IMPACT Wrestling Results 1/26/23

IMPACT Wrestling Results 1/26/23
Center Stage
Atlanta, Georgia

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentary Team (Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt)

.@bullyray5150 issues an ominous warning to @milanmiracle after Bully was excluded from tonight’s Golden Six Shooter match. #IMPACTonAXSTV @davidlagreca1

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Trey Miguel (c) vs. Mike Jackson For The IMPACT X-Division Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Miguel with a wrist lock takeover. Strong lockup. Wrist Lock Exchange. Jackson applies a side headlock. Miguel whips Jackson across the ring. Jackson drops Miguel with two shoulder tackles for a one count. Jackson with a Hip Toss. Miguel goes into the lateral press for a two count. Leg Sweep Exchange. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Miguel wants Jackson to shake his hand. Miguel slaps Jackson in the face. Miguel transitions into a ground and pound attack. Miguel brings Jackson down to the mat. Miguel works on his joint manipulation game. Miguel applies a hammerlock. Miguel bodyslams Jackson. Jackson avoids The SpringBoard MoonSault. Jackson with two elbow knockdowns.

Jackson with two clotheslines. Jackson with a NeckBreaker. Jackson unloads a flurry of left jabs. Miguel ducks a clothesline from Jackson. Miguel with The Atomic Drop. Miguel dumps Jackson out of the ring. Jackson avoids The Slingshot Pescado. Miguel decks Jackson with a back elbow smash. Miguel inadvertently clotheslines the steel ring post. Jackson with two haymakers. Jackson rolls Miguel back into the ring. Jackson drops Miguel with The Divorce Court. Jackson hammers down on the left shoulder of Miguel. Miguel blocks The Old School. Miguel delivers his combination offense. Miguel with a Double Foot Stomp. Miguel with The Scorpion Kick. Miguel connects with The Lightning Spiral to pickup the victory. After the match, Miguel runs away from The Decay.

Winner: Still IMPACT X-Division Champion, Trey Miguel via Pinfall

The playing field is stacked with the bodies of challengers that @SteveMaclin has already beaten. #IMPACTonAXSTV @Walking_Weapon

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

.@TheJaiVidal seems to be a HUGE fan of the “legendary” partner @milanmiracle has chosen for @GiseleShaw08. #IMPACTonAXSTV

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

Second Match: Kushida & Kevin Knight vs. The Good Hands

Kevin Knight and John Skyler will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Skyler applies a side headlock. Wrist Lock Exchange. Knight applies an arm-bar. Kushida and Knight works on the left wrist of Skyler. Stereo Knee Drops. Skyler regroups on the outside. Kushida runs after Skyler. Skyler tags in Hotch. Hotch attacks Kushida from behind. Hotch repeatedly stomps on Kushida’s chest. Hotch transitions into a ground and pound attack. Hotch stomps on Kushida’s chest. Hotch drives Kushida back first into the turnbuckles. Skyler tags himself in. Skyler knocks Knight off the ring apron. Skyler with a Rising Boot. Roll Through German Suplex/Jackknife Hold Combination for a two count. Skyler tags in Hotch.

Double Irish Whip. Kushida with a Handspring Double Back Elbow Smash. Kushida tags in Knight. Knight with two corner clotheslines. Knight with a Stinger Splash. Knight side steps Hotch into Skyler. Knight with a Double Stinger Splash. Knight bodyslams Skyler. Hotch kicks Knight in the gut. Kushida made the blind tag. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Hotch. Knight drops down on the canvas. Knight dropkicks Hotch. Knight pops back on his feet. Skyler scores two bodyshots. Kushida reverses out of the irish whip from Skyler. Kushida with a Hip Toss. Kushida with a Cartwheel Dropkick. Knight dropkicks Hotch off Kushida’s shoulders. Knight with The Slingshot Pescado. Kushida makes Hotch tap out to The Hoverboard Lock.

Winner: Kushida & Kevin Knight via Submission

.@JordynneGrace hasn’t forgotten about her rematch for the Knockouts World Championship, especially after she believes @MickieJames tapped out at #HardToKill. #IMPACTonAXSTV

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

“This isn’t working.”

