NXT LVL Up Results – April 14, 2023

Date: April 14, 2023
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Blake Howard, Byron Saxton, Mr. Stone

Last week’s show saw Schism main event and this week almost has to be better than that. It was nice to have some bigger names come down, but there is only so much you can get out of having those people around here. Maybe we get to see some fresh stars for a change, as they might have a future in the main NXT. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Hank Walker vs. Kale Dixon

Walker tries to power him into the corner but Dixon flips him in instead, much to Walker’s surprise. One heck of a chop has Dixon screaming though and Walker starts in on the arm. Dixon gets in a cheap shot to take over though and an old school swinging neckbreaker gets two. Walker isn’t having that and slugs away, setting up a Thesz press and right hands. A jumping back elbow finishes Dixon at 4:58.

Result: Hank Walker b. Kale Dixon – Jumping back elbow (4:58)

Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice are ready for Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Vice says they aren’t ready for Latina Heat.

Xyon Quinn vs. Tavion Heights

Quinn doesn’t look impressed but Heights powers him into the corner to change his attitude. They trade rollups for two each before Quinn takes him into the corner for the stomping. A double stomp to the ribs sets up a backbreaker for one and Quinn is already getting frustrated. Heights fights out of a double arm crank but gets forearmed straight into the ropes. Back up and Heights grabs a fireman’s carry slam for two but Quinn ax handles him down. The running punch finishes Heights at 5:14.

Result: Xyon Quinn b. Tavion Heights – Running punch (5:14)

Kayden Carter/Katana Chance vs. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopez

Vice isn’t impressed with Carter to start and takes her down, meaning it’s off to Lopez vs. Chance. Lopez isn’t having any of this Chance picking up the pace thing and knocks her out of the air. Vice kicks Chance in the corner and it’s back to Lopez for a torture rack. Chance flips out of a double belly to back suplex though and Carter comes in to clean house. The running boot to the face in the ropes gets two on Vice and it’s a slingshot legdrop/moonsault combination for the same. Everything breaks down and Chance Codebreakers Lopez. The 450/neckbreaker combination finishes Lopez at 6:35.

Result: Kayden Carter/Katana Chance b. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopez – 450/neckbreaker combination to Lopez (6:35)

Hank Walker b. Kale Dixon – Jumping elbow
Xyon Quinn b. Tavion Heights – Running punch
Kayden Carter/Katana Chance b. Lola Vice/Elektra Lopez – 450/neckbreaker combination to Lopez

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