WWE NXT Results 4/4/2023

– The post-Stand & Deliver edition of WWE NXT opens up on the USA Network with highlights from Saturday’s big event in Los Angeles. We’re now live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. The first 30 minutes will be commercial-free tonight.

– We go right to the ring and Alicia Taylor introduces new NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell. She comes out to “you deserve it!” and she says she waited so long to hear that. Fans chant “Indi Wrestling!” now. She says it’s been a few days now but she can’t believe this is real. She raises the title in the air for a pop. Indi goes on about how she’d given up on winning the title… she’d gain some momentum then go back down.

Indi doubted herself but fans never did. She goes on and gives a shout-out to former champion Roxanne Perez, and says she should get the first title shot. Zoey Stark interrupts and she’s tired of hearing this crap. She goes on about how Indi isn’t on the level of former champions. Fans chant “Zoey sucks!” now. Stark is glad we now have a very beatable champion, and Perez should go behind her in the line. Stark proposes a title match tonight but fans chant “no!” at her. Indi wants to see just how unbeatable she is, so let’s do it. Stark says she made the biggest mistake of her life, and will have the shortest reign ever. They face off and Indi raises the title.

– We see how NXT North American Champion Wes Lee and Axiom had friendly words at the airport on Monday to setup a title match tonight.

Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo vs. Pretty Deadly

We go back to the ring and out comes Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo. We see how Pretty Deadly insulted them at Stand & Deliver to set this match up. Out next comes Kit Wilson and Elton Prince of Pretty Deadly.

Prince and Stacks start off going at it and having words. Wilson comes in with a big clothesline. Stacks counters with a back-slide, then a dropkick. Stacks drops Wilson and tags in Tony D for a big knee to drop Wilson.

Tony unloads on Wilson an warns Prince but Wilson decks him. Prince tags in but Tony fights him off. Tony with a suplex for a pop. Prince turns it around and comes off the middle rope but Tony decks him. Prince goes on and kicks Tony’s leg out. Wilson comes in but Tony drops him. Wilson taunts Tony but gets dropped. Prince comes in so does Stacks.

The Family unloads on their opponents. Stacks launches one opponent into the other in the corner, and they regroup on the floor. They bait Stacks in and Wilson drops him. Prince is legal as he goes to work on Stacks. Stacks fights up and out but Prince rams him into the corner. Pretty Deadly with quick tags now. Tony finally tags in and unloads on both opponents, hitting big overhead suplexes, then a Spinebuster to Prince as Wilson breaks up the pin.

Stacks and Wilson end up on the floor while Prince drops Tony with an elbow. The referee checks on Tony while Prince hides under the apron cover for a bait & switch. This leads to Prince sending Tony face-first into an exposed turnbuckle for the pin to win.

Winners: Pretty Deadly

– After the match, Pretty Deadly quickly run away to the entrance-way as the music hits.

– We get a vignette from Jacy Jayne now. She taunts Gigi Dolin over not winning the title at Stand & Deliver and says all that’s left is to break her will after already breaking her face and heart.

Dijak vs. Odyssey Jones

We go back to the ring and out comes Dijak. Odyssey Jones is out next as we see how they fought in last week’s Battle Royal.

The bell rings and they go at it. Dijak levels Jones with a big boot for 2. Dijak unloads to keep Jones down. Jones knocks Dijak to the floor.

Dijak comes right back in but Jones goes to work. Jones spikes Dijak into the mat for a pop. Jones catches a crossbody in mid-air for a slam and a 2 count. Jones goes to the middle rope but Dijak superkicks him. Dijak scoops Jones to his shoulders for a big Driver but Jones kicks out at 2.

Dijak goes to the top and hits the moonsault for the pin to get the quick win.

Winner: Dijak

– After the match, Dijak stands tall as the music hits. Jones is having trouble standing. We go to replays. Dijak talks some trash into the camera and says he’s pissed off.

