WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results 2/4/2023

– The WWE NXT Vengeance Day Kickoff pre-show opens up with Matt Camp and Sam Roberts at WWE TV studios. They hype tonight’s show and we see NXT Champion Bron Breakker arriving to the venue earlier today. Camp says WWE Hall of Famer & Senior Vice President of Talent Development Creative Shawn Michaels has ruled that the Steel Cage match between Breakker and Grayson Waller must be won by pinfall or submission, they cannot win by escaping the cage. Camp sends us to McKenzie Mitchell, who is at the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, NC. She says Breakker and Grayson Waller were being kept in separate hotels, and their locker rooms are on opposite sides of the arena. She shows us footage of Apollo Crews and Carmelo Hayes having words in public on Saturday night. She sends us to a video package on tonight’s 2 of 3 Falls match.

Sam, Hayes and the fans all predict Hayes to win tonight’s match. We get a video package for the NXT Women’s Title match now. We also see Toxic Attraction and NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez arriving to the venue earlier today. Sam believes Gigi Dolin will win, while Camp and fans online predict Perez will retain. We get selfie video of NXT North American Champion Wes Lee at his hotel. He prepares to leave and says he will bring the title back. He kisses his girlfriend goodbye and she says he better bring the title back. Lee says Dijak has no chance. Sam, Camp and the fans online predict Dijak to win the title. Back from a break and we see Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen hyping up Kiana James and Fallon Henley, trying to get them to focus on tonight’s title shot.

McKenzie is now with NXT Tag Team Champions The New Day at the arena. They plug their new t-shirts and talk about taking the NXT titles all over the world, now they’re here in Charlotte with some stiff competition. They get hyped up for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way. We then see footage of Andre Chase hyping up Duke Hudson and Thea Hail outside of the arena on Saturday night. Sam predicts Pretty Deadly to win the titles tonight, while Camp goes with Chase U, and fans believe The New Day will retain. We see talents at the WWE Performance Center having a Vengeance Day Watch Party. Camp and Roberts discuss tonight’s main event now. Sam goes with Waller to win, and Camp agrees. Fans online believe Breakker will retain. Camp signs off to end the Kickoff pre-show, and sends us to a video package on tonight’s main event.

– The 2023 WWE NXT Vengeance Day Premium Live Event opens up with an intro video, featuring SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair introducing tonight’s competitors. We’re now live from the Spectrum Center in Charlotte, North Carolina as Vic Joseph welcomes us to Vengeance Day. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T.

NXT North American Title Match: Dijak vs. Wes Lee

We go right to the ring for the opener and out first comes NXT North American Champion Wes Lee as Alicia Taylor does the introductions. Out next comes Dijak.

The bell rings and they lock up as fans chant for Lee. Dijak shoves him back. Dijak tells Lee to just give up now. Lee applies a headlock now. Dijak fights out and levels Lee with a stiff shoulder. Dijak talks some more trash as Lee looks on.

Fans rally for Lee and he baits Dijak in for a kick to the face. Lee uses his speed to evade, than he sends Dijak into the corner with scissors. They tangle and Lee springboards in from the apron to deck Dijak, sending him to the floor to regroup. Lee dropkicks Dijak through the ropes into the announce table. Lee leaps off the apron but Dijak catches him on his shoulders, then spikes him into the floor.

Dijak rolls Lee back in for a 2 count. Dijak mounts Lee with strikes for another pin attempt. Dijak stomps on Lee to keep him down, then chokes him on the middle rope as the referee warns him. Dijak with back elbows in the corner. Dijak with a big throw across the ring for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Dijak catches Lee and launches him out of the ring to the floor. Dijak slams Lee into the edge of the apron, then into the barrier. Dijak man-handles Lee some more and brings him back in for a 2 count. Dijak stomps away on Lee now as fans boo.

Dijak whips Lee in the corner and charges in with a big back elbow. Dijak tries this again but Lee moves and Dijak smashes into the turnbuckles, falling out to the floor to regroup. Dijak comes back in and Lee fights him off, unloading in the corner with punches. Lee dropkicks the knees out and nails a big kick while Dijak is in the corner. Dijak blocks a German suplex but Lee kicks him again. Lee tries for a German suplex again and finally hits it on the third attempt for a big pop. Dijak kicks out at 2.

