AEW Dynamite Results for January 25, 2023


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

“The Ocho” Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara (with Daniel Garcia)


Action Andretti & “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Andretti and Guevara began the match for their respective teams. They traded holds, countering one another until there was a standoff. Finally Sammy blasted Action with a thrust kick, having baited him in.

Action used a springboard dropkick on Sammy but Sammy fired back with a corkscrew dropkick. Sammy chopped Andretti in the chest. Sammy flew over the top rope with a twist and landed on Action. Sammy went for a top rope hurracanrana but Andretti landed on his feet and followed up with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Starks and Jericho tagged in. They exchanged chops in the center of the ring! Starks hit Jericho with a lariat. Starks countered the Code Breaker with a catapult on Jericho. Starks strutted his stuff on the top rope but Sammy jumped off the turnbuckle with a cutter! Jericho covered Starks for a two-count.

Sammy jumped off the top rope but Ricky defended with an up-kick. Action tagged in and nailed Sammy with a big elbow strike. He followed up with a backbreaker/neck breaker combination. Action flew onto Jericho with a tope and then served one up to Sammy!

As the ref was dealing with Jericho, Starks drilled Sammy with a DDT. Andretti and Sammy collided in the center of the ring with running crossbodies.

Starks speared Jericho. Jericho grabbed Starks’ trunks and rolled him up for a near fall. Starks smashed Jericho with a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Action tagged in and cracked Jericho with a kick off the second rope! Jericho countered a split legged moonsault by raising his knees into Action’s ribcage.

Sammy tagged in, was looking for the GTH, but Action escaped. Action ran to the ropes but Jericho thumbed Action in the eye. Action used a reverse hurracanrana and then a hanging neck breaker on Sammy for a two-count! Outside the ring, Starks rocked Jericho with the Roshambo. Garcia cracked Action with the baseball bat, unbeknownst to ref Aubrey Edwards. Sammy finished off Action with the GTH and then pinned him!

A video package aired honoring the legacy of Jay Briscoe! #DemBoys

TNT Championship Match!

Darby Allin (c.) (with Sting) vs. The House of Black’s Buddy Matthews (with Julia Hart)!

Buddy Matthews was wearing face paint. Julia Hart distracted Darby, creating an opening for Matthews to attack.

Darby blocked a kick from Buddy and then tried for a tope, but Buddy intercepted Darby. Matthews bounced Darby off the barricades. Matthews attempted a running powerbomb but Darby countered it, sending Buddy crashing into the barricade.

Buddy Matthews pulled the ring skirt out from beneath Darby’s legs. Buddy drove his knees into Darby with a meteora for a near fall! Darby went over the top with a stunner on Matthews. Darby followed up with a Coffin Drop to Matthews on the floor!

“Darby is holding onto his upper right leg,” said Excalibur.

The arena lights went dark! The lights went back on and Malakai Black and Brody King were standing in front of the ring. Ortiz cracked Malakai with a bat and then brawled to the back with him! Sting blasted Brody King!

Darby spiked Buddy with a reverse hurracanrana. Darby connected with a crossbody but Buddy rolled through. Darby followed up with a crucifix bomb for a near fall on Buddy!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Buddy connected with combination strikes on Darby. Buddy had Darby’s Code Red scouted. Buddy buckle bombed Darby and then curb stomped Darby for a near fall!

“We know how tough Darby is but it can’t last forever,” said Excalibur.

Darby rallied back with the Code Red on Matthews for a two-count! Darby was looking for the coffin drop but Matthews defended, knocking Darby down onto the turnbuckles. Matthews climbed up, looking for a superplex, but Darby countered with a Scorpion Death Drop off the ropes for a near fall! Darby nailed Matthews with the Coffin Drop and then pinned Matthews for the victory!

Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview Darby Allin!

ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe appeared on the screen to interrupt them!

Samoa Joe: “Darby, I’m coming to take everything from you. Know this, I am coming to take back what’s mine. The king will not be usurped by a man like you. You will learn that winning that championship was the biggest mistake of your career!”

JungleHOOK—“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry & FTW Champion HOOK


The Firm’s “All Ego” Ethan Page & Matt Hardy (with Stokely Hathaway and Isiah Kassidy)!

Ethan Page was taken down with a hurracanrana by Jungle Boy. Hardy and HOOK tagged in for their respective teams. Page shoved HOOK and then ran out of the ring. HOOK followed him out, looking for a T-bone suplex. Page went for the Ego’s Edge but HOOK escaped and then Jack Perry hit Page with a tope!

