Unleashing the Epicness: King of the Ring 2002 Leaves Fans Awestruck

Welcome to KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews, where we dive into wrestling shows of all kinds. Today, we’re taking a look at the King of the Ring 2002, held on June 23 in the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. With an attendance of 14,198, this event featured three main events: Hulk Hogan vs. Kurt Angle, HHH vs. Undertaker for the World Title, and the tournament final. Our commentators for the night were Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. KB’s Old School (and New School) Reviews can be found exclusively on prowrestlingwars.com, where we offer a wide range of wrestling content for all fans. The latest edition of King of the Ring saw some exciting matches take place, including the semi-final match between Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho. Although the start of the match was slow, both wrestlers were given ample time to showcase their skills. Jericho focused on working on Van Dam’s arm, while Van Dam tried to gain momentum with his signature moves. Ultimately, it was Van Dam who emerged victorious and advanced to the final. The match was a testament to the talent and skill of both wrestlers. In a recent wrestling match, Chris Jericho faced off against Rob Van Dam. The match was standard, with both wrestlers exchanging blows throughout. At one point, Jericho unhooks a turnbuckle pad, a move that was used in a recent main event. However, Jericho’s running attack only hits the ropes, and he resorts to cranking on Van Dam’s arms. Van Dam is able to land a few kicks and a cartwheel moonsault, but Jericho sends him into the exposed buckle for a close two-count. Jericho then attempts his signature Lionsault, but only manages a two-count. He finally locks Van Dam into the Walls submission, causing Van Dam to escape to the ropes. After a brief exchange on the top ropes, Van Dam shoves Jericho off and lands the Five Star Frog Splash to secure the win. Overall, the match was given a C+ rating. The King of the Ring semifinals match between Test and Brock Lesnar wasn’t very exciting, and it’s unclear why they even bothered with it. Lesnar dominated the match, sending Test into the corner and using his trademark shoulders to the ribs. Despite getting some offense in, Test was quickly overwhelmed by Lesnar’s power and agility. Lesnar used a belly to back suplex and a powerslam to get several near falls, but Test managed to kick out each time. In the end, Lesnar emerged victorious and advanced to the finals to face Rob Van Dam at the King of the Ring PPV. To learn more about the upcoming PPV and other professional wrestling events, visit prowrestlingwars.com. The match between Brock Lesnar and Test was a slugfest as Lesnar had to survive many attacks including the side slam, full nelson slam, and pumphandle slam. However, the big boot made it even worse for Lesnar, and the fans were fully invested in the two count. Heyman witnessed Test’s moves and was ready for the next step, which set up Lesnar’s F5 to advance to the finals of the tournament. The rating for this match is a C- but Test performed above expectations. Bubba Ray Dudley expressed his confidence in bouncing back but did not pick anyone to win the finals. Meanwhile, Lance Storm and Christian focused on people being anti-Canadian instead of predicting a winner. For more wrestling news and updates, visit prowrestlingwars.com. In a Cruiserweight Title match, Hurricane took on Jamie Noble, who was challenging him due to his girlfriend stealing Hurricane’s gear for unknown reasons. The match started with Helms attempting to take Noble down to the mat but failing to do so. He then opted for a superkick that connected with Noble, who was then subjected to the disrespectful chants from the audience. Nidia, Noble’s girlfriend, tried to intervene by tripping Hurricane but missed, giving Noble an opening to attack from behind and take control of the match. Noble used an electric chair to get a two-count and then applied a seated abdominal stretch, which he switched to a sleeper hold. However, Hurricane countered with a neckbreaker and a jumping clothesline, followed by The Overcast, but he couldn’t secure the win. As frustration set in, both wrestlers continued to battle it out. The Cruiserweight Championship match between Hurricane and Jamie Noble at the unnamed event ended in a surprising victory for Noble, as he secured the title with a powerbomb and a little help from Nidia. Despite a promising start, the match received a rating of C due to a lackluster ending that left the audience unsatisfied. Nidia’s involvement in the match proved to be ineffective, and despite Noble’s impressive character work, he still has a long way to go as a heel. While the Cruiserweight division has potential, there is a lot of work needed to elevate it to the next level. Upon review, Hurricane’s hand was found to be under the ropes during the pin attempt, while Nidia moved the foot off the ropes, resulting in a controversial outcome. Meanwhile, Eddie Guerrero’s antics continued during his match against Ric Flair, as he stopped to greet his family member by name, including a foster child. In the match, Eddie demonstrated superior athleticism until a chop sent him outside the ring, followed by Flair’s low blow. Despite Flair cheating, he managed to turn the tide and attack Eddie’s knee. Flair’s outbursts during the match contained explicit language that was not suitable for a PG audience. In this professional wrestling match, Eddie Guerrero faces off against Ric