Tyler Breeze Claims Breezango’s Chances of Winning WWE Tag Team Championship on Main Roster Were Highly Unlikely

Tyler Breeze recently opened up about his time as part of the Breezango team, reflecting on his partnership with Fandango and discussing their chances of winning tag team gold on the WWE main roster.

In an interview with Unscriptify, Breeze expressed his doubts about the duo’s chances of winning tag team championships if they had stayed with WWE. He stated, “I don’t think it would have ever happened on Raw or SmackDown.” Breeze acknowledged that there was a time when they gained significant popularity as a babyface tag team, particularly with their Fashion Files segments. The company seemed to be behind their work, even having them do in-ring promos with the New Day. However, Breeze felt that despite the positive reception, WWE missed the opportunity to capitalize on their momentum. He added, “I just don’t know if they would have ever really let it go. It would have been what it would have been, and then away we go. Going to NXT was the right call.”

While Breezango’s stint on the main roster may not have resulted in tag team gold, the duo did find success in NXT. In 2020, they captured the NXT Tag Team Championships, albeit for a relatively short reign.

During the interview, Breeze also discussed his friendship with Adam Cole and shared his thoughts on Cole’s Panama Sunrise maneuver. To read more about Breeze’s comments on this topic, click here.

It’s interesting to hear Breeze’s perspective on his time as part of Breezango and his thoughts on their chances of winning tag team gold on the WWE main roster. Despite their popularity and the potential opportunities, it seems that their move to NXT ultimately proved to be the right decision for their careers.

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)

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