Hardy and Page double suplexed Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy tagged out to HOOK and HOOK swung for the fences with a lariat on Ethan Page! HOOK turned Page inside out with the el Camino and then the T-bone suplex!

Matt Hardy made a blind tag and planted Jungle Boy with the Side Effect. Hardy was going to attempt the Twist of Fate but Ethan Page demanded to be tagged in. Page tried for his own Twist of Fate but Jack Perry escaped and applied the Snare Trap to Ethan Page! HOOK swept out Hardy’s legs and then Ethan Page tapped out!

“I think Ethan Page’s ego really cost him that time,” said Schiavone.

Family Therapy session was next with AEW World Tag Team Champs The Acclaimed—Max Caster and Anthony Bowens & The Gunns—Austin & Colten Gunn!

Daddy Ass asked when the Gunns became so entitled. The Gunns said they always came second to the Acclaimed. Bowens said the Gunns had time to make amends with their father, but they didn’t, and that’s why Billy adopted them.

Daddy Ass said Austin and Colten took the easy way out. “What is it that you want?” he asked.

The Gunns said they wanted the tag team championships, and then walked out of the session.

Renee Paquette interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page backstage!

Page: “I know Jon and I are one-on-one. What’s next for me is kind of impossible. To know out Jon Moxley next week in Ohio.”

Wheeler Yuta interrupted Hangman Page and said Moxley accepted, but first Page will have to face Wheeler Yuta this Friday on Rampage!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)!

Cage and Danielson locked up. Danielson kicked the inside of Cage’s leg. Brian Cage backed Danielson into the corner and chopped at Danielson’s chest. Bryan turned Cage around and walloped Cage with round kicks.

Danielson trapped Cage with the LeBell Lock! Cage reached the ropes with his foot, forcing the rope break. Danielson connected with a sliding dropkick and then a tope! Danielson jumped off the top turnbuckle with a crossbody onto Cage on the arena floor!

“Danielson looking to keep the win streak alive and get one step closer to the match with AEW World Champion MJF,” said Excalibur.

Back in the ring, Cage sent Danielson soaring with a German suplex! Cage put Danielson in a bear hug but Bryan headbutted his way out! Cage cracked Bryan with a running forearm. Cage followed up with a shoulder breaker.

“Great job by Brian Cage,” said Taz.

Cage suplexed Danielson into the ring. Cage followed up with a German suplex for a near fall. Danielson fired up and superplexed Cage!

“Ultra-impressive by the American Dragon,” said Taz.

Danielson grabbed Cage’s leg and put him in an ankle lock. Cage popped up and blasted Bryan with a thrust kick. Danielson managed to roll up Cage for the pin. Cage was angered and went for his bounty, nailing Bryan after the match!

AEW World Champ MJF came down to the ring. He grabbed a metal chair and handed it to Cage. Brian Cage placed the chair around Bryan’s head and shoulder and rammed Bryan into the steel ring post!

MJF hammered down with strikes on Bryan Danielson! Cage put Bryan’s wrist through the steel chair and held Bryan’s legs. MJF climbed to the top rope until Takeshita sprinted to the ring! MJF retreated up the ramp! Meanwhile Takeshita smacked Cage with a running knee strike! Doc Sampson and Takeshita checked on Bryan Danielson’s arm and wrist after the match.

Toni Storm vs. Ruby Soho!

Due to injury, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. was not able to compete in what was originally scheduled as a 3-Way Match for tonight’s episode of Dynamite.

Ruby and Toni traded forearms. Toni dropped Ruby with a high boot. Ruby backed up Toni into the corner with combination elbows. Storm thumbed Ruby in the eyes and then sent her crashing to the floor with the hip attack!

Toni rammed Ruby’s head into the steel ring post, and then she whipped Ruby into the barricade. Back in the ring, Ruby gained momentum, planting Toni with a suplex. She followed up with a back heel trip to Toni. Ruby was looking for the Destination Unknown when Toni grabbed Ruby’s tights for a near fall.

Ruby dropped Toni with a knee to the nose. The ref backed Ruby away from Toni. But Toni was just playing possum, luring Ruby in and then rocking Ruby with the hip attack for a near fall!

“I don’t know how Soho kicked out,” said Taz.

Dr. Britt Baker’s music hit and she walked onto the ramp! Toni was distracted by Baker. Ruby recovered, nailed Toni with Destination Unknown and then pinned Toni Storm!

