Trash Day at WWF Boston House Show – June 27, 1986: A Must-See Review

ncluding the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation. The match continues with back and forth action until Rotundo gets the hot tag and cleans house. The US Express hit their finisher, a double flying forearm, to get the win. Rating: C

The Machines vs. Moondog Spot/Barry O

This is the team of Andre the Giant, Giant Machine and Super Machine. The Machines are all under masks and are clearly not trying to hide their identities. They’re also all clearly not the people they’re supposed to be. The Machines destroy the heels with basic power stuff until Spot hits a low blow to take over. Barry comes in and gets slammed down before it’s back to Spot for a slam of his own. The bearhug doesn’t last long so it’s back to Barry for a chinlock. That goes nowhere so it’s back to Spot for a chinlock of his own. A double clothesline puts both Machines and Spot down and it’s a double tag to Andre and Barry. Everything breaks down and the big guys hit a triple team splash on Barry for the pin. Rating: D+

Moolah/Kai vs. Richter/Zenk

This is for the Women’s Tag Team Titles and Moolah/Kai are defending. Moolah jumps Richter to start and the champs take over early on. Zenk comes in and gets caught in a chinlock, only to come back with a hurricanrana. The hot tag brings in Richter for a slam on Kai but Moolah comes in with a kick to the back of the head to take over. A double clothesline puts both Kai and Richter down and it’s back to Zenk for a rollup on Kai, only to have Moolah break it up with a kick to the back of the head. Kai gets up and hits a big splash for the pin to retain. Rating: D+

Adrian Adonis vs. Tito Santana

Adonis is in full on cross dresser mode here. He jumps Tito to start but gets taken down by a dropkick. A suplex puts Tito down and a knee drop gets two. The chinlock goes on but Tito fights up and hits a clothesline to take over. A flying forearm looks to set up the figure four but Jimmy Hart comes in for the DQ. Rating: C-

The Body Shop with Jesse Ventura

This is the interview segment with Jesse Ventura. He talks about being the Body and how he’s not impressed with the athletes in the WWF. He continues to talk about how great he is and how he’s the only person in the WWF worth watching. This is your usual stuff from Jesse and it works just fine.

King Kong Bundy vs. Junkyard Dog

The Dog is one of the most popular guys on the roster and Bundy is one of the biggest monsters. Bundy jumps him to start but misses a charge into the corner. The Dog hits a headbutt and some clotheslines but can’t get Bundy off his feet. A headbutt to the ribs puts JYD down and Bundy starts in on the back. A bearhug goes on for a bit before JYD fights up and hits a headbutt. Bundy falls to the floor and gets counted out. Rating: D+

Jake Roberts vs. Ricky Steamboat

This is for the TV Title and is probably the match of the night. Jake is one of the best talkers ever and Steamboat is one of the best wrestlers ever. They start off with some mat wrestling and Jake seems to

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