Tony Khan Reveals Key Wrestlers Boosting AEW Women’s Division

Tony Khan, President of All Elite Wrestling (AEW), has revealed that he receives significant assistance from two individuals in developing the AEW women’s division. This revelation came during the AEW Full Gear 2023 pre-show media conference call, where Khan addressed the desire to increase female involvement behind-the-scenes in the company. While Megha Parekh, who had previously been involved in the women’s division, has reportedly shifted her focus to NFL matters with the Jacksonville Jaguars, Khan highlighted the contributions of Sarah Stock and Madison Rayne.

According to Khan, Stock and Rayne play crucial roles in the development and success of the AEW women’s division. Stock, in particular, has been working with both male and female talent, showcasing her versatility and expertise. Khan emphasized that Stock’s ability to speak Spanish is a significant advantage, especially when working with luchadores.

Stock’s involvement in the AEW women’s division demonstrates the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusivity. By leveraging her language skills, AEW can effectively communicate and collaborate with a wider range of talent, fostering a more inclusive environment.

This recent development in the AEW women’s division has generated significant interest and excitement among fans and industry insiders. Wrestling Headlines, a reputable source for wrestling news and updates, reported on Khan’s statement, shedding light on the contributions of Stock and Rayne.

For more information on this story, you can visit the original article on Wrestling Headlines.

AEW has been making great strides in promoting women’s wrestling and providing equal opportunities for female talent. With the guidance and support of individuals like Sarah Stock and Madison Rayne, the AEW women’s division continues to grow and thrive.

As fans eagerly await future developments and matchups within the division, it is clear that AEW remains committed to delivering compelling and inclusive wrestling content.

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