MJF was in a locked room and he addressed Takeshita. He told Takeshita to stay out of his business or else there’d be consequences. MJF wondered how Bryan’s limb was. MJF said his championship gave him a reason to get out of the bed in the morning. “This belt turns my catchphrase into a fact. This belt makes me better than you and you know it. You want to take this away from me, Bryan Danielson? Bad things happen to people who mess with me. Tonight was just the tip of the iceberg.”

MJF said he made a phone call, and next week, Danielson will have to face Timothy Thatcher!

Main Event Time!

ROH World Tag Team Champion Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal!

This match was requested by both men to celebrate the life and legacy of the late, great Jay Briscoe on his 39th birthday.

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman joined Excalibur at the broadcast booth for the main event!

Mark bodyslammed Jay Lethal. Jay was quick to get back on his feet. Mark pushed Lethal back into the turnbuckles but Lethal turned it around and chopped Mark!

Mark and Lethal traded chops in the center of the ring! Mark connected with a kick to Lethal. Jay landed a dropkick to Mark Briscoe. Mark nailed Jay Lethal with the rat-a-tat-tat neck breaker made famous by his brother Jay Briscoe!

Mark delivered some of his kung fu off the top rope. Mark splashed Jay Lethal in the corner and landed an uppercut and then the iconoclasm on Lethal for a near fall. Mark butterflied Lethal’s arms for the JayDriller but Lethal fought out of it. Lethal countered with the Lethal Combination for a two-count.

Jay Lethal hoisted up Mark and dropped him down. Lethal followed up with the Lethal Injection! Mark Briscoe rolled out of the ring to create some distance from Jay Lethal. Jay put Mark on the time keeper’s table. Mark escaped and nailed Lethal with a dropkick through the ropes. Mark Briscoe followed up with a blockbuster on Jay Lethal!

Mary Briscoe propped up Lethal on the table. Mark jumped off the top turnbuckle and dropped an elbow onto Jay Lethal through the table!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Mark attempted the JayDriller again but Lethal escaped. Lethal attempted the Lethal Injection but Mark countered with two lariats! Mark spiked Lethal with the JayDriller and then pinned Lethal!

We love you Jay Briscoe!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Wright State University in Dayton, OH!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

“The Ocho” Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara (with Daniel Garcia)


Action Andretti & “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Andretti and Guevara began the match for their respective teams. They traded holds, countering one another until there was a standoff. Finally Sammy blasted Action with a thrust kick, having baited him in.

Action used a springboard dropkick on Sammy but Sammy fired back with a corkscrew dropkick. Sammy chopped Andretti in the chest. Sammy flew over the top rope with a twist and landed on Action. Sammy went for a top rope hurracanrana but Andretti landed on his feet and followed up with a Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Starks and Jericho tagged in. They exchanged chops in the center of the ring! Starks hit Jericho with a lariat. Starks countered the Code Breaker with a catapult on Jericho. Starks strutted his stuff on the top rope but Sammy jumped off the turnbuckle with a cutter! Jericho covered Starks for a two-count.

Sammy jumped off the top rope but Ricky defended with an up-kick. Action tagged in and nailed Sammy with a big elbow strike. He followed up with a backbreaker/neck breaker combination. Action flew onto Jericho with a tope and then served one up to Sammy!

As the ref was dealing with Jericho, Starks drilled Sammy with a DDT. Andretti and Sammy collided in the center of the ring with running crossbodies.

Starks speared Jericho. Jericho grabbed Starks’ trunks and rolled him up for a near fall. Starks smashed Jericho with a Liger Bomb for a near fall. Action tagged in and cracked Jericho with a kick off the second rope! Jericho countered a split legged moonsault by raising his knees into Action’s ribcage.

Sammy tagged in, was looking for the GTH, but Action escaped. Action ran to the ropes but Jericho thumbed Action in the eye. Action used a reverse hurracanrana and then a hanging neck breaker on Sammy for a two-count! Outside the ring, Starks rocked Jericho with the Roshambo. Garcia cracked Action with the baseball bat, unbeknownst to ref Aubrey Edwards. Sammy finished off Action with the GTH and then pinned him!

A video package aired honoring the legacy of Jay Briscoe! #DemBoys

TNT Championship Match!

Darby Allin (c.) (with Sting) vs. The House of Black’s Buddy Matthews (with Julia Hart)!

Buddy Matthews was wearing face paint. Julia Hart distracted Darby, creating an opening for Matthews to attack.