– We get a brief vignette on Dragon Lee. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Trick Williams and new NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes arriving to the venue

– NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell, including Joe Coffey, who returned at Stand & Deliver. They say imagine what a complete Gallus can do. McKenzie asks Joe what he has planned, and he says he will win some gold but first he’s going to have a few fights. Joe says everyone will realize this is Gallus’ kingdom.

Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazer

We go back to the ring and out comes Nathan Frazer first. Dragon Lee is out next to a big pop. Noam Dar suddenly appears at ringside from the crowd. He places the NXT UK Heritage Cup trophy on the announce table. Dar says after months of negotiations, he is finally here. He shows off his NXT UK Heritage Cup and says he will be the one to decide if anyone is fit or good enough to challenge for it.

The bell rings as Lee and Frazer shake hands. They lock up and tangle, then break to a pop. Dar is watching from next to the announce table. Lee and Frazer with more back and forth action as fans do dueling chants. They do a stalemate to more cheers, then trade more counters. We get another stalemate before going back to commercial.

Back from the break and Frazer drops Lee in mid-air for a 2 count. Frazer goes up but Lee cuts him off. Lee climbs up but Frazer knocks him to the mat. Lee runs back up and sends Frazer to the mat but he lands on his feet and nails a dropkick.

Lee drops Frazer in the corner and hits a pair of basement dropkicks as Dar looks on. Lee with a neckbreaker and more offense for 2. Lee keeps control and goes to the top but Frazer cuts him off. Lee counters and turns Frazer upside down in the corner, then hits a big stomp. Lee goes on but Frazer intercepts him in mid-air for a close 2 count to “this is awesome!” chants. They trade big strikes now.

Lee with an enziguri. Lee counters a counter and hits a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Lee can’t believe it. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Lee follows up with a running knee to the face for the pin to win.

Winner: Dragon Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits. Dar is not impressed but fans are. We go to replays. Lee poses in the corner as Dar talks some trash.

– Chase U is backstage. Andre Chase says it felt good to beat up The Schism on Saturday. Chase praises Tyler Bate for helping to save Chase U at Stand & Deliver. Duke Hudson speaks up and downplays the idea of Bate doing all the work. There’s some tension between Chase and Duke, but Duke gives a speech on how he’s created a legacy in Chase U. Chase gets fired up and agrees, and says next week we will honor Duke for his Chase U work and present him with the MVP trophy. Duke is riled up now.

– We see Indi Hartwell and Zoey Stark walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see stills from Stand & Deliver.

– We get a new vignette from new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre, who are ready to celebrate Saturday’s title win.

– McKenzie is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee. Lee says the Fatal 5 Way at Stand & Deliver was the best match of his life and he knew mid-way that he picked the right opponents. He praises each one, especially Axiom, and looks ahead to their title match tonight.

NXT Women’s Title Match: Zoey Stark vs. Indi Hartwell

We go back to the ring and out comes Zoey Stark. Out next comes new NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell for her first title defense. Alicia Taylor does formal ring introductions.

The bell rings and they lock up. The aggressive back & forth starts immediately. Indi with scoop slams and a clothesline. Stark springboards and rocks Indi. Stark with stiff kicks to take control. Stark stomps away in the corner now. Indi kicks out at 2.

The back & forth continues as they show each other up. Stark takes Indi from corner to corner as fans rally for Indi. Indi with strikes, then a big right to drop Stark for a 2 count. Stark is sent to the floor, but she trips Indi and launches herself in from the apron with a senton.

Indi kicks out at 2. Stark with a baseball slide to knock Indi back to the floor. Stark stands tall to boos as we go back to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Stark continues to dominate. Stark drops Indi for 2. Indi looks to mount some offense but Stark cuts her off. They go on and Stark drops Indi from the apron. Stark goes to the middle rope but Indi cuts her off. They tangle some more and Stark flies off the top with a big knee but Indi ducks and Stark lands hard.

