Ring of Honor TV Results 3/9/23

Week 2 of Ring of Honor and we can already see some storylines taking shape. Was I expecting another week of 8+ matches? Also no, but let’s see what we’re working with:

Marcus Kross, Cody Chhun, & Guillermo Rosas vs. Dalton Castle & The Boys
Aussie Open vs. Tracy Williams & Rhett Titus
Angelico & Serpentico vs. Rush & Dralistico
Ben Dejo vs. Eddie Kingston
Trish Adora vs. Billy Starkz
Jake Crist & Man Scout vs. Slim J & Ari Daivari
ROH World TV Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Tony Deppen
ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Willow Nightingale
ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Timothy Thatcher

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

Ring of Honor TV 3/9/23

Frustratingly enough, I had issues logging in to Honor Club so we’re about five minutes into the match. Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman are on the call from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

Match #1. Ring of Honor World TV Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Tony Deppen

In progress as Deppen missed a double stomp off the top and runs into a uranage from Joe. Deppen rolls through the rear naked choke with a rollup that gets two. Joe is tired of this and lands a huge lariat and finishes this one with the Muscle Buster.

Winner and STILL Ring of Honor World TV Champion: Samoa Joe

Rating: NR, unfortunately. I would have 100% assumed this would have main evented the show, but here we are. The two minutes I saw was great, however.

Samoa Joe welcomes us to the new ROH and says the champion needs contender.

Enter Mark Briscoe!

Mark Briscoe says that the ROH TV Championship is his destiny, and Joe says that any day he can fist fight a Briscoe, is a good day!

Match #2. Trios Match: Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. Marcus Cross, Guillermo Rosas, & Cody Chhun

Castle and Cross start off. Cross is a blackbelt in karate as he quickly escapes a BangARang and sends Castle to the outside. Castle asks The Boys to warm him up on the outside and they oblige. Mat return by Castle inside the ring as Cross tags Rosas. Mat return to Rosas. Double hop toss and a double dropkick by The Boys. Chop block by Boy 1 but Rosas hits a back elbow and brings Boy 1 to his own corner. Chhun and Rosas hit a dropkick assisted suplex for two. Cross misses a double stomp as Castle is in. Castle clears house with clotheslines and t-bones to everyone! Castle uses The Boys as projectiles about half a dozen times and ends it with The BangARang.

Winners: The Boys

Rating: *1/2. Not much more than an enhancement match, but the fans love Castle & The Boys.

Match #3. Angelico & Serpentico vs. LFI (Rush & Dralistico)

Rush kicks away Angelico’s Code of Honor and here we go. Angelico and Rush trade holds but Rush isn’t feeling the vibe, here. Angelico brings in Serpentico who throws a thrust kick but Rush, also, is not impressed. Rush beats down Serpentico before tagging Dralistico, who comes off the top with a cross body and a capoeira kick. Pair of splashes in the corner by Rush and Dralistico as Angelico comes in and gets a dropkick in the knee, and one in the ribs. Dralistico hits the ropes and takes out everyone with a somersault plancha, before holding everyone for Rush who teases a dive, and instead, TRANQUILOOOO. Angelico gets posted on the outside and whipped with a camera chord as LFI are in control. Springboard leg drop by Dralistico as Serpentico kicks out at two. Serpentico tries to fight back but Dralistico is an evil man and grounds his opponent as both members of LFI put the boots to him. Serpentico low bridges Dralisitco but walks into a right hand from Rush. Rush now seats Serpentico in the corner and tries Bulls Horns but Angelico makes the save with a round house. Code Breaker by Dralistico on Angelico as Rush drops Serpentico with a German suplex and a bottom rope assisted twisting corkscrew destroyer by Dralistico finishes this one.

Winners: LFI

Rating: *3/4. Not much in the way of competition here, but a nice showcase for both Rush and Dralistico, who Ring of Honor are clearly building around.

Match #4. Trish Adora vs. Billie Starkz

Code of Honor and away we go. Both women trade holds to start as Adora heads to the outside. Starkz looks to follow with a suicide dive but Adora catches him with an anti-air European uppercut! Body slam by Adora on the apron, before rolling Starkz in for a two count. German suplex attempt by Adora but Starkz shifts her weight but Adora deadlifts her anyway and plants her for two! Adora locks in Cattle Mutilation but Starkz is able to scoot to the ropes. Rewind kick by Starks but she walks into a huge pump kick. Two count. Elbow fest now in the middle of the ring. Starkz is able to stun Adora but Adora returns fire with Lariat Tubman and this one is over.

Winner: Trish Adora

Rating: *3/4. Not long enough to mean much but like the last match, a good showing for Adora.

