WWE NXT Results 4/11/2023

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up with highlights from last week’s show. We’re now live on the USA Network, from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcome us.

– We go right to the ring and out comes NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams as Alicia Taylor does the introductions. Fans chant “Melo!” and he quiets them to address what happened last week with Bron Breakker.

Hayes says it was supposed to be about respect between he and Bron, but Hayes let his guard down and got caught slipping. Hayes and Trick reiterate how it won’t happen again. Hayes goes on and understands Bron is in his feelings over the Stand & Deliver loss, but Bron didn’t pass the torch that night, Hayes took it. Hayes says fans don’t want Bron to be their #1 any longer, they want Melo. Hayes says he and Bron will be at war for a long time. Hayes offers Bron a spot in tonight’s Fatal 4 Way to determine his NXT Spring Breakin’ challenger. Hayes isn’t asking, he’s demanding, because he needs to get back his… the music interrupts and out comes Dragon Lee to a big pop.

Lee congratulates Hayes. Fans chant “Dragon Lee!” now. Lee understands Hayes wants revenge on Bron, but Lee came to NXT to fight the best, and the title proves he shoots and doesn’t miss… Lee knows Hayes wants Breakker, but after tonight, it will be Lee vs. Hayes for the title at Spring Breakin’. Hayes gets fans to give it up for Lee. Hayes welcomes Lee to NXT but warns him to never interrupt the champion. Hayes says Lee gets a pass because he’s new, and he goes on to issue a warning for if they have a match, but the music interrupts and out comes JD McDonagh to boos.

JD talks about troubles during Hayes’ first week as champion. JD says these two need to learn that ego is loud and confidence is quiet. He doesn’t need anything fancy because when the bell rings he knows he’s #1. Lee will find out tonight, and Hayes in two weeks at Spring Breakin’. Lee cracks a Leprechaun joke and goes on but the music interrupts and out comes Grayson Waller to boos. Waller says he’s in the Fatal 4 Way tonight.

Waller insults everyone and says he’s winning tonight’s Fatal 4 Way, then a real Superstar will take the title from Hayes. Hayes says everyone wants to be a winner but who’s going to do what it really takes? Hayes looks around and sees a lot of them’s but there can only be one him. The music starts back up as Hayes stands tall with the title.

– Kiana James and Fallon Henley are backstage trying to get on the same page but an argument breaks out over what happened last week. James says she and Brooks Jensen are just fine. They need to get on the same page to regain the titles tonight but they are not even close. Josh Briggs walks up and James says Jensen doesn’t want to be near either of them right now. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see TikTok video from earlier in the week with Tiffany Stratton having words with Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer. Stratton vs. Ruca will take place tonight.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Fallon Henley and Kiana James vs. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

We go back to the ring and Kiana James and Fallon Henley are out with Josh Briggs, no sign of Brooks Jensen. NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are out next for their first title defense against the former champions in this Stand & Deliver rematch.

James and Henley drop their opponents before the bell hits. James has Dawn on the floor while Dawn and Henley go at it in the ring. James tags herself in and they double team Dawn in the corner.

Henley with a flying back elbow to Dawn for 1. Fyre tags in but Henley doesn’t see it, so she is double teamed. We see Jensen arriving in the back parking lot and he seems angry as he walks in. Fyre turns it round on Henley and works her over, then nails a big back-drop.

Dawn and James tag in at the same time, and they go at it. James rams Fyre into Dawn in the corner, then splashes them both. James drops Dawn, then Henley tags in for a dropkick to the back of the head. The challengers keep control as James drops Fyre at ringside, then Henley hits a forearm to the back of the neck and a big suplex to Dawn in the ring. Henley and James pose on the apron as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dawn is in control of James. Dawn with a big knee to the gut as Briggs cheers her on. James counters and rolls Dawn up for 2, but Dawn quickly decks her to take control back. Fyre tags in and James keeps fighting with a roll-up for 2. Fyre comes back with a suplex for 2.

Henley tags in and unloads on Dawn as fans cheer. Henley with a big Bulldog, then a back corner splash and a flying shoulder. Henley knocks Fyre off the apron and decks Dawn off the middle rope but Fyre breaks the pin attempt up. Fyre then knocks James off the apron with a big strike. Henley drops James, then Fyre goes for her but Henley nails a Destroyer.

James’ loaded bag comes into play but Henley isn’t sure about using it to cheat to win. Jensen runs in and yells at Henley to use the bag. Henley throws the bag at Jensen as he yells at her to use the bag. The referee catches him with the bag, and sends him packing. Henley yells at Jensen to get out of here. Briggs confronts Jensen at ringside and Jensen shoves Briggs to the floor, shocking him.

Dawn and Fyre take advantage of the chaos and drop Henley with the double team Swanton and backbreaker combo. Dawn places Fyre on top of Henley for the pin to win and retain.

Winners: Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre

– After the match, Jensen carries James to the back while the champions celebrate.