What does this mean for @RealTSteelz and @SavannahEvansNV‘s future? #IMPACTonAXSTV @MeanGiaMiller

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

Third Match: The Death Dolls (c) w/Rosemary vs. Gisele Shaw & Tara w/Jai Vidal For The IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Championship

Taya Valkyrie and Tara will start things off. Shaw tags herself in. Standing Switch Exchange. Valkyrie sends Shaw to the corner. Valkyrie with a Running Hip Attack. Valkyrie tags in Havok. Valkyrie with a hip smash. Valkyrie with a Corner Meteora. Havok hooks the outside leg for a one count. Havok ducks a clothesline from Shaw. Havon kicks Shaw in the gut. Havok kicks the left hamstring of Shaw. Havok with a Roundhouse Kick. Havok goes for a Running Leg Drop, but Shaw ducks out of the way. Shaw SuperKicks Havok for a two count. Shaw transitions into a ground and pound attack. Shaw kicks Havok in the ribs. Shaw with Three Running Uppercuts for a two count. Shaw gets flustered by the Tara chants.

Havok with a corkscrew uppercut. Havok tags in Valkyrie. Valkyrie ducks a clothesline from Shaw. Valkyrie thrust kicks the midsection of Shaw. Valkyrie with a knee lift. Valkyrie with a teep kick. Valkyrie clotheslines Shaw. Shaw reverses out of the irish whip from Valkyrie. Vidal trips Valkyrie from the outside. Rosemary Spears Vidal on the floor. Shaw taunts Tara. Shaw hits The Spider Web for a two count. Shaw rolls Valkyrie over for a two count. Shaw refuses to tag in Tara. Shaw talks smack to Tara. Shaw pie faces Tara. Tara kicks Shaw in the gut. Tara connects with The Widow’s Peak. Tara walks off on Shaw. Valkyrie tags in Havok. The Death Dolls plants Shaw with their Running Boot/Sick Driver Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, The Death Dolls via Pinfall

– Taylor Wilde Vignette.

Fourth Match: Ace Austin & Chris Bey vs. The Major Players

Chris Bey and Matt Cardona will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Cardona backs Bey into the turnbuckles. Bey ducks a clothesline from Cardona. Bey teases a punch. Bey decides to two sweet the forehead of Cardona. Bey blocks a boot from Cardona. Bey applies a side headlock. Cardona whips Bey across the ring. Bey runs into Cardona. Bey ducks another clothesline from Cardona. Bey with a flying forearm smash. Bey with a deep arm-drag. Cardona launches Bey over the top rope. Bey with a forearm smash Bey buries his shoulder into the midsection of Cardona. Bey with a Slingshot Arm-Drag. Bey applies an arm-bar. Bey tags in Austin. Austin kicks Cardona in the gut. Double Irish Whip. Austin with a Roundhouse Kick. Bey with a leaping uppercut. Austin with a drop toe hold. Austin kicks Cardona in the back. Bey with a Double Foot Stomp. Cardona tags in Myers.

Austin ducks a clothesline from Myers. Double Leg Sweep. Standing MoonSault/Leg Drop Combination. Austin with a Slingshot Pescado. Austin rolls Myers back into the ring. Austin with a forearm smash. Austin gets distracted by Cardona. Myers drives Austin shoulder first into the top rope. Myers tags in Cardona. Cardona with a running clothesline. Cardona rolls Austin back into the ring. Cardona with a Running Knee Strike. Cardona tags in Myers. Myers stomps on the midsection of Austin. Myers drives his knee into the midsection of Austin. Myers slams Austin’s head on the left boot of Cardona. Myers tags in Cardona. Following a snap mare takeover, Cardona with a knee drop for a two count. Cardona toys around with Austin. Cardona uses the middle rope to choke Austin. Austin sends Cardona face first into the left boot of Myers. Cardona tags in Myers. Myers stops Austin in his tracks. Myers drives his knee into Austin’s back. Myers applies a front face lock.

