IMPACT Wrestling Results 2/2/23

IMPACT Wrestling Results 2/2/23Oscela Heritage ParkKissimmee, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team (Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs. Kushida & Kevin Knight 

Chris Bey and Kevin Knight will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Knight applies a side headlock. Bey reverses the hold. Knight whips Bey across the ring. Bey drops King with a shoulder tackle. King drops down on the canvas. Bey goes for a Headscissors Takeover, but Knight lands back on his feet. Knight goes for a Bodyslam, but Bey rolls him over for a two count. Knight blocks a boot from Bey. Bey side steps Knight into the turnbuckles. Bey with a shoulder block. Bey slips over Knight’s back. Bey sweeps out the legs of Knight. Bey with a Double Foot Stomp. Bey with a running chop. Bey applies a wrist lock. Bey sends Knight to the corner. Knight side steps Bey into the turnbuckles. Knight with a SpringBoard Crossbody Block. Knight bodyslams Bey. Knight with a Twisting Frog Splash for a one count. Knight applies a wrist lock. Knight tags in Kushida. Kushida and Knight works on the left wrist of Bey. Knight kicks Bey in the gut. Knight with the irish whip. Bey launches Knight over the top rope. Knight with a forearm smash. Knight gets distracted by Austin. Bey dropkicks Knight in mid-air for a two count. Bey tags in Austin.

Double Irish Whip. Austin with a Flying Head Kick. Bey with a leaping back elbow smash. Austin with a drop toe hold. Austin kicks Knight in the back. Bey with another Double Foot Stomp. Austin goes into the lateral press for a two count. Austin applies a front face lock. Austin repeatedly stomps on Knight’s chest. Austin is choking Knight with his knee. Austin applies a front face lock. Bey tags himself in. Two Sweet Back Scratches. Bey kicks Knight in the ribs. Bey tags in Austin. Bey slams Knight’s head on the right boot of Austin. Austin chops Knight. Following a snap mare takeover, Austin delivers a back chop. Austin kicks Knight in the chest for a two count. Austin applies an arm-bar. Knight with heavy bodyshots. Knight with forearm shivers. Austin goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Knight lands back on his feet. Knight decks Bey with a back elbow smash. Kushida and Bey are tagged in. Kushida with a flurry of shotei’s. Kushida with a Hip Toss. Kushida follows that with a Cartwheel Dropkick. Kushida with a Baseball Slide Dropkick to Austin. Kushida repeatedly kicks the left shoulder of Bey. Bey goes for The Art Of Finesse, but Kushida counters with The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Bey rolls Kushida over for a two count.

Bey with a Spinning Back Kick. Knight tags himself in. Kushida reverses out of the irish whip from Bey. Drop Down Party. Knight dropkicks Bey. Knight pops back on his feet. Austin runs interference. Bey and Knight are trading back and forth shots. Bey fights out of the electric chair position. Kushida dropkicks the left knee of Austin. Knight with a Leaping FrankenSteiner. Knight dropkicks Bey off Kushida’s shoulders for a two count. Double Irish Whip. Austin side steps Kushida into the turnbuckles. Austin ducks a clothesline from Knight. Austin with a knee lift. Austin delivers his combination offense. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Austin. Austin side steps Knight into the turnbuckles. Austin with a SpringBoard Windmill Kick. Kushida with a Handspring Kick to Bey. Kushida slides out of the ring. Austin blasts Kushida with The PK. Knight dropkicks Austin off the ring apron. Knight goes for The Slingshot Pescado, but Bey counters with The Art Of Finesse on the apron. Austin rolls Knight back into the ring. Assisted Cutter. Austin connects with The Fold to pickup the victory.

Winner: Ace Austin & Chris Bey via Pinfall 

Second Match: Savannah Evans vs. Gisele Shaw w/Jai Vidal 

Shaw talks smack to Evans after the bell rings. Shaw repeatedly shoves Evans. Evans answers with a forearm smash. Evans punches Shaw in the back. Shaw with two palm strikes. Evans with forearm shivers in the corner. Evans slaps Shaw in the chest. Evans with a knife edge chop. Evans is choking Shaw in the corner. Shaw slaps Evans in the face. Shaw is lighting up Evans chest. Evans reverses out of the irish whip from Shaw. Evans with a corner clothesline. Evans with a Biel Throw. Evans follows that with a corner spear. Evans with The Butterfly Suplex. Shaw regroups on the outside.

Shaw regains control of the match during the commercial break. Shaw is choking Evans with her boot. Shaw poses for the crowd. Shaw puts her knee on the back of Evans neck. Shaw continues to slap Evans in the face. Short-Arm Reversal by Evans. Evans with a Side Walk Slam. Forearm Exchange. Evans with two clotheslines. Evans with The Samoan Drop. Shaw decks Evans with a back elbow smash. Evans hits The SpineBuster. Evans with The Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex for a two count. The referee gets distracted by Vidal. Shaw rakes the eyes of Evans. Shaw SuperKicks Evans. Shaw connects with The V-Trigger to pickup the victory.

Winner: Gisele Shaw via Pinfall 

Third Match: Crazzy Steve w/Black Taurus vs. Sheldon Jean 

Jean taunts Steve after the bell rings. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Jean pulls Steve down to the mat. Jean drops down on the canvas. Jean dropkicks Steve. Steve with two uppercuts. Jean reverses out of the irish whip from Steve. Steve dives over Jean. Steve ducks a clothesline from Jean. Steve applies the full nelson lock. Following a snap mare takeover, Steve cranks on Jean’s neck.