– We get a new vignette from Noam Dar. He says NXT is about to blast into the stratosphere because The Supernova has finally arrived. Dar brings a combination of swag and style, he’s an elegant savage with unlimited potential. He says NXT has lots of fantastic Superstars but only one Supernova. He opens people’s eyes, takes breath away, breaks jaws as a world class performer who has revolutionized a whole new style around his Heritage Cup. He goes over the rules for the Cup matches and what the Cup brings to NXT. Dar goes on and says he came to NXT to see what the best have to offer, so it’s time to separate the sheep from the goat. Dar wonders which of these “dafties” will step up.

– Still to come, Chase U’s MVP Ceremony for Duke Hudson. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Dragon Lee warming up in the back.

– We go back to the ring and Chase University is out – Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, and all their students. The ring is set up for a MVP Ceremony for Duke, with large photos on display. Chase praises Duke for saving the group at Stand & Deliver, and says he was the MVP. Chase mentions how they don’t always see eye to eye. He goes on and introduces Duke as Chase U’s MVP. Duke thanks Chase. He doesn’t like award ceremonies as he doesn’t want the spotlight on himself, because it’s about Chase U, not Chase U-me.

Duke goes on about taking Chase U to the promise land at Stand & Deliver. Duke says this was a group effort, he just led the march to evil. Duke thanks his mentor Chase, and then thanks Hail, he guesses. Duke says he is now Chase U’s MVP. The Chase U Student Section chants “MVP!” now. Duke leads everyone in a “C-H-A-S-E…” chant until Bron Breakker comes through the crowd to interrupt.

Bron brings up last week and Chase says he’s interrupting something important. Bron says with good reason. Bron goes on about tonight’s Fatal 4 Way. He says he finally realized the NXT Title is a curse on his career, and he doesn’t need these scumbag fans any longer. Bron says we’re going to see a side of him we’ve never seen before.

Fans chant “you suck!” now. Bron gives Duke his spot in the Fatal 4 Way and thy shake hands. Bron goes to leave, but then turns and levels Chase with a big Spear to boos. Bron goes for Duke but he retreats with the MVP trophy as Hail checks on Chase. Bron grabs the Chase U flag and breaks it, then drops it on Chase.

– We get a new Gigi Dolin vignette. She’s outside of the run down house she grew up in with her brother. She talks about her rough childhood and how she ran away and didn’t look back as soon as she could. Dolin is human and just wants to be loved, and Jacy Jayne knew this when she attacked her. Dolin says Jayne broke her heart and her face, but will never break her will. Dolin says like the rose inked on her arm, her story started out dark and ugly, but bloomed into something beautiful.

– We see footage from earlier today, shot by the NXT Anonymous account. Pretty Deadly was outside of the Performance Center when Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo pulled up, then attacked them with a crowbar. They tossed Kit Wilson in the trunk, then drove away.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Javier Bernal

We go back to the ring and Javier Bernal is out first. Eddy Thorpe is out next to a big pop. Vic says Thorpe told him earlier how tonight begins his journey to headlining NXT Battleground.

The bell rings and they go at it with fans really behind Thorpe. Bernal with offense early on but Thorpe levels him with a flying strike.

Damon Kemp comes out to watch the match from the ramp. Bernal gets the best of Thorpe on the floor, then brings it back in and continues to dominate. Thorpe kicks out at 2.

Bernal with chops. Thorpe blocks a Boston Crab now. Thorpe keeps fighting with strikes, dropping Bernal with an enziguri. Thorpe drops a big elbow for 2. They tangle and Bernal slaps Thorpe for 2 in the middle of the ring.

Bernal blocks a suplex and rolls Thorpe for 2. Thorpe keeps fighting and drops Bernal on his head with a suplex, then hits the Butterfly suplex for the pin to win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

– After the match, Thorpe stands tall as the music hits. He trades a look with Kemp, then Kemp leaves, as Thorpe poses in the corner.

– We see how Gallus interrupted Hank Ledger’s photo shoot earlier in the day. Ledger says he’s been training and will be ready to debut in a few weeks. Gallus wants to move that debut up to tonight. The Schism shows up and has words with Gallus, telling them to start a fight with someone who brings a challenge. Joe Gacy says The Schism has been kept out of the tag title chase. They have more words between the two sides to set up a match.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Sol Ruca

We go back to the ring and out comes Tiffany Stratton. She poses as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a new cryptic vignette from Scrypts, who continues to taunt Axiom. Scrypts says what comes next won’t be anything new, and Axiom can’t expose him because he’s doing the exposing. We go back to the ring and out comes Sol Ruca as Stratton looks on.

The bell rings and they go at it. Stratton takes control early on and grounds Ruca by her arm as fans rally. Ruca fights back but gets hit with a big elbow. Ruca keeps fighting and dodges a moonsault. Stratton rocks Ruca as they both go for the same moves and we have a stalemate in the middle of the ring.

Stratton offers her hand for a shake, but she kicks Ruca instead, slams her by her hair and then hits a moonsault for 2. Stratton keeps control, working Ruca around and focusing on her elbow. Ruca kicks out at 2. Fans do dueling chants now. Stratton with a back elbow to the face, then another slam for 2.

Stratton grounds Ruca now as fans rally. Stratton rag-dolls Ruca some, focusing on the arm. Ruca fights up and out but Stratton chops away. Ruca mounts offense now, then kips-up. Ruca with a big powerslam for 2. Ruca with the cartwheel splash into the corner, then another powerslam for 2.

