Kofi confirms ankle surgery in the most Kofi way

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Photo by Stephen Olker/Getty Images for SXSW

Two Fridays ago, Kofi Kingston was injured taking a dive from Drew McIntyre. It was flukey thing, but reports were the New Day-er would definitely miss time… and possibly a lot of it if doctors determined he’d need surgery.

The former WWE champ posted a quick video clip of his ankle which some, including this writer, interpreted to mean he wouldn’t need surgery. Turns out the positive vibes from the update were just Kofi living the Power of Positivity. It’s not just something he espouses in character, as we’re again reminded by this update confirming that he is getting surgery.

Kingston breaks the news in-between expressing gratitude to the good people of Birmingham, Alabama while he was on his way to (presumably) the Andrews Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center:

Alabama folks are so kind. Earlier today instead of waiting 15 min for an Uber to take me to the YMCA Shades Valley to workout, I opted to take one of those electric street scooters. Big mistake. Half the trip was uphill and on semi highway roads! And I was wearing my air cast walking boot!

I got within a mile of the @BirminghamYMCA, and the scooter wouldn’t go further for some reason. Also, the Y was out of the drop off range, so I then had to call an Uber anyway, lol.

30 min later after 2 others canceled, one finally came to pick me up. I had him stop at target…I needed lotion (yes I was still ashy from this morning).

Finally got to the Y and the woman at the desk told me that in order to buy a guest pass, a member had to bring you as a guest… “but you can be my guest,” she said. And she vouched for me to workout. So kind of her to do for a stranger. I really wanted to move around a bit before I’m unable to do so after surgery tomorrow.

After the gym, I stopped at a stir fry spot called “Yummefy”. Tons of vegan options. The maps app said they were closed, but I was in luck! Nice lady gave me the best recommendations… I ordered all of them!

When I got my food, I went to inform the lady that the maps app said they were closed and they should probably fix their hours. She said, “oh we are closed. We just made that food for you anyway.”

My jaw dropped in disbelief. It was 15 minutes past the closing time! I thanked her profusely. So kind of her to go out of her way so that I could eat.

Anyway, a long message that can be summed up by saying that I am very grateful for the people I’ve come across here in Birmingham today.

Tomorrow, we march forward and into the hands of the best in the world at what he does! Let’s get this ankle right!

Join us in pulling for a successful surgery and speedy, complete recovery for Kofi. And in trying to follow his lead when it comes to having an attitude of gratitude.


Originally posted at: Read More 

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