Myers punches Austin in the back. Myers taunts Bey. Austin with a Spinning Heel Kick. Bey and Cardona are tagged in. Bey punches Cardona. Bey with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Bey with a Discus Back Elbow. Cardona reverses out of the irish whip from Bey. Bey with a leaping clothesline. Bey with a SpringBoard Dropkick to Myers. Bey follows that with a Leaping Uppercut. Bey with an Apron Enzuigiri. Bey with a flying clothesline for a two count. Myers wisely pulls Austin off the apron. Bey runs after Myers. Cardona with an Inside Out Lariat. Cardona delivers The Reboot. Cardona tags in Myers. Myers with The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Myers tags in Cardona. Bey fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Bey shoves Cardona into Myers. Bey with a flying forearm smash. Bey tags in Austin. Austin with a Leaping FrankenSteiner. Cardona blocks The 1,2, Sweet. Standing Switch Exchange. Austin side steps Cardona into the turnbuckles. Bey with a knee smash. Austin with a SpringBoard Windmill Kick. Austin connects with The Jackknife Hold to pickup the victory.

Winner: Ace Austin & Chris Bey via Pinfall

You think you know @TheMattCardona and @Myers_Wrestling? To @joehendry they’ll always be “Edge’s b***h”. #IMPACTonAXSTV @ImChelseaGreen

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

.@Myers_Wrestling and @TheMattCardona are on board with @TheMooseNation to take care of @joehendry. #IMPACTonAXSTV

— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) January 27, 2023

Fifth Match: Jonathan Gresham vs. Sheldon Jean

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Jean backs Gresham into the ropes. Jean taunts Gresham. Gresham with a drop toe hold. Gresham applies a side headlock. Gresham with three side headlock takeovers. Gresham dodges The Pump Kick. Jean with a running forearm smash. Gresham trips Jean. Gresham applies a single leg crab. Jean grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Jean rakes the eyes of Gresham.

Jean with a Spinning Back Kick. Jean with a knee lift. Gresham ducks a clothesline from Jean. Gresham dropkicks the left knee of Jean. Jean kicks Gresham in the face. Gresham headbutts the midsection of Jean. Jean answers with a Pump Kick. Gresham with another side headlock takeover. Jean answers with the headscissors escape. Gresham hyperextends the left knee of Jean. Gresham connects with The Sliding Forearm to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham via Pinfall

Sixth Match: Moose vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Sami Callihan vs. Rich Swann vs. Rhino vs. Chris Sabin In The Golden Six Shooter Match. The Winner Will Battle Josh Alexander For The IMPACT World Championship At No Surrender

A pier six brawl ensues after the bell rings. Meeting Of The Minds. Rhino bumps into Moose. Shoulder Block Exchange. Moose rakes the eyes of Rhino. Rhino clotheslines Moose. Sabin with two short-arm lariats. Sabin ducks a clothesline from Rhino. Sabin with a leaping shoulder tacke. Sabin with a Running Boot to Callihan. Callihan tells Sabin to bring it. Sabin obliges with two forearms. Sabin with a Spinning Back Kick. Callihan with The Exploder Suplex. Callihan punches Sabin. Sabin kicks Callihan in the face. Sabin blasts Moose with The PK. Forearm Exchange. Sabin slams Callihan’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Sabin side steps Callihan into the turnbuckles. Sabin with a Slingshot Pescado. Callihan kicks Swann in the gut. Callihan whips Swann across the ring. Swann cartwheels over Callihan. Swann dropkicks Callihan to the floor. Edwards attacks Swann from behind. Edward whips Swann across the ring. Swann ducks a clothesline from Edwards. Swann with a Headscissors Takeover. Swann with a Cannonball Senton off the ring apron. Swann rolls Edwards back into the ring.

