Exclusive Update on WWE Contract Status of LA Knight – Surprising Issue in Ongoing Negotiations Revealed!

It was reported last week that WWE and LA Knight have been in contract negotiations for a new deal, with some sources speculating that the extension could be for five years. While initial reports indicated that the deal was close to being finalized, a follow-up report revealed that some of WWE’s initial offers were countered, leaving the two sides far apart on money.

However, a recent report from Fightful Select suggests that elements of the original story may not be entirely accurate. While it is true that WWE and Knight have been engaged in extension talks and a five-year deal was offered, the report states that no agreement has been reached as of now, and the new deal does not appear to be imminent. Despite this, negotiations between the two parties will continue.

Furthermore, a WWE higher-up has denied the idea that Knight’s push is contingent on a new contract. The source pointed out that many WWE talents have deals coming up next year and are still being pushed, indicating that contract status does not necessarily dictate a wrestler’s push within the company.

It is worth noting that Knight’s current WWE contract runs until 2025, with over 1.5 years remaining on it. WWE officials have been high on Knight for quite some time, recognizing his rapid development of a significant following since his main roster debut.

As always, stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for further updates on this ongoing contract negotiation.

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