Stratton goes to the apron and Ruca runs into a kick. Stratton looks to end it but Ruca rolls her for 2. Ruca charges again but Stratton catches her on her shoulders for the rolling senton, then the top rope moonsault for the pin to win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

– After the match, Stratton stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Stratton poses now.

– Andre Chase is backstage recovering while Duke Hudson warms up for the main event. Duke thanks Chase for taking one for the team earlier, so Duke can go win tonight and be the first one to bring home gold to Chase U.

– Cora Jade is walking backstage as fans in the arena boo. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Ivy Nile and The Creed Brothers. Ivy talks about how she took care of her issue with Tatum Paxley last week, and now The Diamond Mine is back to just the three of them. The Creeds go on about how they’re focused on Gallus and the NXT Tag Team Titles, and will be watching tonight’s match. Tiffany Stratton walks up and brags about her win, and wonders why she’s not the #1 contender.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Cora Jade to boos.

Jade says she returned last week to find the NXT women’s division in disarray. She addresses Zoey Stark first and gives her some praise for her in-ring work, but says she will always be the challenger, never the champion. She brings up Roxanne Perez next, saying she put Perez on the map the second she hit her with the tag team title belt. Jade won’t bring up what Perez went through because it’s real, but how long will Perez use this as her crutch? She says Perez just proves some of us are better with pressure than others. She brings up Gigi Dolin next and is surprised she made it away from Toxic Attraction, and says she was close to grabbing the title, but let’s get one thing straight – the title has Jade’s name on it.

Jade goes on about Tiffany Stratton and says she runs this place, not Tiffany. Jade brings up “weird” Lyra Valkyria next and gives her props for attacking anything with a pulse and having no fear in the Ladder Match, but she should fear Jade if she fears anyone here. Jade now brings up NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell. She knocks for Indi taking so long to win the title, and says this isn’t Indi’s little fairytale, it’s Jade’s NXT and she’s the super hero.

The music interrupts and out comes Valkyria. She wonders if Jade is saying all this because the NXT women’s locker room stepped up in Jade’s absence, or if she’s jealous after watching Stand & Deliver. Fans chant “Cora’s jealous!” now. Valkyria warns she will rip Jade’s eyes out if she goes for the title. Jade slaps Valkyria down. Valkyria strikes back and then sends Jade out to the floor. Valkyria’s music starts up as they yell at each other.

– We see Ilja Dragunov walking backstage. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are also walking. Back to commercial.

– Back from a break and McKenzie is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee, asking how he stays so sharp. Lee talks about the chip on his shoulder, but then Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey interrupt. They have words and Dempsey asks how Lee plans to fly around the ring with torn ligaments, and all he can do is tap out. Lee says if they want a shot, just ask, he’s down and only has one goal – to keep the title. Lee walks off.

Von Wagner vs. Ilja Dragunov

We go back to the ring and Von Wagner is wrapping up his entrance with Mr. Stone, who will leave Von if he loses tonight. Ilja Dragunov is out next.

The bell rings and Von levels Ilja with a big boot. Von works Ilja around now, launching him across the ring, then into the turnbuckles to send him back down.

Von holds Ilja with a bear hug, then slams him as Stone barks at him to win the match. Von wants to keep hurting Ilja. Ilja fights back but Von fights out of a hold. Ilja comes right back with the Constantine Special lariat. Ilja with a big German suplex now. Ilja goes to the top but Von rocks him and then slams him to the mat.

Von man-handles Ilja some and slams him with a double underhook for a 2 count. They trade strikes now, and Ilja hits the big falling forearm. Ilja waits in the corner now, then hits the Torpedo Moscow for the pin to win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

– After the match, Ilja stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Ilja poses in the corner as Von stumbles around at ringside. An angry Stone walks out on Von. While Ilja is celebrating, the music hits and he waits for Dijak. However, Dijak appears on the apron behind him. Dijak enters the ring and faces off with Ilja. Dijak says if pain makes Ilja feel alive, that’s great because he’s going to make Ilja feel immortal.

– Tank Ledger is backstage when Hank Walker approaches to give him some words of encouragement. Tank wasn’t supposed to debut for a few more weeks but he’s ready to show a top guy like Joe Coffey what he’s all about.

Tank Ledger vs. Joe Coffey

We go back to the ring and out comes Gallus – Joe Coffey with NXT Tag Team Champions Wolfgang and Mark Coffey. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see JD McDonagh getting ready in the back. We go back to the ring and out comes Tank Ledger for his big main show debut. The bell rings and they go at it.

Tank with some early offense. Coffey fights back and hits a flying shoulder. Tank keeps trying to turn it around but Coffey overpowers. Coffey with a backbreaker for 2. Coffey trash talks while working Tank around. Tank with a big boot.

Coffey man-handles Tank some more, then grounds him by his arm as the rest of Gallus looks on. Tank powers out of a hold and launches Coffey across the ring. Fans rally for Tank now. Tank runs wild with shoulders and a back elbow. Tank with a cartwheel into a splash for 2.