Indi with strikes from the apron. Indi goes to the top with a flying elbow drop to the back for a close 2 count. They trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. Stark with a roundhouse kick and some trash talking. Stark springboards but Indi catches her in mid-air with a big Spinebuster for 2.

Fans do dueling chants. Stark dodges a kick and hits the half & half, then the big Z-360 but the momentum sends Indi to the floor. Stark brings Indi back in but she kicks out at 2, then immediately rolls Stark into the crucifix pin for the win to retain.

Winner: Indi Hartwell

– After the match, Indi stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Indi stands tall until Tiffany Stratton comes out to motion for the title at the entrance-way. Cora Jade suddenly attacks Indi from behind, making her surprise return. Jade drops Indi with a DDT and raises the title in the air. Jade then exits but stops to have words with Stratton. Indi is slow to recover.

– Kiana James is backstage with Brooks Jensen, yelling at him for not helping her cheat at Stand & Deliver. Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs walk up and Fallon mentions James is doing the cheating, on Jensen. He asks if this is true. James says they never made it exclusive. James says things changed for her when they had their first kiss. She thought she could trust Jensen but she saw on Saturday that she was wrong, and now she and Fallon are no longer champions. James thought what they had was special but it wasn’t. James leaves as Jensen begs her not to. Fallon says she’s trying to make Jensen be the bad guy. Jensen yells “enough!” and he’s frustrated with himself for not understanding the whole exclusive thing. He asks Fallon and Briggs to stay out of his relationship please. Jensen goes after James, begging her to stop. Fallon says she’s just trying to help. Briggs says next week’s title rematch is going to be a lot of fun and Fallon says tell me about it.

Ivy Nile vs. Tatum Paxley

We go back to the ring and out comes Ivy Nile. The announcers show us a graphic in memory of WWE Hall of Famer Bushwhacker Butch, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 78. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see more Stand & Deliver stills. We go to the parking lot and a camera man is trying to get comments from Cora Jade, but she says everyone will have to wait and hear from her next week. Lyra Valkyria approaches Jade and welcomes her back. Lyra says she’s not dwelling on the past but she’s here to remind Jade of the future. Lyra says Jade can’t escape fate. We go back to the ring and Tatum Paxley is out as we see how she and Ivy recently split. The bell rings and they go at it.

Ivy unloads and slams Paxley. Ivy with a bunch of strikes. Paxley fights back as the brawl continues. Paxley with stiff strikes, then a middle rope suplex. Paxley slams Nile and yells in her face, then rag-dolls her some on the mat.

Ivy goes right into an arm bar but it’s blocked. Paxley rocks Nile and drops her for another 2 count. Paxley grounds Nile now as fans rally. Nile tries to fight out but Paxley tightens the headlock. Nile fights up and beats Paxley into the corner. Ivy unloads until the referee backs her away, but Paxley attacks. Nile picks Paxley off the middle turnbuckle and drives her into the mat. Nile charges and drops Paxley. Nile keeps tackling Paxley as Paxley tries to retreat but Nile stays on her.

Paxley crawls away at ringside now but Nile kicks her and rolls her back in. Nile stalks Paxley and tells her to get up. Nile locks in the Dragon Sleeper and tightens it until Paxley submits in the middle of the ring for the win.

Winner: Ivy Nile

– After the match, Nile stands tall as The Creed Brothers come out to celebrate with her. Paxley looks on.

– Ilja Dragunov is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell now. He praises NXT North American Champion Wes Lee some and talks about how tough the Fatal 5 Way was at Stand & Deliver, and how he hunts monsters. He goes on until Von Wagner interrupts. They face off. Von taunts Ilja for not getting the job done, and Ilja knocks Von for not getting the invite to fight at Stand & Deliver. Von says he is the biggest monster Ilja has seen in his life. They have words until Mr. Stone runs in and separates them, asking Von why he’s picking a fight with Ilja. Stone says he will get Von a match with Ilja for next week but if Von loses, he and Von are done. Stone walks off as Von looks on.

