Running the world- Aussie Open new tag champions

Davis and Fletcher complete long journey to the tag team summit

The IWGP Tag team Championships were at stake in a rubber match for IWGP Tag Team Champions Bishamon, Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASHI, 1-1 against Aussie Open, Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher heading into Ryogoku.

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Aussie Open fired the first big shots of the match, Mark Davis terrifying fans in the front row with a mountainous suicide dive to take out YOSHI-HASHI as Kyle Fletcher hit a stunning top rope moonsault to the outside to take out Hirooki Goto. However, in the process, Fletcher’s head rebounded off the steel barricade and busted himself open, a gruesome visual of blood spilling across his face. With Fletcher receiving treatment and Goto damaged on the outside, YOSHI-HASHI and Davis threw hits back-and-forth but neither man able to gain secure footing. With his head now taped, Fletcher re-entered the match to hit a half-and-half suplex before combining with Davis to hit Dental Plan and an elevated spinning cutter, but YOSHI-HASHI survived with a kick out at two.

YOSHI-HASHI unleashed a codebreaker and finally made the tag to Goto, a heated exchange of forearms between Goto and Fletcher ending with Goto on top courtesy of a decapitating lariat. A spinning heel kick in the corner and follow up backdrop could only get a two count for Goto. After a wild exchange of moves from all four men Bishamon were able to land tandem offence of their own with Violent Flash. Fletcher found himself trapped in ropes and Goto took advantage with a draped GTR, Goto taking advantage with a thudding kick to the chest and GYW; Davis forced to break the pin that followed. Every Shoto attempt was met by a resilient Fletcher counter; Aussie Open able to get back on top with an explosive assisted spinebuster for a two count.

The closing stretch saw grit and determination from all four men, bombs being thrown and heads being lost in outright war, Aussie Open ensured YOSHI-HASHI was out of action and had the time needed to hit their catastrophic Corealis; the three count was made and Aussie Open are the new IWGP Tag Team Champions, the first Australian team to ever hold heavyweight tag gold.


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