Cathy Kelley Opens Up About Overcoming Adversity in the Wrestling Industry

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Cathy Kelley, the WWE interviewer, recently appeared on Busted Open Radio to discuss a variety of topics. One of the main subjects she touched upon was the negativity she has faced throughout her career. In the interview, Kelley opened up about how she initially struggled with the criticism and attacks she received online.

“I think at first it really got to me, and it was something that — someone called me dumb for having an opinion that was different than theirs,” Kelley revealed. “It was a really tough pill for me to swallow. Or if someone’s attacking your looks. I mean, there’s so many things that you can read online about yourself. Some being true, some not, and I think some years ago it affected me a lot more. And now, even though it’s a lot more positive, I think even if you take in the good, you do take in some of the bad.”

This candid discussion by Kelley sheds light on the challenges that individuals in the professional wrestling industry face when it comes to online criticism. Despite the prevalence of positive feedback, the negative comments can still have an impact on one’s mental well-being.

It is commendable that Kelley has been able to develop a thicker skin over the years and not let the negativity overshadow the positive aspects of her career. This resilience is essential for anyone in the public eye, especially those involved in the world of professional wrestling.

The interview with Kelley serves as a reminder that behind the glitz and glamour of the wrestling industry, there are real people who are susceptible to the effects of online hate. It is crucial for fans and followers to remember this and approach their interactions with empathy and respect.

As the wrestling community continues to grow, it is important for individuals like Cathy Kelley to speak out about their experiences and encourage a more positive and inclusive environment. By sharing her story, Kelley is not only raising awareness but also inspiring others who may be going through similar struggles.

Wrestling Headlines, the leading source for all things wrestling, reported on Kelley’s interview with Busted Open Radio. Their coverage provides fans with a comprehensive look at the discussion and allows them to delve deeper into the issues faced by professionals in the industry.

To read more about Cathy Kelley’s interview and her thoughts on the negativity she has encountered, you can visit Wrestling Headlines.


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