NXT North American Title Match: Axiom vs. Wes Lee

We go back to the ring and out comes Axiom first. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor.

The bell rings and they lock up, then quickly break and face off again. They lock up and quickly break again. Axiom applies a submission now. They tangle again and Axiom nails a stiff kick for a 1 count.

Lee runs the ropes and nails a scissors takedown. They keep at each other until Lee nails a dropkick but Axiom stays in it. Axiom sends Lee to the floor, then nails a suicide dive. Axiom brings it back in and goes to the top but Lee jumps up with a big uppercut. Axiom is knocked out to the floor as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

More back and forth after the break. At one point Lee went for the Cardiac Kick while Axiom went for the Golden Ratio but Lee only hit a stomp for a 2 count. They continued to fight for several more minutes until Lee hit a corkscrew senton but Axiom got the knees up.

Axiom tries for the Golden Ratio again but Lee ducked under him, then hit the Cardiac Kick for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Wes Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Lee helps Axiom up in a show of respect, then he leaves. We suddenly hear Scrypts’ voice as his logos appear around the arena. He says he sees everything, the corners of Axiom’s mind, and he knows everything about Axiom. Scrypts suddenly flies into the ring from out of nowhere, but Axiom intercepts him with a big kick as fans pop. Axiom stands over Scrypts and talks trash while kicking him around. Fans chant for Axiom.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Nathan Frazer. He admits his year has not started off too good, but he can turn things around. McKenzie says he seems wise beyond his years at 24 with a positive attitude like that. Frazer says perspective and reality changes when one has a moment of enlightenment.

– We see Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see more stills from Stand & Deliver.

– We get a quick promo for three Superstars coming soon to NXT TV – Dani Palmer, Oba Femi, Tank Ledger.

– We go back to the ring and Alicia Taylor introduces Trick Williams and new NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. The music hits and out they come as fans chant “Melo!” to greet him.

Hayes hypes up his Stand & Deliver win and says 18 months in the making was worth the wait, and now there’s no question who is the best. Hayes talks about being “him” and Trick declares this is the Him Era. Hayes says he took the title, it wasn’t handed to him.

Hayes says they’re having fun and this is a Melo-Bration but every great champion has a great opponent. Hayes wants to give Bron Breakker his flowers now. Trick goes on about how Bron deserves it. Hayes talks about how he truly respects Bron. Hayes then says if Bron is back there, come to the ring so he can tell him something. The music hits and out comes Breakker to a pop.

Hayes says it was cool of Bron to present him the title after Saturday’s match. Hayes doesn’t know what Bron’s future holds but on behalf of Hayes and everyone in NXT – thank you. A “thank you Breakker!” chant starts up. Bron appreciates that. He talks about how Tommaso Ciampa taught him to respect the new champion, and that’s what he did. Bron doesn’t know what’s next for him, but he says NXT is just as much about the fans as the Superstars. He says they listen to the fans, they hear the chants every week.

Bron calls on fans to give it up for the new champion. Trick hypes Hayes up as The A Champ. Hayes’ music starts up and Bron goes to leave but Hayes cuts the music, then offers his hand to Bron. They shake and embrace. Hayes’ music starts back up as Bron raises Hayes’ arm in the air. Trick goes back to hyping up The A Champ as fans cheer them on.

Bron suddenly levels Hayes with a lariat. Trick approaches but Bron presses him high in the air for a big slam. Bron then runs over Hayes with a Spear as the boos get louder. Bron is fired up now. Trick and Hayes are down in the middle of the ring as Bron looks on from the apron. Fans chant “one more time!” as the post-Stand & Deliver edition of NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Results 4/4/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– The post-Stand & Deliver edition of WWE NXT opens up on the USA Network with highlights from Saturday’s big event in Los Angeles. We’re now live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph welcomes us. He’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. The first 30 minutes will be commercial-free tonight.