Edwards reverses out of the irish whip from Swann. Edwards blocks The Handspring Cutter. Edwards with The Blue Thunder Bomb. Sabin with a Missile Dropkick. Callihan follows that with The TKO. Rhino decks Callihan with a back elbow smash. Rhino unloads a series of knife edge chops. Rhino with three mini gores. Rhino HeadButts Callihan. Moose ducks a clothesline from Rhino. Moose Spears Rhino. Callihan SuperKicks Moose. Callihan hooks the outside leg to score the first pinfall of this match. Rhino has been eliminated. Moose attacks Callihan from behind. Moose chops Sabin. Moose with a Running Uppercut to Swann. Sabin kicks Moose in the face. Sabin ascends to the top turnbuckle. Moose with a straight right hand. Moose puts Swann against Sabin. Moose with a Double Dropkick. Moose with a Uranage Slam to Edwards. Sabin with a Spinning Back Kick. Sabin drops Moose with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Callihan chops Sabin. Callihan sends Sabin to the corner. Sabin dives over Callihan. Sabin side steps Edwards into Callihan. Sabin with a Dropkick/Tornado DDT Combination.

Callihan kicks out the legs of Sabin. Callihan side steps Swann into Sabin. Assisted Stunner. Callihan SuperKicks Swann. Callihan takes a bow. Swann punches Callihan. Swann with a corner clothesline. Swann with a Running Bulldog/Clothesline Combination. Swann follows that with The Frog Splash for a two count. Edwards has Swann perched on the top turnbuckle. Swann is throwing haymakers at Edwards. Edwards with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Edwards goes for The Backpack Stunner, but Swann lands back on his feet. Edwards decks Swann with a back elbow smash. Edwards whips Swann across the ring. Swann holds onto the ropes. Swann kicks Edwards in the chest. Edwards answers with a knife edge chop. Edwards with a Spinning Slam to Sabin. Edwards PowerBombs Swann on top of Sabin for a two count. Sabin ducks under a forearm from Edwards. Sabin with a backslide cover for a two count. Sabin with a back elbow smash. Edwards sends Sabin chest first into the canvas. Edwards hits The Tiger Driver for a two count. Edwards gets distracted by PCO. Sabin with The Helluva Kick. Sabin puts Edwards away with the inside cradle. Eddie Edwards has been eliminated.

Moose with a Running Boot. Moose chops Sabin. Moose stomps on Sabin’s face. Moose whips Sabin into the turnbuckles. Moose with a knee smash. Sabin stomps on the right foot of Moose. Sabin with forearm shivers. Moose with The Uranage Slam for a two count. Moose is raining down haymakers. Sabin dodges The Running Uppercut. Sabin with a Running Enzuigiri. Moose blocks The Tornado DDT. Moose Spears Sabin. Chris Sabin has been eliminated. Swann kicks Moose in the back of the head. Callihan kicks Swann in the gut. Short-Arm Reversal by Swann. Both men are knocked down after a double clothesline. Slugfest in Atlanta. HeadButt Exchange. Swann with a flurry of strikes. Swann SuperKicks Callihan. Swann ducks a clothesline from Moose. Swann SuperKicks Moose. Swann drops Callihan with The Handspring Cutter. Callihan exits the ring. Moose kicks out the legs of Swann. Moose repeatedly slams the right knee of Swann. Moose wraps the right leg of Swann around the middle rope. Moose kicks the right knee of Swann. Swann with heavy bodyshots. Moose blocks a boot from Swann.

Moose with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Moose hammers down on the right knee of Swann. Moose applies the single leg crab. Swann grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Moose drives Swann knee first into the canvas. Moose talks smack to Swann. Swann rolls Moose over to score the next elimination. Moose has been eliminated. The Design make their way to the ringside area. Deaner tells Callihan to take Swann out. Callihan attacks the right leg of Swann. Callihan applies The Stretch Muffler. Swann rolls Callihan over for a two count. Swann with clubbing tomahawk sledges. Callihan kicks the left knee of Swann. Callihan PowerBombs Swann for a two count. Callihan applies The Ankle Lock. Swann refuses to quit. Swann with a Scorpion Kick. Swann delivers his combination offense. Swann with a Roundhouse Kick. Swann drops Callihan with The Spinning Heel Kick. Swann connects with The 450 Splash to pickup the victory. After the match, The Design viciously attacks Swann. Josh Alexander, Frankie Kazarian and Yuya Uemura storms into the ring to make the save.

Winner: Rich Swann via Pinfall

Checkout Episode 345 of The Hoots Podcast

The post IMPACT Wrestling Results 1/26/23 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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