Taker has nothing but good things to say about working with Punk


In the wake of Brawl Out, we’ve heard a lots of opinions about what it’s like to work with CM Punk.

For every Dax Harwood or Jade Cargill singing Punk’s praises as a mentor and teammate, we’ve heard from folks like Seth Rollins and Booker T who would be happy if they never had to share a locker room with the Straight Edge Chicagoan ever again.

But what about long-time WWE locker room leader The Undertaker? He and Punk famously (or some would say infamously, given its use of Paul Bearer’s death) worked together at 2013’s WrestleMania 29, in a match that was the card beneath John Cena and The Rock’s second straight ‘Mania show-closer, but which Punk says he considers to have been the main event. And that was just the last of many matches between the two during Punk’s WWE career.

During a recent interview with Inside The Ropes, Taker had similar praise for their ‘Mania match — and for the experience of working with Punk in general:

“He was great to work with. I’m very proud of that match. We sat down and we thought about ideas and everything. It was great. I had no beef with Punk, he was always business with me, and hopefully, I was with him.

“I’ve been told that I have some kind of beef against him…man, social media — it’s awful. They tell me because I don’t read comments or follow it, but I have a lot of people who like [tell him], ‘Oh did you see this?’ or ‘did you see where they said this, or somebody said that?’ Like, ‘No, I didn’t know anything about it.’

“But supposedly I squashed his push and all of this stuff. If anybody who knows me? Even if I didn’t like somebody — which I don’t dislike Punk… that’s another rumor that I have disdain for him. I don’t, he was good with me and that’s all that matters. Business is business, whatever’s best for business… is what you do.”

I don’t recall the rumors of Taker ending Punk’s push, but there’s lots of talk and it’s pretty much impossible to stay on top of all of it. I do know Punk’s been critical of the “Wrestler’s Court” the Phenom presided over, so maybe that’s what the WWE Hall of Famer’s people have been telling him about.

Either way, the Dead Man is giving Punk the rub now. There’s a lot of fence-mending to be done if we’re ever going to see Punk wrestling on national television again, but could Undertaker’s positive comments be an olive branch from WWE about a potential reunion?

Let us know what you think, Cagesiders.


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