Lee and Dijak end up on the apron, fighting from their knees. Dijak scoops Lee on his shoulders but Lee fights free. Lee back-drops Dijak from the apron to the floor. Lee runs the ring and cartwheels into a big dive to the floor, taking Dijak down to a “NXT!” chant. Lee brings it back in and back-flips but Dijak catches him on his shoulders. Lee avoids Feast Your Eyes and turns it into a Poisonrana. Lee barely hits a Fisherman’s Michinoku Driver in the middle of the ring for a 2 count. Lee goes to the top for a 450 Splash but he has to roll through. Lee comes back with a superkick.

Lee flies at Dijak but Dijak catches him with High Justice a close 2 count. Dijak with a modified Crossface Chickenwing now as Lee starts fading. Lee shakes his head and rolls to the mat but this allows Dijak to tighten the hold with a body scissors. The referee checks on Lee as he starts to fade again. Lee gets back to his feet as fans chant for him. Lee gets close to the rope but Dijak pulls him back. Lee counters Feast Your Eyes into a roll-up for 2. Lee blocks High Justice and kicks Dijak in the face. Lee kicks Dijak again while he’s on his knees. Dijak smiles now as fans chant “NXT!” and Lee keeps fighting. Lee charges but Dijak turns him inside out with a big boot for another close 2 count. They tangle again and Dijak levels Lee for another 2 count. Dijak can’t believe it.

Fans rally as Dijak gets up first. He grabs Lee and drags him to the corner as the referee counts. Dijak goes to the middle rope and delivers a big super powerbomb but Lee counters in mid-air and uses a scissors to drive Dijak into the mat head-first. Lee goes up in the opposite corner and hits a corkscrew plancha for another 2 count. No one can believe Dijak kicked out. Fans chant “this is awesome!” now. Dijak is on the floor for a breather. Lee charges with a suicide dive but Dijak side-steps and sends Lee into the barrier. Dijak grabs one of the office chairs now. He traps Lee in the chair with a broomstick over his lap, then superkicks him in the face as the referee barks from the ring.

Dijak goes to the top but Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo hop the barrier from the crowd, then push Lee’s chair out of the way, apparently to save Lee, as Dijak flies off the top with a big dive, hitting Stacks and Tony instead of Lee. Stacks and Tony are laid out at ringside. Dijak brings Lee back in, then springboards in from the apron but Lee intercepts him with a superkick. Lee then back-flips from the corner to hit the overhead kick to Dijak for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Wes Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Dijak recovers while Lee poses in the corner with the title in the air.

– Back from a break and we see Grayson Waller arriving earlier today. We also see NXT Champion Bron Breakker arriving to the arena.

– Vic shows us a photo from the Vengeance Day Watch Party at the WWE Performance Center.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Katana Chance and Kayden Carter. Chance touts their record-breaking title reign. Carter says they’re not concerned with the drama their challengers have going on, they’re only worried about the titles and they busted their asses to win these titles. Chance says it’s time to go do what they do best.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Fallon Henley and Kiana James vs. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

We go back to the ring for tonight’s second title match and out first comes Kiana James and Fallon Henley with Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen. Vic wonders if Henley and James can get a win like they did in their first match together. Out next comes NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Katana Chance and Kayden Carter through the crowd. They hit the ring and dance around as the challengers look on.

James starts off with Carter and they lock up. Carter drops James and stands on her with some trash talking. Jensen talks James up, while Carter goes out and spanks Jensen over the rear. James and Carter go at it now but Chance gets involved for the double team as she tags in for a 2 count.

Henley comes in and there’s some miscommunication with James, but they get the upperhand on Carter and Henley covers for 2. Henley isn’t interested in doing things the wrong or underhanded way here. The champs double team Henley again and Chance covers for 2. James tags back in with a back suplex to Chance for 2. James swings at Carter but she hops off the apron to avoid it. James works on Chance in the corner now. Henley tags in for the double team but Chance kicks out at 2. Henley man-handles Chance some, grounding her as fans try to rally.

Jensen and Briggs continue to rally for Henley and James. Chance finally fights out of the hold and slams Henley, but she can’t make the tag. Carter finally tags in but Henley misses it. Carter unloads on Henley and also James as she runs in. Carter unloads on both challengers in their corner. Carter with a big running boot to Henley to kick her to the floor next to James. Chance runs and Carter launches her to splash both challengers on the floor. Chance brings Henley back in and nails a flipping kick to the back for 2.

More back and forth now. James and Carter trade offense in the ring now. James catches Carter with a Spinebuster for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Carter jumps but James gets her knees up. James sends Carter to the floor, then goes to work on Chance. Henley tags in and they double team Chance. Henley with a neckbreaker, then they hit a double team Driver for a 2 count as Carter makes the save. James sends Carter to the floor but misses a flip off the apron. Carter with a big Cutter on the floor to take out James but she’s also down.

