Matt Cardona’s best friend in NWA chokeslammed him through a table


Matt Cardona can’t catch a break. His luck has been down in this new year. It can be argued that this is all a mess of his own doing, however, Cardona wouldn’t agree with that. His next blunder occurred on NWA Powerrr when his best friend powerbombed him through a table.


Look at the bright side. At least there are no brown stains on the rear end of Cardona’s bright white pants.

The story for Powerrr was Cardona placing Knox in the way of Bully Ray as a hurdle. If Bully won a match against Knox, then he would get the opportunity to fight Cardona. Honestly, I don’t even know what the official result was. The main event was complete chaos from the get-go.

Knox attacked Bully before the opening bell to pummel him in the corner. The bell did eventually ring, but Knox proceeded to hit Bully with a chair. The referee sort of waved off the bout without an official ruling.

Mike Knox not even waiting for the bell.
Got a feeling this has @TheMattCardona written all over it. #NWAPowerrr

— (@WrestlingCovers) February 28, 2023

Bully fought back to hit Knox with the chair. When Bully was setting up a table, Cardona ran in to strike from behind. Bully was given the 2-on-1 treatment. Cardona’s frustration boiled over as he ordered Knox to put Bully through the table. Knox said something back. The ringside audio didn’t pick up the conversation clearly, but it was obvious that tensions were hot when Cardona grabbed Knox by the beard. An argument ensued. Even though Knox was not pleased, he did set up Bully in a powerbomb position. When Knox hesitated, Cardona slapped him a cross the face. That was the last straw. Knox goozled Cardona to chokeslam him through the table.

.@TheMattCardona has pushed Mike Knox too far!
The Cardona Family has imploded! #NWAPowerrr

— (@WrestlingCovers) February 28, 2023

Knox stared down Bully sitting in the corner. Knoxy gave a nod to Bully, flashed a middle finger at Cardona’s limp body, then exited the ring as the show closed.


Questions are abound in this Cardona Family drama. Can Cardona regroup with Knox to get on the same page? Or is their friendship flushed down the toilet? Will Bully Ray finally get to put hands on Cardona? Is this leading to the exile of Cardona from the NWA?

Tune in for answers next week at the same NWA time on the same NWA channel.


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