Wardlow Envisions Epic Pinnacle Reunion, With CM Punk at the Helm

AEW superstar and former three-time TNT Champion Wardlow recently appeared at Terrificon 2023 to discuss a wide range of topics, including his thoughts on a potential Pinnacle reunion.

The group, which was led by MJF and featured Wardlow, Shawn Spears, and FTR, didn’t last super long in AEW and has since been criticized for only benefitting one person (MJF). When someone asked Wardlow about the group reuniting, but with CM Punk in the MJF spot, he had this to say.

“Dude, that would be so sweet (to get The Pinnacle back together but replace MJF with CM Punk). For us all to get back together and live that Pinnacle lifestyle and just throw it all in Max’s face. I think I’m just gonna call Pepsi Phil myself and see what he thinks about that. We all collectively love destroying MJF and his ego so anything we could do collectively… If it was a ‘We Hate MJF’ faction, it would just be the entire roster.”

Wardlow recalls his one singles matchup against Punk back at the beginning of 2022, calling it one of the greatest nights of his life career-wise.

“So, being in there with CM Punk still to this day is like one of the greatest nights of my life. I have the gear that I wore in that match in a frame. That was so special. Wrestling CM Punk after he’s been out of the game for so many years, I’m coming into it thinking that’s one of those never gonna happen situations and so for him to come back and have that opportunity is truly, truly, truly special. Now, with that said, I do find it very interesting that we have a champion in MJF and then we have a supposed champion that never lost in CM Punk. I beat the sh*t out of both of those guys (he laughed). CM Punk won, but he didn’t. I won and I demolished MJF and I’m very confident I could beat both of them again easily.”

It’s clear that Wardlow has a lot of respect for CM Punk and the opportunity to wrestle him. He sees the potential in a Pinnacle reunion with Punk as the leader, and it’s hard to argue against the impact such a faction could have in AEW. With Wardlow’s physical dominance and Punk’s experience and charisma, they could create a formidable force that would undoubtedly shake up the roster.

However, it’s important to note that Wardlow’s comments should be taken with a grain of salt. While he may be confident in his abilities, both MJF and CM Punk have proven themselves to be top-tier competitors in their own right. It would be interesting to see how Wardlow’s confidence translates into the ring against these two formidable opponents.

Wardlow also discussed his brief hiatus from AEW, which has left him feeling depressed as he is unable to wrestle. It’s clear that he is passionate about his craft and is eager to get back in the ring and showcase his skills. You can read more about his thoughts on his hiatus here.

With Wardlow’s desire for a Pinnacle reunion and his confidence in his abilities, it will be interesting to see how this storyline develops in AEW. Fans will undoubtedly be keeping a close eye on the potential clash between Wardlow, MJF, and CM Punk, as it has the potential to be a career-defining moment for all involved.

(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)

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