Stone Cold won’t say ‘never’ to another match, unless it’s against Cena

Steve Austin (who I’m pretty sure has never given a bad interview in his life) was Ryan Satin’s guest on the 100th episode of FOX Sports’ Out of Character podcast.

The two men discussed a wide range of topics, including some talk of WWE 2K23 cover star John Cena, who Stone Cold never faced in his legendary career. Austin regrets that, but accepts it’s just not going to happen at this point in their lives and careers:

“Working with him would have been a real highlight. I had a bunch of highlights. It would have been a real special thing because there’s something about John that people get so invested in his matches. He’s a very special talent. It would have been great to have a match with him. But will it ever happen? No, but I think very highly of John.”

Austin also spoke a lot about the match he did come back for last year, against Kevin Owens at WrestleMania 38 in Texas. The Rattlesnake was picky about his creative, but knew KO had to be his dance partner — a decision that was affirmed when Owens didn’t return some of the stiff shots a rusty Stone Cold was laying in:

“I turned them down several times until they kept coming back with different creative. KO was always in the conversation, I was down with that cause I love that guy, he’s awesome.

“On the inside, I was knocking his head-off so many times because I hadn’t thrown a punch in 19 years. I told him when we got finished, I said, ‘Dude, I cannot believe you didn’t give me a receipt out there.’ That’s the good-natured heart of KO.

“I think he was thrilled to be out there and I was thrilled to be with him. It took some talking, we got everything lined up, you saw what happened.”

He talked a lot about how he got ready (which involved a lot of cardio and Sheamus’ Celtic Warrior Workouts — particularly Becky Lynch’s episode. He only got in the ring during the week leading up to the show, and also had high praise for the man who helped him with that, Drew Gulak). Given all that, would he do it again?

“Well, never say never. If the stars align again, hell, I mean, it could happen again, right?”

Just too bad the stars never aligned for him & Cena.

Listen to Satin & Stone Cold’s entire conversation here.


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