– We go right to the ring and Alicia Taylor introduces new NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell. She comes out to “you deserve it!” and she says she waited so long to hear that. Fans chant “Indi Wrestling!” now. She says it’s been a few days now but she can’t believe this is real. She raises the title in the air for a pop. Indi goes on about how she’d given up on winning the title… she’d gain some momentum then go back down.

Indi doubted herself but fans never did. She goes on and gives a shout-out to former champion Roxanne Perez, and says she should get the first title shot. Zoey Stark interrupts and she’s tired of hearing this crap. She goes on about how Indi isn’t on the level of former champions. Fans chant “Zoey sucks!” now. Stark is glad we now have a very beatable champion, and Perez should go behind her in the line. Stark proposes a title match tonight but fans chant “no!” at her. Indi wants to see just how unbeatable she is, so let’s do it. Stark says she made the biggest mistake of her life, and will have the shortest reign ever. They face off and Indi raises the title.

– We see how NXT North American Champion Wes Lee and Axiom had friendly words at the airport on Monday to setup a title match tonight.

Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo vs. Pretty Deadly

We go back to the ring and out comes Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo and Tony D’Angelo. We see how Pretty Deadly insulted them at Stand & Deliver to set this match up. Out next comes Kit Wilson and Elton Prince of Pretty Deadly.

Prince and Stacks start off going at it and having words. Wilson comes in with a big clothesline. Stacks counters with a back-slide, then a dropkick. Stacks drops Wilson and tags in Tony D for a big knee to drop Wilson.

Tony unloads on Wilson an warns Prince but Wilson decks him. Prince tags in but Tony fights him off. Tony with a suplex for a pop. Prince turns it around and comes off the middle rope but Tony decks him. Prince goes on and kicks Tony’s leg out. Wilson comes in but Tony drops him. Wilson taunts Tony but gets dropped. Prince comes in so does Stacks.

The Family unloads on their opponents. Stacks launches one opponent into the other in the corner, and they regroup on the floor. They bait Stacks in and Wilson drops him. Prince is legal as he goes to work on Stacks. Stacks fights up and out but Prince rams him into the corner. Pretty Deadly with quick tags now. Tony finally tags in and unloads on both opponents, hitting big overhead suplexes, then a Spinebuster to Prince as Wilson breaks up the pin.

Stacks and Wilson end up on the floor while Prince drops Tony with an elbow. The referee checks on Tony while Prince hides under the apron cover for a bait & switch. This leads to Prince sending Tony face-first into an exposed turnbuckle for the pin to win.

Winners: Pretty Deadly

– After the match, Pretty Deadly quickly run away to the entrance-way as the music hits.

– We get a vignette from Jacy Jayne now. She taunts Gigi Dolin over not winning the title at Stand & Deliver and says all that’s left is to break her will after already breaking her face and heart.

Dijak vs. Odyssey Jones

We go back to the ring and out comes Dijak. Odyssey Jones is out next as we see how they fought in last week’s Battle Royal.

The bell rings and they go at it. Dijak levels Jones with a big boot for 2. Dijak unloads to keep Jones down. Jones knocks Dijak to the floor.

Dijak comes right back in but Jones goes to work. Jones spikes Dijak into the mat for a pop. Jones catches a crossbody in mid-air for a slam and a 2 count. Jones goes to the middle rope but Dijak superkicks him. Dijak scoops Jones to his shoulders for a big Driver but Jones kicks out at 2.

Dijak goes to the top and hits the moonsault for the pin to get the quick win.

Winner: Dijak

– After the match, Dijak stands tall as the music hits. Jones is having trouble standing. We go to replays. Dijak talks some trash into the camera and says he’s pissed off.

– We get a brief vignette on Dragon Lee. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Trick Williams and new NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes arriving to the venue

– NXT Tag Team Champions Gallus is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell, including Joe Coffey, who returned at Stand & Deliver. They say imagine what a complete Gallus can do. McKenzie asks Joe what he has planned, and he says he will win some gold but first he’s going to have a few fights. Joe says everyone will realize this is Gallus’ kingdom.

