Konnan Says He’s Happy To See The LWO Resurrected In WWE

Konnan gives his thoughts on WWE bringing back the LWO (Latino World Order).

The lucha-libre legend tells Captain’s Corner that he’s happy to see the group, which was made famous in AAA and by Eddie Guerrero back in WCW, resurrected under Rey Mysterio. Konnan recalls the LWO being the first time Guerrero’s personality really started to get featured on television.

Yeah, I’m so glad they’re doing that (L.W.O.) with Rey (Mysterio) and Fantasma (Santos Escobar) because I spent a lot of time with both in AAA and you know, really happy that they brought that back. That’s what made Eddie Guerrero really — the first time we saw any personality in him.

Elsewhere on his Captain’s Corner appearance, Konnan recalled trying out for the WWE commentary back in the early 2000s. This was during the same time that he had a lawsuit with TNA.

I called WWE and I even forgot who I talked to and I said, you know, ‘Can I come down there, do a tryout as a commentator?’ So I went in there and Barry (Windham) was in there doing the audition with me, and I remember when I was done, he comes up to me, he goes, ‘Wow, that was really good. That might be the best I’ve heard so far’ and I go, ‘Oh, thank you very much’ and so, when I get out, there was this table full of wrestlers and Chris Benoit gets up and he comes and he hugs me. He goes, ‘I was listening man.’ He goes, ‘That was really good. I think they’re gonna hire you’ which they never did. But, that’s my Barry Windham story.

On a recent episode of his podcast, Konnan discussed Tony Khan’s hatred for WWE. You can read about that here.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

The post Konnan Says He’s Happy To See The LWO Resurrected In WWE appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Konnan gives his thoughts on WWE bringing back the LWO (Latino World Order).

The lucha-libre legend tells Captain’s Corner that he’s happy to see the group, which was made famous in AAA and by Eddie Guerrero back in WCW, resurrected under Rey Mysterio. Konnan recalls the LWO being the first time Guerrero’s personality really started to get featured on television.

Yeah, I’m so glad they’re doing that (L.W.O.) with Rey (Mysterio) and Fantasma (Santos Escobar) because I spent a lot of time with both in AAA and you know, really happy that they brought that back. That’s what made Eddie Guerrero really — the first time we saw any personality in him.

Elsewhere on his Captain’s Corner appearance, Konnan recalled trying out for the WWE commentary back in the early 2000s. This was during the same time that he had a lawsuit with TNA.

I called WWE and I even forgot who I talked to and I said, you know, ‘Can I come down there, do a tryout as a commentator?’ So I went in there and Barry (Windham) was in there doing the audition with me, and I remember when I was done, he comes up to me, he goes, ‘Wow, that was really good. That might be the best I’ve heard so far’ and I go, ‘Oh, thank you very much’ and so, when I get out, there was this table full of wrestlers and Chris Benoit gets up and he comes and he hugs me. He goes, ‘I was listening man.’ He goes, ‘That was really good. I think they’re gonna hire you’ which they never did. But, that’s my Barry Windham story.

On a recent episode of his podcast, Konnan discussed Tony Khan’s hatred for WWE. You can read about that here.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)


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