Tank scoops Coffey but he holds the top rope to get free. Tank misses on a charge into the corner, then Coffey drops him with a right hand to the jaw to send him to the floor. Coffey follows and sends Tank into the steel ring steps.

Coffey brings it back in and hits the discus clothesline, then he poses over Tank to mostly boos. Tank slowly gets back up but Coffey drops him with another discus clothesline for the pin to win.

Winner: Joe Coffey

– After the match, Gallus stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. The Schism and The Creed Brothers end up rushing the ring as a big brawl breaks out.

– Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo are backstage laughing about how Operation Crowbar on Pretty Deadly was a success. Roxanne Perez walks by and they stop her to see how she’s doing. She says she needed a break after Stand & Deliver but she’s back and ready to win her title back. She also comments on recent happenings with Zoey Stark and others. Tony says if she ever needs back-up… Stark interrupts and mocks Perez. Perez says Stark is the perfect example of why people aren’t open and honest about their anxiety. She says Stark doesn’t get it and doesn’t try to understand it. Perez says she has the strength to beat Stark next week. Perez fist bumps her new friends and walks off. Tony and Stacks go to ask Stark something but Pretty Deadly attacks from behind, then destroys them to leave them laying. Back to commercial.

#1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh vs. Duke Hudson vs. Grayson Waller

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way main event as Grayson Waller is out, while Duke Hudson waits in the ring. Dragon Lee is out next, followed by JD McDonagh. The winner of this will challenge NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes at NXT Spring Breakin’ in two weeks.

Duke sends Waller to the floor to start. JD ends up taking Duke out with Waller’s assist as Andre Chase and Thea Hail look on. JD and Lee go at it now. Lee with a huge chop and dropkick in mid-air to send JD out.

Waller attacks Lee and works him over, talking trash in his face. Lee counters a big move with a scissors takedown. JD rocks Lee with a kick from the apron, then Waller drops Lee. Waller and JD double team Duke now. Duke blocks a double suplex attempt, and hits a double suplex on JD and Waller. Duke unloads on both of them now.

Duke catches Lee in mid-air, then slams him on top of Waller and JD for a big pop. Lee dumps Duke to the floor. Lee runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Duke down on the floor. Waller runs out and drops Lee. JD with an Asahi moonsault to Lee from the apron.

Duke is alone in the ring now. He goes for a big dive but Waller runs in and intercepts him with the Stunner. We get a close 2 count as the others rush in to break it up just in time. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and JD and Waller both have a submission locked in on each of Duke’s legs. Lee fights in and takes Waller down, then unloads on JD with strikes. Lee with a basement dropkick to Waller. Lee follows JD to the floor but gets sent into the ring post face-first. Waller congratulates JD but sends him into the ring post as well.

Waller comes back in with the big top rope elbow drop to Duke for 2. Waller works Duke over but Duke hulks up to a big pop. Duke blocks Waller and beats him around the ring. Duke with a big side-slam, then a back-drop to JD as she runs in. Lee also runs in but Duke launches him across the ring with ease. Duke with a corner clothesline to Lee. JD charges but Duke spikes him with the Uranage. Waller is also taken out by Duke.

Duke throws Waller into Lee to drop them both again. Duke with big rights to Waller, then the elbow to the face and a senton in the middle of the ring. Lee sends Duke to the apron but Duke cuts him off and hits a huge German suplex. Lee kicks out just in time as Waller breaks the pin. Duke blocks Waller and drops him with an Electric Chair. Duke with an Electric Chair to Lee now. JD blocks the Electric Chair with a big Poisonrana, spiking Duke on his head.

JD takes out Waller and nails a corkscrew senton from the apron. JD catches Waller with the big suplex but Lee breaks the pin up with a flying double stomp. Fans chant “NXT!” now while everyone is down. JD kicks Lee away but Lee kicks him in the head from the apron. JD kicks Lee while he goes to the top. JD climbs up for the Spanish Fly but Lee counters and turns him upside down for the big double stomp. Lee then hits a suicide dive to Duke on the floor. Lee comes back in and nails the sliding knee to the head of JD for a close 2 count.

Lee can’t believe it. Lee works JD over now but Waller runs in. Lee sends him to the apron. Duke knocks Waller off the apron with a big boot, sending him into the edge of the announce table. Duke runs over Lee and JD with a double clothesline. Duke goes for the Razor’s Edge to Lee but Lee counters and sends him into the turnbuckles with a head-scissors.

JD with a corner dropkick to Duke. Lee with a snap German suplex to send JD to the floor. Lee with a sitdown powerbomb to Duke in the middle of the ring but Waller runs in and breaks the pin with a Stunner to Lee, knocking him out of the ring to the floor. Waller falls on top of Duke to steal the pin for the win and the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Grayson Waller

– After the match, Waller stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Waller is at the entrance-way now, drinking a beer from his boot and ranting about how he is NXT. The music hits and out comes NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. They have words while Hayes raises the NXT Title and Waller raises his boot. Vic confirms Waller vs. Hayes in two weeks at Spring Breakin’. NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Results 4/11/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– Tonight’s WWE NXT episode opens up with highlights from last week’s show. We’re now live on the USA Network, from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Vic Joseph and WWE Hall of Famer Booker T welcome us.