Fans chant “NXT!” as Briggs and Jensen tend to James. Henley and Chance go at it in the ring now. Henley fights off a double team in the opposite corner. We have some technical difficulties with Peacock and come back to Henley and James celebrating with the titles. The replay shows James shoving Chance off the top to prevent a double team on Henley. Henley ended up rolling Carter for the pin while James held her for leverage from ringside.

Winners and New NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions: Fallon Henley and Kiana James

– After the match, James and Henley begin celebrating as the music hits. We go to replays. Carter and Chance can’t believe it. Briggs and Jensen celebrate with James and Henley now.

– We get a Twitter video from the WWE Performance Center Watch Party, from Drew Gulak and Hank Walker. Gulak brings up Dijak and Wes Lee, and says how Dijak used power against Lee is their gameplan all the time to counter these high-flyers. Gulak asks Walker if he sees how everyone at the Watch Party is dressed nice. Gulak asks Walker why he’s dressed like he’s here to repair a sink. Walker says these are just his clothes. Gulak says they need to get him some proper ring attire because Gulak is building a Superstar, not a house.

– We get a video from Lyra Valkyria. She says last Tuesday she was supposed to get vengeance as Cora Jade was supposed to teach her what her place in NXT is. Jade also speaks and says she will be very happy to teach Valkyria that valuable lesson. Valkyria says she guesses Jade changed her mind and she can’t respect a woman who says one thing and does the opposite. Lyra says Jade’s time will come and she will perish. Lyra says this Tuesday she will be standing in the middle of the ring, so who from the women;s locker room is ready to soar?

– We get a video package for the next match.

2 of 3 Falls Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Apollo Crews

We go back to the ring for tonight’s 2 of 3 Falls Match as Trick Williams comes out to give a grand introduction to Carmelo Hayes. Hayes comes out wearing a shirt with his opponent’s face crossed out. Hayes removes the shirt, places it on the ground and steps on it as he walks to the ring with Trick. A video starts up and ends with Apollo Crews’ intense eyes looking out. This leads to Crews making his way to the ring.

The bell rings and they size each other up. They lock up and go to the mat, then come back up with a stalemate. They have a few words and lock up to trade more holds on the mat. They break again and lock up. Crews with a headlock takedown. Fans do dueling chants. They show each other up gain and trade big slaps but Crews slaps Hayes to the mat.

Crews tells Hayes to get his ass back up. Hayes swings but applies a headlock. Crews shows Hayes up out of the corner. They run the ropes and Crews misses a dropkick. Hayes goes for a dropkick but Crews catches him and launches him to the corner but Hayes lands on the middle rope. Hayes flies but Crews dropkicks him in mid-air for a pop. Crews keeps control and chops Hayes, then kicks him to the corner.

Crews launches Hayes ribs-first into the turnbuckles. Crews chops Hayes back down. Crews keeps control and hits a big German suplex. Hayes ends up pulling Crews off the apron to the floor. Trick gets in Crews’ face as fans boo. Hayes tries to capitalize but Crews clotheslines him on the floor. Crews with a big moonsault off the apron to the injured ribs of Hayes on the floor. Fans chant “NXT!” as Crews brings it back in, then splashes Hayes from the apron. Hayes kicks out at 2.

Steel Cage Match for the NXT Title
Grayson Waller vs. Bron Breakker (c)

Triple Threat for the NXT Women’s Title
Gigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne vs. Roxanne Perez (c)

Fatal 4 Way for the NXT Tag Team Titles
Chase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson) vs. Gallus (Wolfgang, Mark Coffey) vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson, Elton Prince) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods) (c)

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results 2/4/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Stay tuned for live WWE NXT Vengeance Day results at 7pm ET, beginning with the Kickoff pre-show. Below is the current card for tonight:

Steel Cage Match for the NXT TitleGrayson Waller vs. Bron Breakker (c)

Triple Threat for the NXT Women’s TitleGigi Dolin vs. Jacy Jayne vs. Roxanne Perez (c)

NXT North American Title MatchDijak vs. Wes Lee (c)

NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles MatchFallon Henley and Kiana James vs. Katana Chance and Kayden Carter (c)

Fatal 4 Way for the NXT Tag Team TitlesChase University (Andre Chase, Duke Hudson) vs. Gallus (Wolfgang, Mark Coffey) vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson, Elton Prince) vs. The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Xavier Woods) (c)

2 of 3 Falls MatchCarmelo Hayes vs. Apollo Crews

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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