Survivor Series 1990 Recap: Don’t Miss This Crucial Event

Welcome to the world of professional wrestling! I’m Jeff Wolfe, your go-to news reporter for all things wrestling. Today, we’re diving into a review of Survivor Series 1990. Strap in and let’s get started!

The Grand Finale Match of Survival was the main event of Survivor Series 1990, and it’s safe to say that it was a unique concept that was never tried again. The winners of this match received absolutely nothing, which made the whole event seem a bit worthless. But let’s not dwell on that and dive into the action.

The Warriors, consisting of Ultimate Warrior, Texas Tornado, and Legion of Doom, faced off against The Perfect Team, which included Mr. Perfect and Demolition. The match started off with a bang, with Ultimate Warrior, Texas Tornado, and Legion of Doom dominating their opponents. The match was fast-paced and action-packed, with each team giving it their all.

Unfortunately, the match quickly turned lopsided, with half of the participants being eliminated within the first seven minutes. Perfect never stood a chance, and Warrior had no real reason to be in the match. Overall, this match was a disappointment, earning a rating of D.

In another match of note, the Million Dollar Team, led by Ted DiBiase, faced off against the Dream Team, featuring Dusty Rhodes, Koko B. Ware, and the Hart Foundation. The highlight of this match was undoubtedly the debut of The Undertaker, played by the talented Mark Calaway. Little did we know at the time what a legendary character The Undertaker would become.

The match showcased the rise of Bret Hart, who was already gaining popularity with the crowd. In the end, DiBiase’s team came out on top, but it was clear that the future belonged to stars like Bret Hart and The Undertaker. This match earned a rating of C+.

Next up, we had The Vipers, consisting of Jake Roberts, Rockers, and Jimmy Snuka, taking on The Visionaries, led by Rick Martel. This match was built around the feud between Martel and Roberts, and it had its moments. However, overall, it was a lackluster match that failed to deliver. The Visionaries were the first team to survive intact, but the match only earned a rating of D+.

The Natural Disasters faced off against the Hulkamaniacs in a match that continued the feud between Hulk Hogan and Earthquake. While the match had some fast-paced action, it felt more like a house show match than a main event. Hogan and his team came out on top, but the match only earned a rating of C-.

Lastly, we had the Alliance taking on the Mercenaries. This match was centered around the military theme, with Sgt. Slaughter leading the Mercenaries. The match was short and lacked any real excitement. There were seven eliminations within eleven minutes, and the match was ultimately forgettable. It earned a rating of D-.

Overall, Survivor Series 1990 was a lackluster event that failed to deliver on its potential. The matches were either lopsided or lacked excitement, and the main event felt more like a house show than a pay-per-view event. This event did little to change the landscape of professional wrestling at the time, and it’s safe to say that it didn’t need to exist.

That’s all for this review of Survivor Series 1990. Stay tuned for more updates and news from the world of professional wrestling. And don’t forget to download our Wrestling Rumors app for the latest and greatest in wrestling news!

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