– We go right to the ring and out comes NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams as Alicia Taylor does the introductions. Fans chant “Melo!” and he quiets them to address what happened last week with Bron Breakker.

Hayes says it was supposed to be about respect between he and Bron, but Hayes let his guard down and got caught slipping. Hayes and Trick reiterate how it won’t happen again. Hayes goes on and understands Bron is in his feelings over the Stand & Deliver loss, but Bron didn’t pass the torch that night, Hayes took it. Hayes says fans don’t want Bron to be their #1 any longer, they want Melo. Hayes says he and Bron will be at war for a long time. Hayes offers Bron a spot in tonight’s Fatal 4 Way to determine his NXT Spring Breakin’ challenger. Hayes isn’t asking, he’s demanding, because he needs to get back his… the music interrupts and out comes Dragon Lee to a big pop.

Lee congratulates Hayes. Fans chant “Dragon Lee!” now. Lee understands Hayes wants revenge on Bron, but Lee came to NXT to fight the best, and the title proves he shoots and doesn’t miss… Lee knows Hayes wants Breakker, but after tonight, it will be Lee vs. Hayes for the title at Spring Breakin’. Hayes gets fans to give it up for Lee. Hayes welcomes Lee to NXT but warns him to never interrupt the champion. Hayes says Lee gets a pass because he’s new, and he goes on to issue a warning for if they have a match, but the music interrupts and out comes JD McDonagh to boos.

JD talks about troubles during Hayes’ first week as champion. JD says these two need to learn that ego is loud and confidence is quiet. He doesn’t need anything fancy because when the bell rings he knows he’s #1. Lee will find out tonight, and Hayes in two weeks at Spring Breakin’. Lee cracks a Leprechaun joke and goes on but the music interrupts and out comes Grayson Waller to boos. Waller says he’s in the Fatal 4 Way tonight.

Waller insults everyone and says he’s winning tonight’s Fatal 4 Way, then a real Superstar will take the title from Hayes. Hayes says everyone wants to be a winner but who’s going to do what it really takes? Hayes looks around and sees a lot of them’s but there can only be one him. The music starts back up as Hayes stands tall with the title.

– Kiana James and Fallon Henley are backstage trying to get on the same page but an argument breaks out over what happened last week. James says she and Brooks Jensen are just fine. They need to get on the same page to regain the titles tonight but they are not even close. Josh Briggs walks up and James says Jensen doesn’t want to be near either of them right now. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see TikTok video from earlier in the week with Tiffany Stratton having words with Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer. Stratton vs. Ruca will take place tonight.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles Match: Fallon Henley and Kiana James vs. Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

We go back to the ring and Kiana James and Fallon Henley are out with Josh Briggs, no sign of Brooks Jensen. NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn are out next for their first title defense against the former champions in this Stand & Deliver rematch.

James and Henley drop their opponents before the bell hits. James has Dawn on the floor while Dawn and Henley go at it in the ring. James tags herself in and they double team Dawn in the corner.

Henley with a flying back elbow to Dawn for 1. Fyre tags in but Henley doesn’t see it, so she is double teamed. We see Jensen arriving in the back parking lot and he seems angry as he walks in. Fyre turns it round on Henley and works her over, then nails a big back-drop.

Dawn and James tag in at the same time, and they go at it. James rams Fyre into Dawn in the corner, then splashes them both. James drops Dawn, then Henley tags in for a dropkick to the back of the head. The challengers keep control as James drops Fyre at ringside, then Henley hits a forearm to the back of the neck and a big suplex to Dawn in the ring. Henley and James pose on the apron as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dawn is in control of James. Dawn with a big knee to the gut as Briggs cheers her on. James counters and rolls Dawn up for 2, but Dawn quickly decks her to take control back. Fyre tags in and James keeps fighting with a roll-up for 2. Fyre comes back with a suplex for 2.

Henley tags in and unloads on Dawn as fans cheer. Henley with a big Bulldog, then a back corner splash and a flying shoulder. Henley knocks Fyre off the apron and decks Dawn off the middle rope but Fyre breaks the pin attempt up. Fyre then knocks James off the apron with a big strike. Henley drops James, then Fyre goes for her but Henley nails a Destroyer.

James’ loaded bag comes into play but Henley isn’t sure about using it to cheat to win. Jensen runs in and yells at Henley to use the bag. Henley throws the bag at Jensen as he yells at her to use the bag. The referee catches him with the bag, and sends him packing. Henley yells at Jensen to get out of here. Briggs confronts Jensen at ringside and Jensen shoves Briggs to the floor, shocking him.

Dawn and Fyre take advantage of the chaos and drop Henley with the double team Swanton and backbreaker combo. Dawn places Fyre on top of Henley for the pin to win and retain.

Winners: Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre

– After the match, Jensen carries James to the back while the champions celebrate.