Dragon Lee vs. Nathan Frazer

We go back to the ring and out comes Nathan Frazer first. Dragon Lee is out next to a big pop. Noam Dar suddenly appears at ringside from the crowd. He places the NXT UK Heritage Cup trophy on the announce table. Dar says after months of negotiations, he is finally here. He shows off his NXT UK Heritage Cup and says he will be the one to decide if anyone is fit or good enough to challenge for it.

The bell rings as Lee and Frazer shake hands. They lock up and tangle, then break to a pop. Dar is watching from next to the announce table. Lee and Frazer with more back and forth action as fans do dueling chants. They do a stalemate to more cheers, then trade more counters. We get another stalemate before going back to commercial.

Back from the break and Frazer drops Lee in mid-air for a 2 count. Frazer goes up but Lee cuts him off. Lee climbs up but Frazer knocks him to the mat. Lee runs back up and sends Frazer to the mat but he lands on his feet and nails a dropkick.

Lee drops Frazer in the corner and hits a pair of basement dropkicks as Dar looks on. Lee with a neckbreaker and more offense for 2. Lee keeps control and goes to the top but Frazer cuts him off. Lee counters and turns Frazer upside down in the corner, then hits a big stomp. Lee goes on but Frazer intercepts him in mid-air for a close 2 count to “this is awesome!” chants. They trade big strikes now.

Lee with an enziguri. Lee counters a counter and hits a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Lee can’t believe it. Fans chant “NXT!” now. Lee follows up with a running knee to the face for the pin to win.

Winner: Dragon Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits. Dar is not impressed but fans are. We go to replays. Lee poses in the corner as Dar talks some trash.

– Chase U is backstage. Andre Chase says it felt good to beat up The Schism on Saturday. Chase praises Tyler Bate for helping to save Chase U at Stand & Deliver. Duke Hudson speaks up and downplays the idea of Bate doing all the work. There’s some tension between Chase and Duke, but Duke gives a speech on how he’s created a legacy in Chase U. Chase gets fired up and agrees, and says next week we will honor Duke for his Chase U work and present him with the MVP trophy. Duke is riled up now.

– We see Indi Hartwell and Zoey Stark walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see stills from Stand & Deliver.

– We get a new vignette from new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre, who are ready to celebrate Saturday’s title win.

– McKenzie is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee. Lee says the Fatal 5 Way at Stand & Deliver was the best match of his life and he knew mid-way that he picked the right opponents. He praises each one, especially Axiom, and looks ahead to their title match tonight.

NXT Women’s Title Match: Zoey Stark vs. Indi Hartwell

We go back to the ring and out comes Zoey Stark. Out next comes new NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell for her first title defense. Alicia Taylor does formal ring introductions.

The bell rings and they lock up. The aggressive back & forth starts immediately. Indi with scoop slams and a clothesline. Stark springboards and rocks Indi. Stark with stiff kicks to take control. Stark stomps away in the corner now. Indi kicks out at 2.

The back & forth continues as they show each other up. Stark takes Indi from corner to corner as fans rally for Indi. Indi with strikes, then a big right to drop Stark for a 2 count. Stark is sent to the floor, but she trips Indi and launches herself in from the apron with a senton.

Indi kicks out at 2. Stark with a baseball slide to knock Indi back to the floor. Stark stands tall to boos as we go back to a picture-in-picture commercial.

Back from the break and Stark continues to dominate. Stark drops Indi for 2. Indi looks to mount some offense but Stark cuts her off. They go on and Stark drops Indi from the apron. Stark goes to the middle rope but Indi cuts her off. They tangle some more and Stark flies off the top with a big knee but Indi ducks and Stark lands hard.

