LIVE AEW Dynamite Results (2/1) Dayton, OH

AEW Dynamite Results (2/1) – This week’s show kicks off inside Wright State University in Dayton, OH. and the voices of Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Taz are heard on the broadcast as we head down to the ring for our first match of the evening.

Jon Moxley vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Before “Hangman” Adam Page can even get into the ring, Jon Moxley jumps him and starts launching him around the ringside area, smashing Page through the safety rail. Moxley then launches him over the barricade and the two begin brawling around the fans as Page nails a big boot as Moxley then responds with a Figure Four until Page throws some beer in his face to break things up. 

As they get back to ringside, Moxley uses a chair to create some separation as he then wraps his leg inside it but he gets out and then launches it into the face of Moxley! Page suplexes him onto it and once they get inside the ring the match officially begins as they go back and forth with forearms as the former WWE Superstar is busted open. Page hits a German suplex as he slowly picks apart his opponent. 

Page connects with a Fallaway Slam, but Moxley then swings blindly and connects with a lariat as he locks in a sleeper hold, but the Cowboy gets the best of this situation as he throws Moxley head-first into the ring post. The two men then continue the fight with chops and forearms outside the ring and when they get back in he tries to stomp on Moxley but he takes too long and that allows the Blackpool Combat Club star to charge him into the corner and rake the back. 

Despite that, it is Page who sends Moxley back down to the mat with an Avalanch Deathvalley Driver, but Moxley can kick out! Page demands he stays down but Moxley gets back up and slaps him and then leaps into a cutter. The two men trade chops as Moxley looks for a sleeper, but Page suplexes him to break it up only for Moxley to pop up immediately and nail a suplex of his own. 

Moxley launches Page across the ring from the top turnbuckle and he then hits the classic stomps to the face as he transitions into an armbar. Page escapes again and dumps Moxley out of the ring as he aims for a moonsault but Moxley moves and he then gets nailed by a lariat. The two then clobber each other with lariat attempts and “Hangman” opts to powerbomb Moxley through the timekeeper’s table.

Both men trade clotheslines and Page hits a pop-up powerbomb on Moxley through the table! Moxley barely makes it in before the ten count but runs right into a big lariat by Page. Deadeye! One, two, no! Page looks for the stomp but Moxley moves and it’s the King Kong lariat! Page is having trouble getting back to his feet but Moxley is measuring him with elbows. Page is returning with some huge shots before hitting a super kick! Small package driver by Page! Two count! Buckshot is countered by Moxley but Page counters into the tombstone! Buckshot! MOXLEY KICKS OUT! Bulldog choke by Page but Moxley is getting to his feet, Moxley rolls page over his shoulder, traps the arm, and gets the three count!

Winner: Jon Moxley

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta hit the ring as Page is upset and gives them the finger. Moxley wants to keep fighting and Page is obviously upset.

– The Butcher, Blade, and Bunny are here with Renee, and Jamie Hayter. The Bunny wants a match with Jamie Hayter and Jamie agrees… BREAKING NEWS: Saraya and Toni Storm are shown on the monitor beating up Britt Baker in the parking lot.

The Acclaimed vs. Enhancement Talents

The enhancement fellas don’t have names it seems like, but they do have a great scissor. Body slam by Caster. Scissor me, timbers by The Acclaimed. Billy Gunn is in the ring now and it’s a three way scissor party in the center of the ring. The Arrival by Bowens and the Mic Drop finishes this one.

Winners: The Acclaimed

The Gunns are here and they want a shot at the title, and an answer… immediately. The Acclaimed ask the people what they want. Ohio says the Ass Boys do NOT deserve a shot at the tag team titles. Daddy Ass has said he’s had enough of this and walks out. Ass Boys tell Daddy Ass to go do what he used to do and drown his sorrows in the bottom of a pill bottle. Stiff. Daddy Ass wants to know if the Ass Boys have what it takes? Next week, they get the tag team title shot and The Acclaimed look… perplexed.

– Jack Perry is shown backstage as he says he had an amazing time teaming with HOOK, but he’s done the tag team thing before. This year isn’t about that, this time he will be champion again all by himself. 

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Brian Cage

Rolling elbow and a flying TakeshitaLine send Cage to the apron. Big boot by Takeshita and a flying plancha to the outside. Cage grabs Takeshita’s leg and hits a buckle bomb into the ring post on the outside. Cage looks for another buckle bomb inside the ring by Takeshita fights out with some huge elbows.

Cage fights off a back suplex attempt and hits a big knee lift before charging Takeshita but getting caught in the Blue Thunder Bomb! Two count. Takeshita misses a flying knee in the corner before landing on the apron and getting brought into the ring with a deadlift vertical suplex. 619 by Cage. Running back elbow in the corner and a big release German suplex and Takeshita landed hard. Takeshita hurricanranas himself out of a powerbomb attempt and comes off the top with a dropkick. Lariat by Takeshita and a bridging German suplex for two.

Takeshita charges with a rising knee but Cage catches him and hits a buckle bomb. Powerbomb attempt by Cage but Takeshita reverses into a Liger Bomb for two! Rolling lariat by Cage is ducked but Takeshita connects with a rolling elbow. Back drop driver by Cage! Rolling lariat! Two count! Drillclaw by Cage is countered inter a sheer drop brainbuster! A second brainbuster! TWO COUNT. Cage fights Takeshita off and flattens him with an F5. Cage set Takeshita up on the top rope but Takeshita fights back with an avalanche brainbuster! RISING KNEE! One, two three!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

–We shoot backstage where we see AEW Trios Champions The Elite (Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks duo of Matt and Nick Jackson) standing by. They go on to extend a challenge to the three-man team of AR Fox and the Top Flight duo of Darius and Dante Martin for next week. The Firm group enter and issue their own challenge to Omega, Nick and Matt for a shot at the AEW Trios Championships on this coming Friday night’s installment of AEW Rampage. The Elite accepts.

Bryan Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher

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