Flair, with Guerrero dominating early on with a chinlock and a suplex to set up a frog splash. However, Flair manages to avoid the splash and starts targeting Guerrero’s legs. Chris Benoit interferes with a Figure Four, but is quickly ejected from the match. Bubba Ray also interferes with a Bubba Bomb, allowing Flair to get the cheap pin. The match received a rating of C. The latest professional wrestling event had its ups and downs, with some matches falling short while others delivered exciting moments. The Women’s Title match between Trish Stratus and Molly Holly had an interesting backstory, with Molly challenging Trish after being mocked for her weight. Trish, on the other hand, was annoyed at Molly using her own underwear to choke her. The match was intense, with Molly trying to take down the champ with an armbar. Meanwhile, William Regal and Chris Nowinski were unhappy with the service at the World, leading to their transition to the Women’s Title match. While some matches didn’t quite hit the mark, the event was still worth watching and showcased some talented wrestlers. For more exciting professional wrestling content, visit prowrestlingwars.com. In this fast-paced match, Trish and Molly Holly showed off their wrestling skills, both delivering impressive moves and near falls. Trish’s Stratusphere and Chick Kick were countered by Molly’s German suplex and rollup with tights for the pin and title win. Despite the exciting action, the angle and commentary received criticism for treating Trish as a face for a similar storyline that was previously condemned. Overall, the match received a rating of B-. Visit Prowrestlingwars.com for more professional wrestling coverage and updates. In the world of professional wrestling, the battles between wrestlers often stem from personal vendettas and grudges that go beyond the ring. In one such instance, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan found themselves locked in a bitter feud that began with a simple question: why are they both considered American heroes? Angle, sent by Vince McMahon to take down Hogan for wanting to retire, faced off against the legendary wrestler in a match that was fraught with tension and drama. However, McMahon’s strategy seemed flawed, as sending Angle to harm Hogan could have potentially ruined his reputation and legacy. Despite this, Angle and Hogan engaged in a battle that saw them fighting over headlocks and top wristlocks, with Angle eventually being powered out to the floor. Prowrestlingwars.com is your go-to source for all the latest updates and news from this explosive world of professional wrestling. Want to stay up-to-date with all the latest happenings in the wrestling world? Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter today! In a match between Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan, the two wrestlers went head-to-head, with Hogan taking a beating from Angle’s moves such as the belly-to-back suplex and sleeper into a chinlock. Despite Hogan’s attempt to come back with the big boot, he failed to execute the leg drop and instead went for his wig. In a comedic turn of events, Angle’s chair shot backfired and hit himself in the head. Ultimately, Hogan tapped out a few feet from the ropes, showing that Angle was the superior wrestler in the match. While Angle’s slower pace was noticeable, the ending of the match was the right call given the skill level difference between the two wrestlers. In a recent wrestling event, Goldust dressed up as The Rock, which did not sit well with Booker. Goldust pulled off an impressive impression until the real Rock showed up behind him, prompting Goldust to beg off. The Rock then showed Goldust how to properly deliver his catchphrases before Goldust started messing with him again. During the conversation, The Rock emphasized the importance of the main event and the championship title, stating that they were bigger than any finishing move. The tension between the two wrestlers continued to escalate as Goldust talked about his cannon and his plan to defeat The Rock. These events have left fans wondering what will happen next in the ring. Booker T and Goldust’s catchphrases were a highlight during a segment. Moving on to the King of the Ring match between Brock Lesnar and Rob Van Dam, it was a non-title bout that began with Van Dam taking Lesnar down with some kicks to the legs. However, Lesnar soon took control and punished Van Dam with a bearhug and backbreakers. Van Dam managed to get out of trouble with some kicks and even hit the Five Star Frog Splash. Heyman interfered by snapping Van Dam’s throat against the ropes, which led to a false finish. Ultimately, Lesnar won with an F5 and became the King. The match was rated a D+ as it was only slightly better than a squash. Despite the loss, it wasn’t a total defeat for Van Dam as he couldn’t get a good cover due to Heyman’s interference. As the WWE strives to find a new superstar to fill the void left by Austin, Lesnar is not yet ready for the main event. With this in mind, someone new must step up to take on the challenge. During the event, HHH encounters Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels, who offer their help in case it is needed. The much-anticipated match between HHH and Undertaker is finally upon us. However, there seems to be no real motive behind their feud, and it feels like HHH is just another challenger for Undertaker’s title. Heyman joins in on commentary to acknowledge that whoever wins will merely be keeping the title warm for Lesnar until Summerslam. The match kicks off with both wrestlers