Match #5. Jake Crist & Man Scout vs. Slim J & Ari Daivari

Man Scout is reading his scouting guide, but Ari tosses it out of the ring. Ari misses a charge in the corner as Crist gets the tag. Step up enziguiri by Crist and a diving back elbow off the top. Crist misses a cross body but Man Scout is in, only to get kneed in the back by Slim J allowing a clothesline from Ari. Slim J comes off the with a diving reverse DDT and finishes it with an STF.

Winners: Slim J & Ari Daivari

Rating: NR

The TrustBusters run down Metalik until he runs out, only to get jumped. Black Christian makes the save.

Match #6. Ring of Honor Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Timothy Thatcher

Aggressive Code of Honor to start and we are ready. Thatcher grabs an armbar early and pushes Yuta into the ropes, causing a break, and that’s one of three for Yuta. Smart wrestling by Thatcher. Both men fight for a top wrist lock with Thatcher hitting the man early but bridging out and reversing into a wrist lock of his own. Cobra Twist variation by Thatcher but Yuta reverses into a standing arm bar before pushing Thatcher into the rope, and now it’s one a piece. Ankle pick by Thatcher, but Yuta sprawls and drops the knee on the back of the elbow. Thatcher is up and delivers a headbutt to Yuta, before muscling him into the corner. Yuta sits on the top rope with a hold of Thatcher’s arm and comes off with a diving single arm DDT. Senton by Yuta gets two. European uppercut by Thatcher now changes the momentum, but Yuta bites the early of Thatcher to regain control. Body lock by Thatcher who bounces Yuta off the ropes and hits a belly-to-belly for a two count. Double underhooks by Thatcher but Yuta lowers his base and delivers some uppercuts to the under arm of Thatcher. Fujiwara into a hammer lock by Yuta but Thatcher gets to the ropes and that’s the second time. Yuta with some boots to Thatcher now and a pair of European uppercuts of his own. Hammerlock by Yuta now grounds Thatcher. Yuta delivers some ground and pound before heading up top and using a closed fist! Warning to Yuta now. Arm-trapped Angle Slam by Yuta but Thatcher gets his boot on the rope, which is his third and final rope break. Rebound by Yuta and a drop step German suplex for two! Thatcher counters into a kimura and Yuta is forced to get to the ropes, making it two breaks for Yuta with one left. Thatcher beats the chest of Yuta on the apron before bringing him into the ring with a back suplex. Two count. Butterfly suplex by Thatcher gets two. Thatcher locks in a wrist lock and forces Yuta to the ropes, making that his third, with zero rope breaks left for either guy. Exchanging elbows in the center of the ring now but a palm strike by Thatcher sends Yuta to the ground. Yuta rolls to the ropes as Thatcher stomps him viciously. Yuta barely makes it to the floor as Thatcher reaches outside, and Yuta catches him in the face with a closed fist! Yuta locks in an octopus hold in the ropes and Thatcher has no choice but to tap!

Winner and STILL Ring of Honor Pure Champion: Wheeler Yuta

Rating: ***1/2. Hard-hitting, in your face, professional wrestling match. Yuta can hang with anyone and Thatcher was a welcome opponent here. Thatcher has this ability to make everything he does look like it hurts, and Yuta was up for the challenge. Really good stuff here.

Yuta calls out the LA Dojo boys and Clark Connors, the cowboy it seems… is here. Next week, Connors vs. Yuta for the Pure Championship.

Match #7. Aussie Open vs. Tracy Williams & Rhett Titus

Williams looks for a guillotine early but Davis powers out. Titus in quickly with an arm ringer but Davis gets to Fletcher and it’s time to reassess. Monster boot by Davis to Fletcher and it’s a double team chop, soccer kick, and senton by Aussie Open. Heavy chops by Davis send Titus to the mat. Stalling vertical suplex by Fletcher, who tags Davis, and transfers Titus to Davis, who plants Titus. Impressive stuff. Running enziguiri by Fletcher takes out Williams on the apron. Titus skins the cat and rolls to make the tag to Williams. Open hand chops by Williams and a tear drop suplex to Fletcher. Diving DDT off the top by Williams! One, two, no! Deadlift piledriver by Williams is blocked by Fletcher, who sends him to the apron. Davis grabs a hold of Williams ankle but Titus drops him with a running boot. Williams misses a running knee and Titus is caught by Davis, who meets Fletcher half way with Wiliams. Spine on spine collision. Fireman’s carry into a high kick by Aussie Open to Williams gets only a two count. Williams escapes a Razor’s Edge and fights of both members of Aussie Open, until they connect with a stereo rolling elbow. Williams catches a high kick by Fletcher and hits a dragon screw leg whip. Double submissions by Williams and Titus, with a face lock and single leg crab combo. Titus hits a huge rebound belly-to-belly on Fletcher and a Yakuza kick. Back elbow, dropkick, lariat combo by Williams and Titus. Double knees off the apron to Davis on the outside by William, as Titus does the same inside the ring to Fletcher. Frog splash by Williams! One, two, no! Tiltawhirl by Williams but Fletcher counters into a tombstone! Superkick to Titus and a pull-up spike piledriver by Davis! Double lariat in the center and the Fidget Spinner finishes it!

