she told me before we went out there, ‘I can’t do the split. I try and try.’ She came to me and said this sh*t (Melina laughed). ‘I don’t know how to do the split Melina. You’re so lucky’ and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was like, ‘Girl, I’ve seen your videos. You can do the split’ and she was like, ‘No. I mean, that’s only if somebody’s trying to stretch me.’ She’s playing this up. Like yeah, whatever Sasha. But I think she said that to be nice, you know? It’s like I’m a veteran or whatever and she’s just being respectful. Yeah, right. She pulled that sh*t. She didn’t tell me she was gonna do that. She said, ‘It was what the moment called for and it was done on the fly.’ Nobody does that on the fly, come on… She looked incredible, it was so adorable.

On getting the offer to work the Rumble but then got her time cut:

To be a part of the Royal Rumble, it meant a lot to me, it really did. I was very thankful that they considered me for it and they had me be a part of it and when they told me I was gonna work with Sasha, I was gonna be first and I was gonna do my entrance and they gave me, let’s see, it was like a minute or whatever they had to work with her, I was like, ‘Oh my goodness. This is too good to be true.’ They are making all my dreams come true and I could retire. I will quit wrestling type of deal and then they cut my time and then they said all this stuff and I was like, there it is, there it is! Things haven’t changed (she laughed).

Says her elimination came quick because they wanted Mercedes to look strong:

They cut the time because they wanted Sasha to look strong and I was like, ‘She’d still look strong even if we worked’ and they’re like, ‘No. We want her to throw you out. Walk in, you get thrown out’ and I was like, ‘Oh, okay, alright. But I get to still do my entrance, right?’ And they’re like, ‘Yeah.’ ‘Okay, well I’m cool. Throw me out…’ My hope was — throw me out, I don’t care. I don’t get angry, I’m not ashamed or anything. I just hoped that there would be a follow up to it. That we would face off and a story would be told and that’d be amazing but no, it didn’t happen.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

The post Melina Reflects On Working With Mercedes Moné In The 2022 WWE Royal Rumble appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

The legendary Melina recently participated in a virtual signing with the Asylum Wrestling Store to discuss her time in the 2022 WWE Royal Rumble, a big spot where she shared the ring with top industry superstar Mercedes Moné, who was still going as Sasha Banks at the time.

Melina and Moné would enter the Rumble at number one and two, with The CEO getting the elimination shortly after the match began. Melina called the opportunity to return to WWE huge, but revealed that her time got cut at the very last minute. You can check out her full reflection on the spot in the highlights below.

Says her spot with Mercedes was always supposed to be short:

No matter what I say, I love her (Mercedes Moné) but, I feel like everything I say, people will tear apart. But she knows me. I told her exactly what I’m gonna say right now to you guys. She knows I can say anything to her. I know her, I love her. But I told her an hour before when they changed everything so what happens (referencing 2022 women’s Royal Rumble) — and I’m gonna say it here now because everybody keeps saying, ‘Oh, she f*cked up her spot.’ That’s the way the spot went and if anything — on the Rumble — I did not accidentally fall… But, I did the spot as it was planned. It was supposed to be short and if anything, I went longer than expected.

How Mercedes told her she couldn’t do the split, then immediately did the split after she eliminated her:

Two, she told me before we went out there, ‘I can’t do the split. I try and try.’ She came to me and said this sh*t (Melina laughed). ‘I don’t know how to do the split Melina. You’re so lucky’ and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I was like, ‘Girl, I’ve seen your videos. You can do the split’ and she was like, ‘No. I mean, that’s only if somebody’s trying to stretch me.’ She’s playing this up. Like yeah, whatever Sasha. But I think she said that to be nice, you know? It’s like I’m a veteran or whatever and she’s just being respectful. Yeah, right. She pulled that sh*t. She didn’t tell me she was gonna do that. She said, ‘It was what the moment called for and it was done on the fly.’ Nobody does that on the fly, come on… She looked incredible, it was so adorable.

On getting the offer to work the Rumble but then got her time cut:

To be a part of the Royal Rumble, it meant a lot to me, it really did. I was very thankful that they considered me for it and they had me be a part of it and when they told me I was gonna work with Sasha, I was gonna be first and I was gonna do my entrance and they gave me, let’s see, it was like a minute or whatever they had to work with her, I was like, ‘Oh my goodness. This is too good to be true.’ They are making all my dreams come true and I could retire. I will quit wrestling type of deal and then they cut my time and then they said all this stuff and I was like, there it is, there it is! Things haven’t changed (she laughed).

Says her elimination came quick because they wanted Mercedes to look strong:

They cut the time because they wanted Sasha to look strong and I was like, ‘She’d still look strong even if we worked’ and they’re like, ‘No. We want her to throw you out. Walk in, you get thrown out’ and I was like, ‘Oh, okay, alright. But I get to still do my entrance, right?’ And they’re like, ‘Yeah.’ ‘Okay, well I’m cool. Throw me out…’ My hope was — throw me out, I don’t care. I don’t get angry, I’m not ashamed or anything. I just hoped that there would be a follow up to it. That we would face off and a story would be told and that’d be amazing but no, it didn’t happen.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)


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