AEW Superstar Locks in Exciting New Deal with the Promotion

QT Marshall, Vice President and wrestler for All Elite Wrestling (AEW), has confirmed that he has reached a new agreement with the company. In an interview with Jofo in the Ring at Lutte Académie in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Marshall addressed rumors about his status with AEW.

Marshall stated, “I’ve always worked for AEW, I’m one of the Vice Presidents. That is a job that I have. The talent is just a second thing that I have as well, right? I’m lucky, I have two jobs. Like Brandon Cutler, two contracts, you know? So, yes, we’ve made another agreement and we’ll see what happens. I think ‘till the end of the year.”

Marshall also expressed his commitment to wrestling in other promotions, saying, “I won’t be going anywhere else except AAA and as many independent shows as I possibly can because I’m trying to break Orange Cassidy’s defense record. I think he did 32 in a year or and I’m trying to hit 33 before I lose this title.”

While Marshall may not have specific details about his future with AEW, he made it clear that he is dedicated to both his roles as a Vice President and a wrestler. He mentioned that the dirt sheets often have more information than he does, but he remains focused on his current commitments.

Marshall’s comments shed light on the multi-faceted nature of his involvement with AEW. As a Vice President, he plays a behind-the-scenes role in the company’s operations, while also actively competing in the ring as a wrestler.

For fans of Marshall, this news confirms that he will continue to be a presence in AEW for the foreseeable future. His commitment to breaking Orange Cassidy’s defense record demonstrates his passion for wrestling and his desire to compete against a variety of opponents.

It will be interesting to see how Marshall’s career develops within AEW and if he is able to achieve his goal of surpassing Cassidy’s record. With his dedication and determination, it’s clear that Marshall is willing to take on any challenge that comes his way.

For more information on QT Marshall’s new agreement with AEW, click here.

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