Steve starts biting Jean’s forehead. Steve with a series of corner clotheslines. Steve with a Running Uppercut. Steve follows that with a Running Cannonball Strike. Steve connects with The Diving DDT to pickup the victory. After the match, Trey Miguel attacks Black Taurus from behind. Miguel grabs his spray can. Steve starts biting Miguel’s fingers. Steve tags himself with Miguel’s logo. Miguel retreats to the backstage area.

Winner: Crazzy Steve via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: Kenny King vs. Johnny Swinger w/Zicky Dice 

Swinger is playing mind games with King. King teases a Spinning Back Kick. Swinger talks strategy with Dice. King gets distracted by Dice. Swinger blocks a boot from King. Swinger bobs and weaves. King with The Scorpion Kick. King connects with The Royal Flush to pickup the victory.

Winner: Kenny King via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: Josh Alexander, Rich Swann, Frankie Kazarin and Yuya Uemura vs. The Design & Sami Callihan In A 8-Man Tag Team Match 

Rich Swann and Cody Deaner will start things off. Deaner immediately tags out to Callihan. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Swann ducks a clothesline from Callihan. Callihan with a Pop Up HeadButt. Callihan tags in Angels. Angels kicks Swann in the gut. Angels is throwing haymakers at Swann. Angels chops Swann. Swann reverses out of the irish whip from Angels. Angels dives over Swann. Swann with a flying clothesline. Swann ducks a clothesline from Angels. Swann with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Swann applies an arm-bar. Uemura tags himself in. Uemura drives his knee into the midsection of Angels. Uemura whips Angels across the ring. Uemura dropkicks Daniels for a two count. Alexander and Deaner are tagged in. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Deaner slaps Alexander in the face. Chop Exchange. Deaner starts biting Alexander’s forehead. Angels tags himself in. That leads us to a pier six brawl in the center of the ring. Alexander clotheslines Kon over the top rope. Alexander with a Running Crossbody Block through the ropes. The Design gangs up on Alexander. Swann with a Cannonball Senton off the ring apron.

Team Alexander has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Uemura with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Angels blocks The Northern Lights Suplex. Angels with The Rolling Elbow. Kazarian tags himself in. Kazarian ducks a clothesline from Angels. Kazarian unloads two knife edge chops. Kazarian with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Angels with a Spinning Back Kick. Angels whips Kazarian across the ring. Kazarian holds onto the ropes. Kazarian decks Angels with a back elbow smash. Misfired Clotheslines. Kazarian with a Guillotine Leg Drop to Callihan. Kazarian bodyslams Angels. Kazarian with The SpringBoard Leg Drop. Kazarian tags in Swann. Double Irish Whip. Double Hip Toss for a two count. Swann goes for The Rolling Thunder, but Angels counters with a Powerslam. Angels tags in Deaner. Deaner rakes the eyes of Swann. Deaner bodyslams Swann. Deaner with a running fist drop. Deaner tags in Kon.

Kon kicks Swann in the gut. Kon repeatedly stomps on Swann’s chest. Kon hooks the outside leg for a two count. Kon applies a nerve hold. Kon fish hooks Swann. Kon stomps on Swann’s back. Kon tags in Callihan. Kon is choking Swann with his boot. Callihan with clubbing tomahawk chops. Deaner tags himself in. Wish Bone Attack. Deaner jams Swann against the middle turnbuckle pad. Deaner with a Corner Dropkick for a two count. Deaner tags in Angels. Angels kicks Swann in the gut. Angels is raining down haymakers. Angels repeatedly stomps on Swann’s chest. Swann is displaying his fighting spirit. Angels punches Swann in the back. Angels with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Angels tags in Kon. Double Irish Whip. Kon with a Release Back Body Drop. Angels with a Missile Dropkick. Kazarian breaks up the pinning opportunity. Angels kicks Swann in the face. Kon tags in Deaner. Deaner applies a front face lock. Deaner pulls Swann down to the mat. Deaner slams Swann’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Deaner stops Swann in his tracks. Deaner tags in Kon. Kon stomps on Swann’s chest. Kon with a Leg Drop for a two count. Kon tags in Callihan. Callihan rakes the chest of Swann. Callihan sends Swann to the corner. Swann SuperKicks Callihan. Swann with a Step Up Enzuigiri to Angels. Swann SuperKicks Deaner off the apron. Swann with a back elbow smash to Kon. Kon pulls Swann out of the ring. Kon inadvertently clotheslines the steel ring post. Swann drops Callihan with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Swann tags in Alexander.

Alexander with a series of German Suplex’s. Deaner tags in Kon. Alexander ducks a clothesline from Kon. Kon blocks The German Suplex. Alexander kicks Kon in the face. Alexander with a Flying Knee Strike for a two count. Alexander applies The Ankle Lock. Kon refuses to quit. Uemura tags himself in. Uemura with a Missile Dropkick. Callihan tags himself in. Forearm Exchange. Uemura uppercuts Callihan. Callihan rakes the eyes of Uemura. Deaner stops Callihan in his tracks. Alexander with a double clothesline. Alexander kicks Deaner in the gut. Deaner denies The C4 Spike. Deaner with TKO. Deaner with a Discus Lariat. Swann follows that with a Windmill Kick. Angels rocks Swann with a forearm smash. Angels with The Half & Half Suplex. Kazarian buries his shoulder into the midsection of Angels. Kazarian with The Slingshot DDT. Kon with The SpineBuster. Uemura dropkicks Kon. Uemura with a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Uemura with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Deaner knocks Uemura off the top turnbuckle. Callihan connects with The Cactus Driver #97 to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Design & Sami Callihan via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 346 of The Hoots Podcast 


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