Taya Valkyrie aids John Morrison in controversial win – MLW Fusion recap

ionship belt to help her husband retain the MLW National Openweight Championship.

Delmi Exo had a showcase match against Ashley Vox. Exo earned the victory with a top-rope elbow drop and a fisherman suplex. She will challenge for the MLW Women’s Championship soon.

1 Called Manders went one-on-one with Jared Wayne. Manders portrayed himself as a cowboy, while Wayne dressed up as a caveman. Manders won with a lariat clothesline.

This episode of MLW Fusion provided entertaining matches and moments. The shenanigans in the main event created a unique finish, while Delmi Exo and 1 Called Manders picked up wins to build momentum. Keep an eye on these wrestlers as they continue to compete in the MLW ring.

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