– We get a new vignette from Noam Dar. He says NXT is about to blast into the stratosphere because The Supernova has finally arrived. Dar brings a combination of swag and style, he’s an elegant savage with unlimited potential. He says NXT has lots of fantastic Superstars but only one Supernova. He opens people’s eyes, takes breath away, breaks jaws as a world class performer who has revolutionized a whole new style around his Heritage Cup. He goes over the rules for the Cup matches and what the Cup brings to NXT. Dar goes on and says he came to NXT to see what the best have to offer, so it’s time to separate the sheep from the goat. Dar wonders which of these “dafties” will step up.

– Still to come, Chase U’s MVP Ceremony for Duke Hudson. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see Dragon Lee warming up in the back.

– We go back to the ring and Chase University is out – Andre Chase, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, and all their students. The ring is set up for a MVP Ceremony for Duke, with large photos on display. Chase praises Duke for saving the group at Stand & Deliver, and says he was the MVP. Chase mentions how they don’t always see eye to eye. He goes on and introduces Duke as Chase U’s MVP. Duke thanks Chase. He doesn’t like award ceremonies as he doesn’t want the spotlight on himself, because it’s about Chase U, not Chase U-me.

Duke goes on about taking Chase U to the promise land at Stand & Deliver. Duke says this was a group effort, he just led the march to evil. Duke thanks his mentor Chase, and then thanks Hail, he guesses. Duke says he is now Chase U’s MVP. The Chase U Student Section chants “MVP!” now. Duke leads everyone in a “C-H-A-S-E…” chant until Bron Breakker comes through the crowd to interrupt.

Bron brings up last week and Chase says he’s interrupting something important. Bron says with good reason. Bron goes on about tonight’s Fatal 4 Way. He says he finally realized the NXT Title is a curse on his career, and he doesn’t need these scumbag fans any longer. Bron says we’re going to see a side of him we’ve never seen before.

Fans chant “you suck!” now. Bron gives Duke his spot in the Fatal 4 Way and thy shake hands. Bron goes to leave, but then turns and levels Chase with a big Spear to boos. Bron goes for Duke but he retreats with the MVP trophy as Hail checks on Chase. Bron grabs the Chase U flag and breaks it, then drops it on Chase.

– We get a new Gigi Dolin vignette. She’s outside of the run down house she grew up in with her brother. She talks about her rough childhood and how she ran away and didn’t look back as soon as she could. Dolin is human and just wants to be loved, and Jacy Jayne knew this when she attacked her. Dolin says Jayne broke her heart and her face, but will never break her will. Dolin says like the rose inked on her arm, her story started out dark and ugly, but bloomed into something beautiful.

– We see footage from earlier today, shot by the NXT Anonymous account. Pretty Deadly was outside of the Performance Center when Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo pulled up, then attacked them with a crowbar. They tossed Kit Wilson in the trunk, then drove away.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Javier Bernal

We go back to the ring and Javier Bernal is out first. Eddy Thorpe is out next to a big pop. Vic says Thorpe told him earlier how tonight begins his journey to headlining NXT Battleground.

The bell rings and they go at it with fans really behind Thorpe. Bernal with offense early on but Thorpe levels him with a flying strike.

Damon Kemp comes out to watch the match from the ramp. Bernal gets the best of Thorpe on the floor, then brings it back in and continues to dominate. Thorpe kicks out at 2.

Bernal with chops. Thorpe blocks a Boston Crab now. Thorpe keeps fighting with strikes, dropping Bernal with an enziguri. Thorpe drops a big elbow for 2. They tangle and Bernal slaps Thorpe for 2 in the middle of the ring.

Bernal blocks a suplex and rolls Thorpe for 2. Thorpe keeps fighting and drops Bernal on his head with a suplex, then hits the Butterfly suplex for the pin to win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

– After the match, Thorpe stands tall as the music hits. He trades a look with Kemp, then Kemp leaves, as Thorpe poses in the corner.

– We see how Gallus interrupted Hank Ledger’s photo shoot earlier in the day. Ledger says he’s been training and will be ready to debut in a few weeks. Gallus wants to move that debut up to tonight. The Schism shows up and has words with Gallus, telling them to start a fight with someone who brings a challenge. Joe Gacy says The Schism has been kept out of the tag title chase. They have more words between the two sides to set up a match.

Tiffany Stratton vs. Sol Ruca

We go back to the ring and out comes Tiffany Stratton. She poses as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a new cryptic vignette from Scrypts, who continues to taunt Axiom. Scrypts says what comes next won’t be anything new, and Axiom can’t expose him because he’s doing the exposing. We go back to the ring and out comes Sol Ruca as Stratton looks on.

The bell rings and they go at it. Stratton takes control early on and grounds Ruca by her arm as fans rally. Ruca fights back but gets hit with a big elbow. Ruca keeps fighting and dodges a moonsault. Stratton rocks Ruca as they both go for the same moves and we have a stalemate in the middle of the ring.

Stratton offers her hand for a shake, but she kicks Ruca instead, slams her by her hair and then hits a moonsault for 2. Stratton keeps control, working Ruca around and focusing on her elbow. Ruca kicks out at 2. Fans do dueling chants now. Stratton with a back elbow to the face, then another slam for 2.

Stratton grounds Ruca now as fans rally. Stratton rag-dolls Ruca some, focusing on the arm. Ruca fights up and out but Stratton chops away. Ruca mounts offense now, then kips-up. Ruca with a big powerslam for 2. Ruca with the cartwheel splash into the corner, then another powerslam for 2.