Darby blocked a kick from Buddy and then tried for a tope, but Buddy intercepted Darby. Matthews bounced Darby off the barricades. Matthews attempted a running powerbomb but Darby countered it, sending Buddy crashing into the barricade.

Buddy Matthews pulled the ring skirt out from beneath Darby’s legs. Buddy drove his knees into Darby with a meteora for a near fall! Darby went over the top with a stunner on Matthews. Darby followed up with a Coffin Drop to Matthews on the floor!

“Darby is holding onto his upper right leg,” said Excalibur.

The arena lights went dark! The lights went back on and Malakai Black and Brody King were standing in front of the ring. Ortiz cracked Malakai with a bat and then brawled to the back with him! Sting blasted Brody King!

Darby spiked Buddy with a reverse hurracanrana. Darby connected with a crossbody but Buddy rolled through. Darby followed up with a crucifix bomb for a near fall on Buddy!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Buddy connected with combination strikes on Darby. Buddy had Darby’s Code Red scouted. Buddy buckle bombed Darby and then curb stomped Darby for a near fall!

“We know how tough Darby is but it can’t last forever,” said Excalibur.

Darby rallied back with the Code Red on Matthews for a two-count! Darby was looking for the coffin drop but Matthews defended, knocking Darby down onto the turnbuckles. Matthews climbed up, looking for a superplex, but Darby countered with a Scorpion Death Drop off the ropes for a near fall! Darby nailed Matthews with the Coffin Drop and then pinned Matthews for the victory!

Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview Darby Allin!

ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe appeared on the screen to interrupt them!

Samoa Joe: “Darby, I’m coming to take everything from you. Know this, I am coming to take back what’s mine. The king will not be usurped by a man like you. You will learn that winning that championship was the biggest mistake of your career!”

JungleHOOK—“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry & FTW Champion HOOK


The Firm’s “All Ego” Ethan Page & Matt Hardy (with Stokely Hathaway and Isiah Kassidy)!

Ethan Page was taken down with a hurracanrana by Jungle Boy. Hardy and HOOK tagged in for their respective teams. Page shoved HOOK and then ran out of the ring. HOOK followed him out, looking for a T-bone suplex. Page went for the Ego’s Edge but HOOK escaped and then Jack Perry hit Page with a tope!

Hardy and Page double suplexed Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy tagged out to HOOK and HOOK swung for the fences with a lariat on Ethan Page! HOOK turned Page inside out with the el Camino and then the T-bone suplex!

Matt Hardy made a blind tag and planted Jungle Boy with the Side Effect. Hardy was going to attempt the Twist of Fate but Ethan Page demanded to be tagged in. Page tried for his own Twist of Fate but Jack Perry escaped and applied the Snare Trap to Ethan Page! HOOK swept out Hardy’s legs and then Ethan Page tapped out!

“I think Ethan Page’s ego really cost him that time,” said Schiavone.

Family Therapy session was next with AEW World Tag Team Champs The Acclaimed—Max Caster and Anthony Bowens & The Gunns—Austin & Colten Gunn!

Daddy Ass asked when the Gunns became so entitled. The Gunns said they always came second to the Acclaimed. Bowens said the Gunns had time to make amends with their father, but they didn’t, and that’s why Billy adopted them.

Daddy Ass said Austin and Colten took the easy way out. “What is it that you want?” he asked.

The Gunns said they wanted the tag team championships, and then walked out of the session.

Renee Paquette interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page backstage!

Page: “I know Jon and I are one-on-one. What’s next for me is kind of impossible. To know out Jon Moxley next week in Ohio.”

Wheeler Yuta interrupted Hangman Page and said Moxley accepted, but first Page will have to face Wheeler Yuta this Friday on Rampage!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)!

Cage and Danielson locked up. Danielson kicked the inside of Cage’s leg. Brian Cage backed Danielson into the corner and chopped at Danielson’s chest. Bryan turned Cage around and walloped Cage with round kicks.

Danielson trapped Cage with the LeBell Lock! Cage reached the ropes with his foot, forcing the rope break. Danielson connected with a sliding dropkick and then a tope! Danielson jumped off the top turnbuckle with a crossbody onto Cage on the arena floor!

“Danielson looking to keep the win streak alive and get one step closer to the match with AEW World Champion MJF,” said Excalibur.

Back in the ring, Cage sent Danielson soaring with a German suplex! Cage put Danielson in a bear hug but Bryan headbutted his way out! Cage cracked Bryan with a running forearm. Cage followed up with a shoulder breaker.