Indi with strikes from the apron. Indi goes to the top with a flying elbow drop to the back for a close 2 count. They trade big strikes in the middle of the ring now. Stark with a roundhouse kick and some trash talking. Stark springboards but Indi catches her in mid-air with a big Spinebuster for 2.

Fans do dueling chants. Stark dodges a kick and hits the half & half, then the big Z-360 but the momentum sends Indi to the floor. Stark brings Indi back in but she kicks out at 2, then immediately rolls Stark into the crucifix pin for the win to retain.

Winner: Indi Hartwell

– After the match, Indi stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Indi stands tall until Tiffany Stratton comes out to motion for the title at the entrance-way. Cora Jade suddenly attacks Indi from behind, making her surprise return. Jade drops Indi with a DDT and raises the title in the air. Jade then exits but stops to have words with Stratton. Indi is slow to recover.

– Kiana James is backstage with Brooks Jensen, yelling at him for not helping her cheat at Stand & Deliver. Fallon Henley and Josh Briggs walk up and Fallon mentions James is doing the cheating, on Jensen. He asks if this is true. James says they never made it exclusive. James says things changed for her when they had their first kiss. She thought she could trust Jensen but she saw on Saturday that she was wrong, and now she and Fallon are no longer champions. James thought what they had was special but it wasn’t. James leaves as Jensen begs her not to. Fallon says she’s trying to make Jensen be the bad guy. Jensen yells “enough!” and he’s frustrated with himself for not understanding the whole exclusive thing. He asks Fallon and Briggs to stay out of his relationship please. Jensen goes after James, begging her to stop. Fallon says she’s just trying to help. Briggs says next week’s title rematch is going to be a lot of fun and Fallon says tell me about it.

Ivy Nile vs. Tatum Paxley

We go back to the ring and out comes Ivy Nile. The announcers show us a graphic in memory of WWE Hall of Famer Bushwhacker Butch, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 78. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see more Stand & Deliver stills. We go to the parking lot and a camera man is trying to get comments from Cora Jade, but she says everyone will have to wait and hear from her next week. Lyra Valkyria approaches Jade and welcomes her back. Lyra says she’s not dwelling on the past but she’s here to remind Jade of the future. Lyra says Jade can’t escape fate. We go back to the ring and Tatum Paxley is out as we see how she and Ivy recently split. The bell rings and they go at it.

Ivy unloads and slams Paxley. Ivy with a bunch of strikes. Paxley fights back as the brawl continues. Paxley with stiff strikes, then a middle rope suplex. Paxley slams Nile and yells in her face, then rag-dolls her some on the mat.

Ivy goes right into an arm bar but it’s blocked. Paxley rocks Nile and drops her for another 2 count. Paxley grounds Nile now as fans rally. Nile tries to fight out but Paxley tightens the headlock. Nile fights up and beats Paxley into the corner. Ivy unloads until the referee backs her away, but Paxley attacks. Nile picks Paxley off the middle turnbuckle and drives her into the mat. Nile charges and drops Paxley. Nile keeps tackling Paxley as Paxley tries to retreat but Nile stays on her.

Paxley crawls away at ringside now but Nile kicks her and rolls her back in. Nile stalks Paxley and tells her to get up. Nile locks in the Dragon Sleeper and tightens it until Paxley submits in the middle of the ring for the win.

Winner: Ivy Nile

– After the match, Nile stands tall as The Creed Brothers come out to celebrate with her. Paxley looks on.

– Ilja Dragunov is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell now. He praises NXT North American Champion Wes Lee some and talks about how tough the Fatal 5 Way was at Stand & Deliver, and how he hunts monsters. He goes on until Von Wagner interrupts. They face off. Von taunts Ilja for not getting the job done, and Ilja knocks Von for not getting the invite to fight at Stand & Deliver. Von says he is the biggest monster Ilja has seen in his life. They have words until Mr. Stone runs in and separates them, asking Von why he’s picking a fight with Ilja. Stone says he will get Von a match with Ilja for next week but if Von loses, he and Von are done. Stone walks off as Von looks on.