Stratton goes to the apron and Ruca runs into a kick. Stratton looks to end it but Ruca rolls her for 2. Ruca charges again but Stratton catches her on her shoulders for the rolling senton, then the top rope moonsault for the pin to win.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton

– After the match, Stratton stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Stratton poses now.

– Andre Chase is backstage recovering while Duke Hudson warms up for the main event. Duke thanks Chase for taking one for the team earlier, so Duke can go win tonight and be the first one to bring home gold to Chase U.

– Cora Jade is walking backstage as fans in the arena boo. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Ivy Nile and The Creed Brothers. Ivy talks about how she took care of her issue with Tatum Paxley last week, and now The Diamond Mine is back to just the three of them. The Creeds go on about how they’re focused on Gallus and the NXT Tag Team Titles, and will be watching tonight’s match. Tiffany Stratton walks up and brags about her win, and wonders why she’s not the #1 contender.

– We go back to the ring and out comes Cora Jade to boos.

Jade says she returned last week to find the NXT women’s division in disarray. She addresses Zoey Stark first and gives her some praise for her in-ring work, but says she will always be the challenger, never the champion. She brings up Roxanne Perez next, saying she put Perez on the map the second she hit her with the tag team title belt. Jade won’t bring up what Perez went through because it’s real, but how long will Perez use this as her crutch? She says Perez just proves some of us are better with pressure than others. She brings up Gigi Dolin next and is surprised she made it away from Toxic Attraction, and says she was close to grabbing the title, but let’s get one thing straight – the title has Jade’s name on it.

Jade goes on about Tiffany Stratton and says she runs this place, not Tiffany. Jade brings up “weird” Lyra Valkyria next and gives her props for attacking anything with a pulse and having no fear in the Ladder Match, but she should fear Jade if she fears anyone here. Jade now brings up NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell. She knocks for Indi taking so long to win the title, and says this isn’t Indi’s little fairytale, it’s Jade’s NXT and she’s the super hero.

The music interrupts and out comes Valkyria. She wonders if Jade is saying all this because the NXT women’s locker room stepped up in Jade’s absence, or if she’s jealous after watching Stand & Deliver. Fans chant “Cora’s jealous!” now. Valkyria warns she will rip Jade’s eyes out if she goes for the title. Jade slaps Valkyria down. Valkyria strikes back and then sends Jade out to the floor. Valkyria’s music starts up as they yell at each other.

– We see Ilja Dragunov walking backstage. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are also walking. Back to commercial.

– Back from a break and McKenzie is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee, asking how he stays so sharp. Lee talks about the chip on his shoulder, but then Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey interrupt. They have words and Dempsey asks how Lee plans to fly around the ring with torn ligaments, and all he can do is tap out. Lee says if they want a shot, just ask, he’s down and only has one goal – to keep the title. Lee walks off.

Von Wagner vs. Ilja Dragunov

We go back to the ring and Von Wagner is wrapping up his entrance with Mr. Stone, who will leave Von if he loses tonight. Ilja Dragunov is out next.

The bell rings and Von levels Ilja with a big boot. Von works Ilja around now, launching him across the ring, then into the turnbuckles to send him back down.

Von holds Ilja with a bear hug, then slams him as Stone barks at him to win the match. Von wants to keep hurting Ilja. Ilja fights back but Von fights out of a hold. Ilja comes right back with the Constantine Special lariat. Ilja with a big German suplex now. Ilja goes to the top but Von rocks him and then slams him to the mat.

Von man-handles Ilja some and slams him with a double underhook for a 2 count. They trade strikes now, and Ilja hits the big falling forearm. Ilja waits in the corner now, then hits the Torpedo Moscow for the pin to win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov

– After the match, Ilja stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Ilja poses in the corner as Von stumbles around at ringside. An angry Stone walks out on Von. While Ilja is celebrating, the music hits and he waits for Dijak. However, Dijak appears on the apron behind him. Dijak enters the ring and faces off with Ilja. Dijak says if pain makes Ilja feel alive, that’s great because he’s going to make Ilja feel immortal.

– Tank Ledger is backstage when Hank Walker approaches to give him some words of encouragement. Tank wasn’t supposed to debut for a few more weeks but he’s ready to show a top guy like Joe Coffey what he’s all about.

Tank Ledger vs. Joe Coffey

We go back to the ring and out comes Gallus – Joe Coffey with NXT Tag Team Champions Wolfgang and Mark Coffey. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see JD McDonagh getting ready in the back. We go back to the ring and out comes Tank Ledger for his big main show debut. The bell rings and they go at it.

Tank with some early offense. Coffey fights back and hits a flying shoulder. Tank keeps trying to turn it around but Coffey overpowers. Coffey with a backbreaker for 2. Coffey trash talks while working Tank around. Tank with a big boot.

Coffey man-handles Tank some more, then grounds him by his arm as the rest of Gallus looks on. Tank powers out of a hold and launches Coffey across the ring. Fans rally for Tank now. Tank runs wild with shoulders and a back elbow. Tank with a cartwheel into a splash for 2.