“Great job by Brian Cage,” said Taz.

Cage suplexed Danielson into the ring. Cage followed up with a German suplex for a near fall. Danielson fired up and superplexed Cage!

“Ultra-impressive by the American Dragon,” said Taz.

Danielson grabbed Cage’s leg and put him in an ankle lock. Cage popped up and blasted Bryan with a thrust kick. Danielson managed to roll up Cage for the pin. Cage was angered and went for his bounty, nailing Bryan after the match!

AEW World Champ MJF came down to the ring. He grabbed a metal chair and handed it to Cage. Brian Cage placed the chair around Bryan’s head and shoulder and rammed Bryan into the steel ring post!

MJF hammered down with strikes on Bryan Danielson! Cage put Bryan’s wrist through the steel chair and held Bryan’s legs. MJF climbed to the top rope until Takeshita sprinted to the ring! MJF retreated up the ramp! Meanwhile Takeshita smacked Cage with a running knee strike! Doc Sampson and Takeshita checked on Bryan Danielson’s arm and wrist after the match.

Toni Storm vs. Ruby Soho!

Due to injury, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. was not able to compete in what was originally scheduled as a 3-Way Match for tonight’s episode of Dynamite.

Ruby and Toni traded forearms. Toni dropped Ruby with a high boot. Ruby backed up Toni into the corner with combination elbows. Storm thumbed Ruby in the eyes and then sent her crashing to the floor with the hip attack!

Toni rammed Ruby’s head into the steel ring post, and then she whipped Ruby into the barricade. Back in the ring, Ruby gained momentum, planting Toni with a suplex. She followed up with a back heel trip to Toni. Ruby was looking for the Destination Unknown when Toni grabbed Ruby’s tights for a near fall.

Ruby dropped Toni with a knee to the nose. The ref backed Ruby away from Toni. But Toni was just playing possum, luring Ruby in and then rocking Ruby with the hip attack for a near fall!

“I don’t know how Soho kicked out,” said Taz.

Dr. Britt Baker’s music hit and she walked onto the ramp! Toni was distracted by Baker. Ruby recovered, nailed Toni with Destination Unknown and then pinned Toni Storm!

MJF was in a locked room and he addressed Takeshita. He told Takeshita to stay out of his business or else there’d be consequences. MJF wondered how Bryan’s limb was. MJF said his championship gave him a reason to get out of the bed in the morning. “This belt turns my catchphrase into a fact. This belt makes me better than you and you know it. You want to take this away from me, Bryan Danielson? Bad things happen to people who mess with me. Tonight was just the tip of the iceberg.”

MJF said he made a phone call, and next week, Danielson will have to face Timothy Thatcher!

Main Event Time!

ROH World Tag Team Champion Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Lethal!

This match was requested by both men to celebrate the life and legacy of the late, great Jay Briscoe on his 39th birthday.

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman joined Excalibur at the broadcast booth for the main event!

Mark bodyslammed Jay Lethal. Jay was quick to get back on his feet. Mark pushed Lethal back into the turnbuckles but Lethal turned it around and chopped Mark!

Mark and Lethal traded chops in the center of the ring! Mark connected with a kick to Lethal. Jay landed a dropkick to Mark Briscoe. Mark nailed Jay Lethal with the rat-a-tat-tat neck breaker made famous by his brother Jay Briscoe!

Mark delivered some of his kung fu off the top rope. Mark splashed Jay Lethal in the corner and landed an uppercut and then the iconoclasm on Lethal for a near fall. Mark butterflied Lethal’s arms for the JayDriller but Lethal fought out of it. Lethal countered with the Lethal Combination for a two-count.

Jay Lethal hoisted up Mark and dropped him down. Lethal followed up with the Lethal Injection! Mark Briscoe rolled out of the ring to create some distance from Jay Lethal. Jay put Mark on the time keeper’s table. Mark escaped and nailed Lethal with a dropkick through the ropes. Mark Briscoe followed up with a blockbuster on Jay Lethal!

Mary Briscoe propped up Lethal on the table. Mark jumped off the top turnbuckle and dropped an elbow onto Jay Lethal through the table!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Mark attempted the JayDriller again but Lethal escaped. Lethal attempted the Lethal Injection but Mark countered with two lariats! Mark spiked Lethal with the JayDriller and then pinned Lethal!

We love you Jay Briscoe!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Wright State University in Dayton, OH!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Originally posted at Read More 

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