NXT North American Title Match: Axiom vs. Wes Lee

We go back to the ring and out comes Axiom first. NXT North American Champion Wes Lee is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Alicia Taylor.

The bell rings and they lock up, then quickly break and face off again. They lock up and quickly break again. Axiom applies a submission now. They tangle again and Axiom nails a stiff kick for a 1 count.

Lee runs the ropes and nails a scissors takedown. They keep at each other until Lee nails a dropkick but Axiom stays in it. Axiom sends Lee to the floor, then nails a suicide dive. Axiom brings it back in and goes to the top but Lee jumps up with a big uppercut. Axiom is knocked out to the floor as we go to a picture-in-picture commercial.

More back and forth after the break. At one point Lee went for the Cardiac Kick while Axiom went for the Golden Ratio but Lee only hit a stomp for a 2 count. They continued to fight for several more minutes until Lee hit a corkscrew senton but Axiom got the knees up.

Axiom tries for the Golden Ratio again but Lee ducked under him, then hit the Cardiac Kick for the pin to win and retain.

Winner: Wes Lee

– After the match, Lee stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Lee helps Axiom up in a show of respect, then he leaves. We suddenly hear Scrypts’ voice as his logos appear around the arena. He says he sees everything, the corners of Axiom’s mind, and he knows everything about Axiom. Scrypts suddenly flies into the ring from out of nowhere, but Axiom intercepts him with a big kick as fans pop. Axiom stands over Scrypts and talks trash while kicking him around. Fans chant for Axiom.

– McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Nathan Frazer. He admits his year has not started off too good, but he can turn things around. McKenzie says he seems wise beyond his years at 24 with a positive attitude like that. Frazer says perspective and reality changes when one has a moment of enlightenment.

– We see Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes walking backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see more stills from Stand & Deliver.

– We get a quick promo for three Superstars coming soon to NXT TV – Dani Palmer, Oba Femi, Tank Ledger.

– We go back to the ring and Alicia Taylor introduces Trick Williams and new NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. The music hits and out they come as fans chant “Melo!” to greet him.

Hayes hypes up his Stand & Deliver win and says 18 months in the making was worth the wait, and now there’s no question who is the best. Hayes talks about being “him” and Trick declares this is the Him Era. Hayes says he took the title, it wasn’t handed to him.

Hayes says they’re having fun and this is a Melo-Bration but every great champion has a great opponent. Hayes wants to give Bron Breakker his flowers now. Trick goes on about how Bron deserves it. Hayes talks about how he truly respects Bron. Hayes then says if Bron is back there, come to the ring so he can tell him something. The music hits and out comes Breakker to a pop.

Hayes says it was cool of Bron to present him the title after Saturday’s match. Hayes doesn’t know what Bron’s future holds but on behalf of Hayes and everyone in NXT – thank you. A “thank you Breakker!” chant starts up. Bron appreciates that. He talks about how Tommaso Ciampa taught him to respect the new champion, and that’s what he did. Bron doesn’t know what’s next for him, but he says NXT is just as much about the fans as the Superstars. He says they listen to the fans, they hear the chants every week.

Bron calls on fans to give it up for the new champion. Trick hypes Hayes up as The A Champ. Hayes’ music starts up and Bron goes to leave but Hayes cuts the music, then offers his hand to Bron. They shake and embrace. Hayes’ music starts back up as Bron raises Hayes’ arm in the air. Trick goes back to hyping up The A Champ as fans cheer them on.

Bron suddenly levels Hayes with a lariat. Trick approaches but Bron presses him high in the air for a big slam. Bron then runs over Hayes with a Spear as the boos get louder. Bron is fired up now. Trick and Hayes are down in the middle of the ring as Bron looks on from the apron. Fans chant “one more time!” as the post-Stand & Deliver edition of NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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