WWE NXT Level Up Results and Videos 3/31/2023

– This week’s WWE NXT Level Up was previously taped at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. Byron Saxton and newcomer Blake Howard were on commentary. This week’s episode only had two matches instead of three.

– Valentina Feroz defeated Lash Legend. At one point, Elektra Lopez came down to watch the match. Legend kicked Feroz to the floor, and Lopez tried to attack but Feroz sent her into the steel ring steps. Feroz then came back in and ducked Legend, then rolled her up for the pin to win.

– Nathan Frazer defeated Javier Bernal in the main event. Bernal held his own as they went back & forth in the whole match. Frazer had fans behind him while Bernal had the heat. Frazer got the win with his finisher for the pin.

Below are clips from this week’s NXT Level Up episode:

Stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for more.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

The post WWE NXT Level Up Results and Videos 3/31/2023 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

– This week’s WWE NXT Level Up was previously taped at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL. Byron Saxton and newcomer Blake Howard were on commentary. This week’s episode only had two matches instead of three.

– Valentina Feroz defeated Lash Legend. At one point, Elektra Lopez came down to watch the match. Legend kicked Feroz to the floor, and Lopez tried to attack but Feroz sent her into the steel ring steps. Feroz then came back in and ducked Legend, then rolled her up for the pin to win.

– Nathan Frazer defeated Javier Bernal in the main event. Bernal held his own as they went back & forth in the whole match. Frazer had fans behind him while Bernal had the heat. Frazer got the win with his finisher for the pin.

Below are clips from this week’s NXT Level Up episode:

Stay tuned to WrestlingHeadlines.com for more.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.


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