Tank scoops Coffey but he holds the top rope to get free. Tank misses on a charge into the corner, then Coffey drops him with a right hand to the jaw to send him to the floor. Coffey follows and sends Tank into the steel ring steps.

Coffey brings it back in and hits the discus clothesline, then he poses over Tank to mostly boos. Tank slowly gets back up but Coffey drops him with another discus clothesline for the pin to win.

Winner: Joe Coffey

– After the match, Gallus stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. The Schism and The Creed Brothers end up rushing the ring as a big brawl breaks out.

– Tony D’Angelo and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo are backstage laughing about how Operation Crowbar on Pretty Deadly was a success. Roxanne Perez walks by and they stop her to see how she’s doing. She says she needed a break after Stand & Deliver but she’s back and ready to win her title back. She also comments on recent happenings with Zoey Stark and others. Tony says if she ever needs back-up… Stark interrupts and mocks Perez. Perez says Stark is the perfect example of why people aren’t open and honest about their anxiety. She says Stark doesn’t get it and doesn’t try to understand it. Perez says she has the strength to beat Stark next week. Perez fist bumps her new friends and walks off. Tony and Stacks go to ask Stark something but Pretty Deadly attacks from behind, then destroys them to leave them laying. Back to commercial.

#1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh vs. Duke Hudson vs. Grayson Waller

We go back to the ring for tonight’s Fatal 4 Way main event as Grayson Waller is out, while Duke Hudson waits in the ring. Dragon Lee is out next, followed by JD McDonagh. The winner of this will challenge NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes at NXT Spring Breakin’ in two weeks.

Duke sends Waller to the floor to start. JD ends up taking Duke out with Waller’s assist as Andre Chase and Thea Hail look on. JD and Lee go at it now. Lee with a huge chop and dropkick in mid-air to send JD out.

Waller attacks Lee and works him over, talking trash in his face. Lee counters a big move with a scissors takedown. JD rocks Lee with a kick from the apron, then Waller drops Lee. Waller and JD double team Duke now. Duke blocks a double suplex attempt, and hits a double suplex on JD and Waller. Duke unloads on both of them now.

Duke catches Lee in mid-air, then slams him on top of Waller and JD for a big pop. Lee dumps Duke to the floor. Lee runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Duke down on the floor. Waller runs out and drops Lee. JD with an Asahi moonsault to Lee from the apron.

Duke is alone in the ring now. He goes for a big dive but Waller runs in and intercepts him with the Stunner. We get a close 2 count as the others rush in to break it up just in time. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and JD and Waller both have a submission locked in on each of Duke’s legs. Lee fights in and takes Waller down, then unloads on JD with strikes. Lee with a basement dropkick to Waller. Lee follows JD to the floor but gets sent into the ring post face-first. Waller congratulates JD but sends him into the ring post as well.

Waller comes back in with the big top rope elbow drop to Duke for 2. Waller works Duke over but Duke hulks up to a big pop. Duke blocks Waller and beats him around the ring. Duke with a big side-slam, then a back-drop to JD as she runs in. Lee also runs in but Duke launches him across the ring with ease. Duke with a corner clothesline to Lee. JD charges but Duke spikes him with the Uranage. Waller is also taken out by Duke.

Duke throws Waller into Lee to drop them both again. Duke with big rights to Waller, then the elbow to the face and a senton in the middle of the ring. Lee sends Duke to the apron but Duke cuts him off and hits a huge German suplex. Lee kicks out just in time as Waller breaks the pin. Duke blocks Waller and drops him with an Electric Chair. Duke with an Electric Chair to Lee now. JD blocks the Electric Chair with a big Poisonrana, spiking Duke on his head.

JD takes out Waller and nails a corkscrew senton from the apron. JD catches Waller with the big suplex but Lee breaks the pin up with a flying double stomp. Fans chant “NXT!” now while everyone is down. JD kicks Lee away but Lee kicks him in the head from the apron. JD kicks Lee while he goes to the top. JD climbs up for the Spanish Fly but Lee counters and turns him upside down for the big double stomp. Lee then hits a suicide dive to Duke on the floor. Lee comes back in and nails the sliding knee to the head of JD for a close 2 count.

Lee can’t believe it. Lee works JD over now but Waller runs in. Lee sends him to the apron. Duke knocks Waller off the apron with a big boot, sending him into the edge of the announce table. Duke runs over Lee and JD with a double clothesline. Duke goes for the Razor’s Edge to Lee but Lee counters and sends him into the turnbuckles with a head-scissors.

JD with a corner dropkick to Duke. Lee with a snap German suplex to send JD to the floor. Lee with a sitdown powerbomb to Duke in the middle of the ring but Waller runs in and breaks the pin with a Stunner to Lee, knocking him out of the ring to the floor. Waller falls on top of Duke to steal the pin for the win and the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Grayson Waller

– After the match, Waller stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Waller is at the entrance-way now, drinking a beer from his boot and ranting about how he is NXT. The music hits and out comes NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes. They have words while Hayes raises the NXT Title and Waller raises his boot. Vic confirms Waller vs. Hayes in two weeks at Spring Breakin’. NXT goes off the air.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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