Winners: Aussie Open

Rating: ***3/4. Really entertaining tag team match here. Aussie Open might be the hottest team in AEW or ROH right now, and just a few weeks ago, they were unemployed. Unbelievable. Williams and Titus are pro’s pros and can have a good match with anyone.

Match #8. Eddie Kingston vs. Ben Dejo

The entire arena is chanting for Eddie, to the surprise of no one. Kingston gives Dejo a clean break so Eddie bites his face and lights him up with chops in the corner. Exploder by Kingston. Spinning back fist ends this one early

Winner: Eddie Kingston

Rating: NR.

Kingston grabs the mic and this should be awesome. Kingston calls out Claudio and Claudio responds quickly. Kingston says Claudio hasn’t fought a day in his life, so he should fight Kingston right now. Claudio says a man without honor will never be champion as he walks away.

Kingston follows Claudio to the back Eddie is obviously heated.

Match #8. Ring of Honor Women’s Championship: Athena (c) vs. Willow Nightingale

Athena turns her back to Willow early but cartwheels out of a wrist lock and sends Willow flying with an arm drag. Shoulder blocks by Willow, who sidesteps a dropkick and hits a cross body block on Athena. Two count. Athena slaps willow in the face and Willow drops her with a big elbow. Snap suplex by Willow, Make that two. Fisherman’s suplex now gets a two count. Athena ducks a chop but Willow connects on the lower back instead. Athena with a knee to the spine and a double fishhook. Big knee by Athena sends Willow into the corner, where Athena proceeds to stomp her face. Athena misses a senton and Willow looks for a majistral cradle that gets one. Willow gets caught throat-first on the rope and Athena follows up with a sliding elbow and some ground and pound. Baseball slide by Athena to Willow, who goes flying from the apron to the floor. Athena shoves Willow’s arm in the hole between the steps and the ring post, before dropkicking the steel steps. Another baseball slide by Athena. Hurricanrana attempt by Athena, but Willow catches her! Powerbomb on the apron, Willow holds on… Spiccoli Driver on the floor! Both women are down and the count is on! Both women barely make it back in the ring before the count, but this one will continue. Hockey fight now in the center of the ring! Running hip attack in the corner by Willow and a big boot! Spinebuster by Willow! One, two, no! Doctor Bomb attempt by Willow but the injured arm prevents that. Single arm breaker by Athena right into an arm-trapped crossface! Willow reaches for the bottom rope and counters into a roll up for two. Running knees to the face by Athena in the corner. Dominator into a sitout code breaker by Athena! 2.9999! Athena goes up top and lands on her feet, but Willow connects with the Pounce on the rebound! Two count! Superkick by Athena, looking for a springboard, but Willow catches her in mid-air with a Doctor Bomb! Athena kicks out at two… again! Athena takes a breather and now looks to head to the back. Willow follows Athena, only to get her eyes gouged on the top of the ramp. Athena plants Willow with the Wasteland on the metal ramp! Athena rolls Willow into the ring… Eclipse! That’s it.

Winner and STILL Ring of Honor Women’s Champion: Athena

Rating: ****1/4. Outstanding main event here. Willow seems like she’s always one step away from a title, but both women brought their A-game and I think it was a fantastic defense for Athena. Absolutely worthy of the main event, and I’ll be interested to see who the next challenger for Athena is.

Athena isn’t done, however, and she throws referee Mike Posey before continuing to attack Willow on the outside. Athena sets Willow up in front of the steel steps and hits the running double knees!

Final Thoughts: Peaks and valleys in this week’s show. On the positive side; the main event, Samoa Joe, Aussie Open, Yuta/Thatcher, and LFI were all awesome. I’m heavily invested into the Eddie Kingston/Cladio feud, as well as Mark Briscoe going after the TNT title. However, eight matches with half of them being “filler” does seem a bit much. The Trustbusters aren’t necessarily clicking with me, and this is now back-to-back weeks. Dax Draper in the back vs. Ari Daivari and Slim J twice… ehhh. I’ll let it play out, but if this show was six matches and 90 minutes, it would be a much better viewing experience. 6.75/10. 

The post Ring of Honor TV Results 3/9/23 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.


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