exchanging punches, not giving any ground. HHH tries to take control by choking Undertaker before taking the fight outside the ring. The Undertaker and Triple H’s intense match continues with slow, but powerful punches from both wrestlers. The Undertaker attempts a running boot, but misses, allowing Triple H to use a modified Snake Eyes to get out of trouble. The Undertaker responds with a devastating elbow drop that only gets a two count. Despite being only five minutes into the match, both wrestlers appear to be tired. More punches are exchanged on the floor, with The Undertaker gaining the upper hand and landing a legdrop for another two count. The action briefly moves to commentary, where Paul Heyman talks about Brock Lesnar’s backstage attack on The Rock. The turnbuckle pad is ripped off for the third time in two shows, but it is Triple H who ultimately takes advantage of it, sending The Undertaker into it back first and following up with a neckbreaker. Triple H then lands a jumping knee for another two count, but the referee gets knocked down in the process. The Rock takes Heyman’s place on commentary, just in time to see The Undertaker grab a chair. Triple H knocks the chair away and sends The Undertaker outside, where he accidentally kicks The Rock in the face. The Rock retaliates by hitting Triple H with the chair, causing him to bleed. In a highly anticipated match, Undertaker faced off against HHH with the WWE Championship on the line. The crowd was electric as the two legends clashed in the ring. The match took a turn when a new ref was brought in and later got bumped. The Rock made an appearance and executed a Rock Bottom on Undertaker before leaving the ring. HHH took advantage of the situation and delivered a Pedigree, but the referee was still down. After an extended period, the referee woke up only to be hit by a low blow from HHH, leading to a controversial win for the champion. Unfortunately, the match received an F rating due to the extended periods of inaction and slow counts. Wrestling fans know that this type of performance is not enough to carry a main event. The recent main event scene in the professional wrestling world has been rather dull, as evidenced by the lackluster matches in a recent show. Even the post-match theatrics, in which the Undertaker talked trash to the Rock, failed to liven up the atmosphere. The women’s match was a notable exception, as they worked hard despite having a poor storyline and limited time. Unfortunately, the rest of the show was lifeless and lacked energy, despite the presence of many talented wrestlers. It almost seemed as though the wrestlers were just going through the motions, with no real effort or passion. It’s a shame that such a talented roster couldn’t deliver a more engaging show. For more professional wrestling news and updates, check out prowrestlingwars.com. As a wrestling fan with more than thirty years of experience and having seen over 50,000 wrestling matches, Thomas Hall has been a wrestling reviewer since 2009, covering over 5,000 full shows. While he was disappointed with the recent content he viewed on the website, he has provided a link to his work at Prowrestlingwars.com. Fans can check out his 30 wrestling books on his Amazon author page, also linked on the Prowrestlingwars.com website. For fans who want to stay up to date with the latest wrestling rumors, Prowrestlingwars.com offers an exclusive daily newsletter that can be easily accessed by clicking on the link provided. Responds To Recent Criticism From WWE
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Additionally, a title change took place during AEW Dynamite, further shaking up the landscape of the wrestling world. Meanwhile, WWE veteran The Undertaker has responded to recent criticism from his colleagues, sparking conversations among fans and industry insiders alike. Stay tuned to prowrestlingwars.com for even more wrestling news and updates. The Go-To Source For All Things Pro <div RUMOR: Update On Roman Reigns vs John Cena At
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If you're interested in rumors and speculation, prowrestlingwars.com has you covered too. Recent rumors include a possible trade between Monday Night Raw and NXT, and an update on the highly anticipated match between Roman
John Cena's WWE return has been highly anticipated by fans, and it looks like he will be making his comeback on television first. The details of his return have been kept under wraps, but many are speculating that he will be back in time for SummerSlam.

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On NXT, a huge title feud has been teased to end this week's episode. The NXT brand has been delivering some spectacular matches and storylines lately, and this feud is sure to be no exception.

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For all the latest news and updates on WWE, be sure to check out prowrestlingwars.com, your one-stop shop for everything pro wrestling. The King of the Ring is one of the most iconic events in professional wrestling and the 2002 edition did not disappoint. The event featured some of the biggest names in the WWE, such as Brock Lesnar, Rob Van Dam, and Eddie Guerrero. The matches were intense and thrilling, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. If you're a fan of old-school wrestling, you should definitely check out the review of the event on prowrestlingwars.com. You'll get an in-depth analysis of each match and learn why this event is still talked about to this day.

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