Sabre pulls off back-to-back title defences in incredible fashion!

Zack Sabre Jr. successfully defended his NJPW World TV Championship against Satoshi Kojima in an intense match that showcased the skill and experience of both competitors. The match took place just one day after Sabre’s impromptu defense against Ryohei Oiwa, proving the champion’s resilience and determination.

From the start, Kojima had the support of the Korakuen crowd behind him. He wasted no time in delivering a hard tackle to Sabre, sending him crashing into the guardrail. However, Sabre quickly turned the tables by snapping Kojima’s arm over the top rope, targeting it for the majority of the match. The champion’s strategy was to neutralize Kojima’s lethal lariat by weakening his arm.

Despite Sabre’s relentless attack, Kojima managed to fight back. He executed a lariat to Sabre’s legs from the floor and followed it up with a DDT on the ring frame. The damage inflicted by Sabre on Kojima’s arm proved to be beneficial in delaying Kojima’s signature move, the Cozy Cutter. However, Kojima eventually landed the move, scoring a close two-count.

Sabre attempted a Zack Driver in desperation to create some separation, but he couldn’t capitalize on the move. He baited Kojima into standing up, hoping to execute a Cobra Twist, but was met with a powerful lariat instead, resulting in another near fall. The crowd rallied behind Kojima, who once again aimed for the lariat, but Sabre countered it into an armbar, forcing Kojima to tap out.

It was a hard-fought battle between two talented wrestlers, with Sabre ultimately proving why he is the champion. His technical prowess and ability to exploit his opponent’s weaknesses were on full display throughout the match. Kojima, on the other hand, showcased his resilience and determination despite the odds stacked against him.

If you missed this thrilling encounter, you can watch the replay here.

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