Exclusive: Tony Schiavone Secured Approval for Explicit Language on AEW TV from Warner Bros

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legal department because we can’t just say that on television. But when I said it, it felt real good. I think you could see it on my face.

Schiavone’s willingness to say whatever he wants on AEW television is a refreshing change from the heavily scripted nature of WWE programming. It allows for a more natural, authentic feel to the commentary and adds to the overall enjoyment of the product for fans.

Furthermore, Schiavone’s dislike for MJF adds to the personal rivalries that exist within AEW. It creates an added layer of excitement for fans to watch as they see Schiavone and MJF interact on-screen, knowing that there is real animosity between the two.

Overall, Tony Schiavone’s willingness to speak his mind on AEW television is a welcomed addition to professional wrestling commentary. It adds to the authenticity of the product and provides fans with a unique viewing experience.


What Happened When podcast

Warner Bros.

com/tony-schiavone-got-certain-curse-words-approved-by-warner-bros-before-saying-them-on-aew-television/”>Wrestling Headlines

Tony Schiavone, the legendary professional wrestling commentator, recently revealed that he had to get certain curse words approved by Warner Bros before saying them on AEW television. Schiavone, who is known for his quick wit and humorous commentary, spoke about the process during an episode of his podcast, What Happened When.

According to Schiavone, he had to submit a list of curse words to Warner Bros executives in order to get them approved for use on AEW television. This was because Warner Bros, the parent company of TNT, wanted to ensure that the show was family-friendly and suitable for all viewers.

Despite this restriction, Schiavone has still managed to inject plenty of humor into his commentary during AEW shows. He is known for his interactions with fellow commentator Jim Ross, as well as his ability to create memorable catchphrases.

In addition to his comments about curse words, Schiavone also spoke about the differences between AEW Rampage and WCW’s Thunder program in a separate episode of What Happened When. He noted that Rampage is much more fast-paced and exciting, and that it is a great addition to the AEW lineup.

To read more about Schiavone’s thoughts on Rampage, check out the article linked here. And be sure to tune in to AEW to catch Schiavone and the rest of the commentary team in action. Professional wrestling fans have been buzzing about Tony Schiavone’s recent revelation that he got certain curse words approved by Warner Bros before saying them on AEW television. Schiavone, who is a veteran wrestling announcer, had been known for his colorful language during his time in WCW, and it seems he is bringing some of that edge to AEW.

While some fans may be surprised that a family-friendly company like AEW would allow curse words on their programming, it’s important to remember that wrestling has always pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable on television. From blood and violence to sexual innuendo and foul language, wrestling has always been about pushing the envelope and getting a reaction from the audience.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that AEW is going to become a free-for-all of profanity and vulgarity. The company is still committed to putting on a high-quality wrestling product that appeals to a wide range of fans. But by allowing Schiavone to use certain curse words (presumably within reason), AEW is showing that it’s not afraid to take risks and try new things.

At the end of the day, professional wrestling is all about creating memorable moments and engaging storylines that leave fans talking. Whether it’s through high-flying moves, intense rivalries, or colorful commentary, wrestling is always evolving and pushing the boundaries. And if Tony Schiavone’s recent antics are any indication, AEW is more than willing to go along for the ride.

If you’re a fan of professional wrestling and want to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and analysis, be sure to check out our website for more content. And if you’re interested in learning more about Tony Schiavone’s recent curse word controversy, be sure to click on the link above.

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